Handbook on Transport and Development


Handbook on Transport and Development

9780857937254 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Robin Hickman, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, UK, the late Moshe Givoni, formerly Transport Research Unit, Department of Geography and the Human Environment, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, David Bonilla, Research Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) and David Banister, University of Oxford, UK
Publication Date:2015 ISBN:978 0 85793 725 4 程度:736 pp
This Handbook provides an extensive overview of the relationships between transport and development. With 45 chapters from leading international authors, the book is organised in three main parts: urban structure and travel; transport and spatial impacts; and wider dimensions in transport and development. The chapters each present commentary on key issues within these themes, presenting the debate on the impacts of urban structure on travel, the impacts of transport investment on development, and social and cultural change on travel. A multitude of angles are considered – leaving the reader with a comprehensive and critical understanding of the field.

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In the last forty years or so the research field exploring the relationship and interaction between transport and development has developed rapidly. While sophistication in analysis has increased, understanding the effective integration of transport and development often remains poor in theory and in practice – with sometimes devastating effects. This Handbook provides a comprehensive analysis of both the current and emerging thinking in this field, drawing on multidisciplinary thinking in transport planning, transport, urban and spatial economics, and the wider social sciences.

With 45 chapters from leading international authors, the book is organised around three main themes:

• urban structure and travel;
• transport and spatial impacts;
• wider dimensions in transport and development.

在场的每一章对关键问题的评论within these themes, presenting the debate on the impacts of urban structure on travel, the impacts of transport investment on development, and social and cultural change on travel. A multitude of competing inter-disciplinary perspectives are considered – leaving the reader with an invaluably comprehensive and critical understanding of the field.

This major Handbook will serve as a guide for undergraduates and graduate students, researchers, consultants, and also practitioners and policy makers, wishing to find a comprehensive and original reference to research on transport and development.
Critical Acclaim
‘This Handbook is an excellent reference for practice and research in
transport and development. The reviewer wishes to recommend it strongly for both academic research and professional practice in infrastructure project management.’
– Zhen Chen, Management, Procurement and Law

‘This timely compendium offers some of the best, up-to-date knowledge on how transport and development, richly defined, jointly shape each other. Written by some of the most authoritative voices in the field and encyclopedic in its coverage, the Handbook on Transport and Development brings together fresh, grounded insights from across the globe, at multiple geographic scales, and for everything from bikeways to fast inter-city trains. It is a wonderful reference and must-have library addition to anyone who cares about charting sustainable urban, regional, and mobility futures.’
– Robert Cervero, University of California, Berkeley, US

‘For more than a century cities have been urged to integrate the two fields of urban planning and transport planning. But too often these professional fields have evolved in their own institutional silos. Now they are beginning to grow together again in a new joint practice. This book will be a foundational text for the real practice of transport and urban development planning. It contains contributions from all the principal scholars in the field, and examines all the main issues and fields of inquiry. It does fine justice to the legacy of Professors Sir Peter Hall and Piet Rietveld. To practitioners and researchers I say, “Have this book to hand on your shelf”.’
– Nicholas Low, University of Melbourne, Australia

‘The role of transport in the development of cities and regions is a topic of immense importance. The editors have brought together authors from all over the world with experience of the methods needed to assess the impact of transport and analysis of the evidence of a varied range of projects. The result is a genuine Handbook of the state of the art, but with clear insights into future problems. It is highly recommended reading for researchers, policy makers and politicians.’
– Roger Vickerman, University of Kent, UK

‘This handbook draws together deep insights into the multi faceted relationships between urban development and transport It should be essential reading for anyone researching or teaching transport and development relationships.’
– Journal of Transport Geography
Contributors: J.A. Annema, F. Avelino, D. Banister, D. Bonilla, F. Bruinsma, C.C. Cantarelli, X. (Jason) Cao, C.-L. Chen, G. Cohen-Blankshtain, C. Curtis, G. Dane, J. Dodson, A. Donald, R. Dowling, M. Echenique, A. El-Geneidy, R. Ewing, E. Feitelson, B. Flyvbjerg, N. Garrick, H. Geerlings, K. Geurs, M. Givoni, A.R. Goetz, P. Gordon, A. Grigolon, D. Halden, P. Hall, I. Hamiduddin, S. Handy, P. Headicar, D.A. Hensher, R. Hickman, D. Hidalgo, M. Hillman, R. Hjorthol, E. Holden, T. Holvad, H. Holzapfel, M. Iacono, O.B. Jensen, P. Jones, J. Kenworthy, S. Kenyon, C.A. Klöckner, K.J. Krizek, B. Lee, S. Leleur, D. Levinson, T. Li, Z. Li, K. Linnerud, S. Marshall, W. Marshall, E. Matthies, L. Meija Dorantes, R. Meyfahrt, P. Mokhtarian, J.C. Muñoz, P. Naess, P. Newman, S. Nordbakke, S. Petheram, S. Rasouli, P. Rietveld, O. Rotem-Mindali, T. Schwanen, N. Sipe, D. Stead, P. Stoker, G. Stokes, H. Timmermans, B. Van Wee, R. Wilson, D. Yang


