
Development Economics

  1. Add to Wish List Sustainable Development in Asia, America and Europe with Global Applications

    Sustainable Development in Asia, America and Europe with Global Applications

    Jian-Ming Zhou
    Challenging Nobel economics laureate Theodore W. Schultz, Dr Zhou, in this comparative and path-breaking work, presents a new model for private land ownership or possession to overcome inefficient land-holding, increase farm competitiven...
    Hardback (2001)

    List price$223.00

    Member price$200.70

  2. Add to Wish List Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches

    Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches

    Edited by Lourdes Benería, Savitri Bisnath
    这两卷集汇集了选择the most significant contributions to the field of gender and development. The key emphasis is on economic analysis, with some articles informed by an interdisciplinary approach. The vol...
    Hardback (2001)

    List price$729.00

    Member price$656.10

  3. Add to Wish List The Sustainability of Long-term Growth

    The Sustainability of Long-term Growth

    Edited by Mohan Munasinghe, Osvaldo Sunkel, Carlos de Miguel
    The Sustainability of Long-term Growth is a comprehensive review of the links between sustainable development and long-term growth. This state-of-the-art book develops our understanding of the complex issues that will shape sustainable ...
    Hardback (May 2001)

    List price$200.00

    Member price$180.00

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  4. Add to Wish List North Korea in Transition

    North Korea in Transition

    Edited by Chang-Ho Yoon, Lawrence J. Lau
    Recent political developments on the Korean peninsula suggest both the possibility and desirability for the neighboring powers to establish a new framework for regional peace. The US and North Korea have managed to reach an agreement to ...
    Hardback (2001)

    List price$165.00

    Member price$148.50

  5. Add to Wish List Subregional Economic Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe

    Subregional Economic Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe

    Martin Dangerfield
    Martin Dangerfield provides a comprehensive and in-depth study of what has clearly been the most important initiative in this respect – the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA). He examines the origins, aims, objectives and str...
    Hardback (2001)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  6. Add to Wish List Economic Development and Political Reform

    Economic Development and Political Reform

    Bradley L. Glasser
    Economic Development and Political Reform addresses critical trends in the Middle Eastern political economy in the 1980s and 1990s and builds upon the cross-regional political science literature concerning political and economic reforms ...
    Hardback (2001)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  7. Add to Wish List Private Firms and Public Water

    Private Firms and Public Water

    Edited by Nick Johnstone, Libby Wood
    尽管PSP的潜在经济效益ell-known, the authors extensively discuss the environmental and social implications unique to the sector. The focus of the book is on the crucial role public authorities must continue t...
    Hardback (March 2001)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

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  8. Add to Wish List The Mongolian Economy

    The Mongolian Economy

    Edited by Frederick Nixson, Bat Suvd, Puntsagdash Luvsandorj, Bernard Walters
    In 1990 Mongolia, the second oldest communist state in the world, initiated a fundamental transformation of its economy and moved rapidly to a multi-party democracy. Unlike any other Asian economy it adopted the shock-therapy approach t...
    Hardback (2001)

    List price$155.00

    Member price$139.50

  9. Add to Wish List Combating Urban Inequalities

    Combating Urban Inequalities

    Edmundo Werna
    This book analyses the relationship between urban management and the unequal pattern of provision of urban services in developing countries. It starts from the premise that socio-economic inequalities constitute a significant developmen...
    Hardback (2001)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  10. Add to Wish List The Economic Development of Modern China

    The Economic Development of Modern China

    Edited by Joseph C.H. Chai
    The Economic Development of Modern China traces the development of the Chinese economy from the mid-19th century to the present day. To accomplish this task, this collection brings together the most influential writings in this field du...
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$1,247.00

    Member price$1,122.30

  11. Add to Wish List Privatisation in Developing Countries

    Privatisation in Developing Countries

    Edited by Paul Cook, Colin Kirkpatrick
    In recent decades, privatisation has been a key policy instrument in the move to more market-based economic systems in all parts of the developing world. Privatisation, however, has not necessarily been accompanied by an increase in mar...
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$784.00

    Member price$705.60

  12. Add to Wish List Climate Policy and Development

    Climate Policy and Development

    编辑Axel Michaelowa,迈克尔Dutschke
    Two case studies – one on a renewable energy project in Indonesia and another on Costa Rican climate policy – show the problems that are likely to be encountered by CDM and illustrate the importance of active host country involvement. Th...
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$155.00

    Member price$139.50

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