Money and Banking
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Central Banking in the Modern World
Edited by Marc Lavoie, Mario Seccareccia
According to the New Consensus in monetary economics, monetarism is dead and central bankers target low inflation rates by acting upon short-term real rates of interest. Yet, this synthesis hinges on variants of the long-run vertical Phi...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Chinese Stock Market
Nicolaas Groenewold, Yanrui Wu, Sam H.K. Tang, Xiang M. Fan
The emergence of a stock market in China only occurred a decade ago and it remains something of an unknown quantity to many observers and traders outside of the country. This book provides an extensive historical and empirical analysis o...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Benjamin J. Cohen
The studies included in these two volumes have been selected to highlight key recent contributions to scholarship on the political economy of international monetary relations. Over the last decade, the central theme of research in this a... -
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Edited by György Szapáry, Jürgen von Hagen
In this book, well-known economists and policymakers look at the next step in the integration process for accession countries: accession to European Monetary Union (EMU). They debate which monetary and exchange rate strategies are optima... -
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Competition and Efficiency in a Unified European Banking Market
Jacob A. Bikker
This book presents the results of several years of research on competition, concentration, efficiency and performance in the European banking market. The author seeks to explain and interrelate the numerous characteristics of the banking... -
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Money Matters
Edited by Patrick Minford
As a tribute to the exceptional contributions of Alan Walters to monetary theory and policy, this book draws together a distinguished cast of international contributors to write about money. In a series of essays they review controversie...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Capital Liberalization in Transition Countries
Edited by Age F.P. Bakker, Bryan Chapple
This significant new book provides a succinct overview of the essential policy issues surrounding capital liberalization. The book compares the experiences of transition economies in Europe with those of advanced nations, allowing the re...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The State, the Market and the Euro
Edited by Stephanie A. Bell, Edward J. Nell
Is the theory of money that underlies most modern macroeconomics well-grounded? What determines the value of a currency, and how is the state’s power over its currency related to its ability to stabilize prices and employment? Charles Go... -
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Financial Supervision in Europe
编辑珀斯J.M.克雷默,德克Schoenmaker, Peter J. Wierts
Financial Supervision in Europe discusses the implications of financial market integration for the structure of financial supervision in the European Union. It argues that, at present, negotiations on a European system of supervisors mig... -
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The Open Economy and its Financial Constraints
Penelope Hawkins
The Open Economy and its Financial Constraints explores the role of money and finance in an open economy. The existence of money and global financial flows compound the likelihood of financial constraints, in particular, financial vulner... -
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Asset Pricing Theory and Tests
Edited by Robert R. Grauer
Asset pricing lies at the heart of financial economics, being not only the foundation of every other field in this subject area but also having prime relevance for practical decision-making. For this two-volume collection the editor has... -
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Banking Reforms in South-East Europe
Edited by Zeljko Sevic
Banking Reforms in South-East Europe gives a critical and detailed overview of banking system restructuring in the transitional countries of South-Eastern Europe – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania an...eBook:Find out more$40.00