1. The Transport and Development Relationship
Robin Hickman, Moshe Givoni, David Bonilla and David Banister

2. Urban Structure and Travel
Philip Stoker, Susan Petheram and Reid Ewing

3. Urban Passenger Transport Energy Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: A Global Review and Assessment of Some Reduction Strategies
Peter Newman and Jeff Kenworthy

4. Homes, Jobs and Commuting: Development Location and Travel Outcomes
Peter Headicar

5. New Household Location and the Commute to Work: Changes over Time
Robin Hickman and David Banister

6. Spatial Structure and Travel: Trends in Commuting and Non-commuting Travels in US Metropolitan Areas
Peter Gordon and Bumsoo Lee

7. New Urbanism and Travel
Marcial Echenique and Alastair Donald

8. Residential Location and Travel: Hangzhou and Copenhagen Compared to Studies in Cities Worldwide
Petter Naess

9. Public Transport-Orientated Development and Network Effects
Carey Curtis

10. The Effects of Neighbourhood Type and Self-Selection on Driving: A Case Study of Northern California
Xinyu (Jason) Cao

11. The Role of Attitudes in Accounting for Self-Selection Effects
Bert Van Wee and Patricia Mokhtarian

12. How Stable are Preferences for Neighbourhood Type and Design in Residential Moves?
Kevin J. Krizek, Ahmed El-Geneidy and Ryan Wilson

13. Community Design and Active Travel
Susan Handy

14. Street Networks
Wesley Marshall, Norman Garrick and Stephen Marshall

15. Transport and Urban Development
Piet Rietveld and Frank Bruinsma

16. Methods for Estimating the Economic Impact of Transportation Improvements: An Interpretive Review
Michael Iacono and David Levinson

17. Transport Projects and Wider Economic Impacts
Torben Holvad and Steen Leleur

18. Urban Freight: Freight Strategy, Transport Movements and the Urban Spatial Economy
大卫A. Hensher and Zheng Li

19. Spatial Implications of Public Transport Investments in Metropolitan Areas: Some Empirical Evidence Regarding Light Rail and Bus Rapid Transport
Eran Feitelson and Orit Rotem-Mindali

20. High-Speed Trains and Spatial-Economic Impacts. A British-French Comparison on Two Scales: Intra- and Inter-Regional
Chia-Lin Chen and Peter Hall

21. Assessing the Wider Impacts of the Jubilee Line Extension in East London
Peter Jones

22. The Developmental Impacts of the Madrid Metro Line 12 on Retail Activities Around Stations
Lucia Mejia Dorantes

23. Bus Rapid Transit and Buses with High Levels of Service: A Global Overview
Dario Hidalgo and Juan Carlos Muñoz

24. The Expansion of Large International Hub Airports
Andrew R. Goetz

25. Decision Making and Major Transport Infrastructure Projects: The Role of Project Ownership
Chantal C. Cantarelli and Bent Flyvbjerg

26. Road Pricing, Impacts and Cost Effectiveness
Jan Anne Annema

27. Incomes, Accessibility and Transport Poverty
Gordon Stokes

28. Development and Social Policy: The Role of Transport in Social Development, in the UK Context
Susan Kenyon

29. The Car in the Neighbourhood: Residential Design and Social Outcomes in Southern Germany
Iqbal Hamiduddin

30. Accessibility: Theory and Practice in the Netherlands and UK
Karst Geurs and Derek Halden

31. More Than A to B: Cultures of Mobilities and Travel
Ole B. Jensen

32. Car Fixation, Socialization and Opportunities for Change
Ellen Matthies and Christian A. Klöckner

33. Telecommunications and Travel
Galit Cohen-Blankshtain

34. E-Retailing, The Network Society and Travel
Orit Rotem-Mindali

35. Parents, Children and Automobility: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
Robyn Dowling

36. Old Age and the Importance of the Car in Maintaining Activity Patterns in Scandinavia
Randi Hjorthol and Susanne Nordbakke

37. Ageing Populations and Travel
Gamze Dane, Anna Grigolon, Soora Rasouli, Harry Timmermans and Dujuan Yang

38. Investigating Urban Oil Vulnerability
Jago Dodson, Neil Sipe and Terry Li

39. Troublesome Leisure Travel: Counterproductive Sustainable Transport Policies
Erling Holden and Kristin Linnerud

40. The Future of Transport and Development in the New Millennium: The Inescapable Implications of Climate Change
Mayer Hillman

41. The Value of Transition Management for Sustainable Transport
Harry Geerlings and Flor Avelino

42. The Regional Tram-Train of Kassel, Germany: How Regional Responsibility Leads to Local Success
Helmut Holzapfel and Rainer Meyfahrt

43. The Making of European Transport Policy
Dominic Stead

44. Understanding Process. Can Transport Research Come to Terms with Temporality?
Tim Schwanen

45. Transport and Development – What Next?
大卫Banister, David Bonilla, Moshe Givoni and Robin Hickman


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