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由DUC K. Nguyen编辑
‘It was ample time this Handbook was made available to professional investors and financial actors in emerging markets. Congratulations to Duc Khuong Nguyen for gathering such an expert crowd to help us navigate the new emerging world: P... -
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Robert Lensink, Calumn Hamilton, Charles Adjasi
‘Global financial innovations are reshaping markets and bringing hundreds of millions of people into the formal financial sector. With these changes, understandings of economies, technologies, and households are expanding. This clear and... -
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The Entrepreneurial Solution to Poverty and the Science of What is Possible
James O. Fiet
'贫困仍然是冠状病毒大流行恶化的全球挑战。这种无障碍和吸引力的书籍提供了一些弥补信息经济学镜头的贫困的财务状况。“ - ABH ...... -
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Rethinking Agricultural and Food Policy
'食物 - 我们吃的东西以及它的产生方式 - 已成为一个热门的按钮问题。在本书中,Wyn Grant借鉴了他的农业和食品政策的深刻知识和经验,以提供对...的最新和可访问的介绍 -
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‘This book represents a major step forward in our understanding of the systems shaping the unprecedented push toward more sustainably and ethically-produced goods and services. The authors present a foundational framework that will guide...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Critical Agrarian Studies
Edited by A. H. Akram-Lodhi, Kristina Dietz, Bettina Engels, Ben M. McKay
‘This impressive Handbook captures and reflects the vibrancy of, and will propel further, the rapidly expanding field of critical agrarian studies. It is an indispensable reference in the field for students, teachers, researchers, policy...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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R. J. Ferguson.
“如果中国腰带和道路倡议的未来方向令您困扰着你,这本书是解锁其神秘的关键。作者 - 主题的世界权威 - 不仅可以清楚地说明“g ...”中发生了什么eBook:Find out more$40.00
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利用政府镜头,这本及时的书在21世纪初的中国脱碳表现提供了解释。张张张调查了历史上最雄心勃勃的管理项目之一,分析......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Inclusive Financial Development
Edited by Ahmad H. Ahmad, David T. Llewellyn, Victor Murinde
“贡献的巨大贡献,分析了发展中国家的金融包容性的不同方面,这将推出知识的前沿。' - Thorsten Beck,欧洲大学学院,佛罗伦萨,意大利eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Political Economy of Iraq
‘This most thoughtful treatise is another example of Frank Gunter’s intellectual discipline and fine analytical mind, writing on Iraq , a country he has studied for many years. He combines objective and informed narrative with a compreh...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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This insightful book examines the impact of two competing visions of Asian-Pacific economic growth paths and development governance. It discusses law, development and finance in the context of the Indo-Pacific Strategy versus the Belt an...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Capital Movements and Corporate Dominance in Latin America
Edited by Noemi Levy-Orlik, Jorge A. Bustamante-Torres, Louis-Philippe Rochon
“跨境资本转移和公司的运营对发展中国家和新兴经济体的经济和社会途径产生重大影响。这种宽大的洞察力集合带来了我们的知识和强调......eBook:Find out more$40.00