Money and Banking
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Research Handbook on State Aid in the Banking Sector
Edited by François-Charles Laprévote, Joanna Gray, Francesco De Cecco
“对于所有这些原因,这一专着肯定会对在国家援助领域感兴趣的从业者和学者,而且是政策分析师,政治科学家和欧盟法学生的学生。他们会喜欢......eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Islamic Wealth Management
由Mohamed Arff,Shamsher Mohamad编辑
‘This book is a welcome contribution to Islamic finance literature. As the global Islamic market continues to grow, strengthening capacity-building has become crucial to consolidate a comprehensive ecosystem for shari‘ah-compliant operat...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Christoph Scherrer
“对于公共银行持续重视的强大而有说服力的案例。经济学家和政策制定者不能忽视这种全面,有洞察力和仔细讨论发展中国家公共银行业务的经验......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Arturo Estrella
这两卷项目包含一个优秀的上校lection of the leading articles on the economics of recessions that will be very useful to researchers in macroeconomics and students in Ph.D. programs. It is well organized with the appr... -
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由Louis-Philippe Rochon,Sergio Rossi编辑
资金的内源性是一个事实,这是在货币经济学中得到认可的。今天,它是由凯恩斯后货币理论的金钱理论最全面的方式解释。这个en的专家贡献者......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Foreign Direct Investment and the Chinese Economy
“中国的外国直接投资(FDI)是该国发展的重要组成部分,特别是自20世纪90年代初以来,许多人已经撰写了关于外国直接投资对中国快速增长的影响。然而,工作很少,有......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Monetary Policy and Crude Oil
Basil Oberholzer
‘We all know now that monetary expansion impacts financial asset prices. Oberholzer comes up with an intriguing twist to this argument by claiming that expansionary monetary policy has a positive impact on oil prices because it induces s...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Money in the Great Recession
Edited by Tim Congdon
'康登(贡献者以及编辑)很清楚,根据GFC的典型账户,罪魁祸首是抵押贷款工具和鲁莽银行的奥术释放的不负责任的营销......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Post-Keynesian Economics
由Louis-Philippe Rochon,Sergio Rossi编辑
“随着新古典主义的主流在混乱中,这个关于凯恩斯主义经济学的这个选集非常及时,提供了一个很多建筑块来建立一个连贯的替代方案。关于方法的文章遵循基本的贡献...... -
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Giancarlo Bertocco
'BERTOCCO的有力和令人信服的叙述为进一步研究了替代理论框架,以及分配和避免凯恩斯的“会计师的后果的社会和经济政策”提供了坚实的基础。eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Boosting European Competitiveness
Edited by Marek Belka, Ewald Nowotny, Pawel Samecki, Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald
In the global financial crisis, competitiveness gaps between Euro area countries caused additional strain. This book discusses the various dimensions of competitiveness, with a special focus on Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. W...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Research on IPOs
Edited by Mario Levis, Silvio Vismara
IPOS的研究手册提供了全球首次公开募股(IPO)市场的新兴趋势和方向的全面审查。本书中包含的经验证据涵盖欧洲,美国和远的EA ......eBook:Find out more$57.60