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Tax Policy Design and Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling
Hielke Buddelmeyer,John Creedy,Guyonne Kalb
Tax policy questions may relate to specific problems, concerning perhaps the revenue implications of a particular tax, or they may involve an extensive analysis of the cost and redistributive effects of many taxes and transfer payments. ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Distributional Effects of Indirect Taxes
John Creedy, Cath Sleeman
‘这本书在考虑到尽可能多的因素以及提供给读者的细节的谨慎措施中令人印象深刻。结论是仔细得出的。。。’ - 公民收入通讯eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Labour Supply and Microsimulation
John Creedy, Guyonne Kalb
This book provides a detailed introduction to behavioural tax microsimulation methods and reviews the use of such models for evaluating tax policy reforms. -
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Modelling Tax Revenue Growth
John Creedy, Norman Gemmell
This book demonstrates how the reliable measurement of growth in tax revenues, both for a tax system and for its component taxes, is important for the design of tax policy. The need for discretionary changes in tax parameters (such as ta...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Pension Systems
Edited by Elsa Fornero, Paolo Sestito
‘I recommend this book to all who are interested in European pension systems and ageing-of-the-population problems. The presentation is in a rather accessible non-technical style, so policy and opinion makers should also take notice.’ – ... -
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The Theory of Environmental Agreements and Taxes
Martin Enevoldsen
“马丁Enevoldsen tha的书是一项开创性的工作t compares the impacts of various non-regulatory environmental strategies in achieving measurable pollution reductions. Much has been written on the theoretical virtues and drawbacks of g...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Economics of Public Private Partnerships
Edited by Darrin Grimsey, Mervyn K. Lewis
This important collection presents an authoritative selection of papers on public private partnerships. The literature is relatively new, and draws on the disciplines of both economics and engineering. As well as examining the recent exp... -
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Developing an Annuity Market in Europe
Edited by Elsa Fornero, Elisa Luciano
‘The book is highly recommended to anyone interested in this subject. There is a lack of contributions that deal adequately with issues such as the articulation of various pension schemes, horizontal and vertical equity, political choice... -
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Reforming Pensions in Europe
Edited by Gerard Hughes, Jim Stewart
‘Gerard Hughes and Jim Stewart have put together a very informative and insightful collection of essays on pension provision in Europe and its future. . . Reforming Pensions in Europe will interest all those concerned with the long-term ... -
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Sustainable Fiscal Policy and Economic Stability
Philippe Burger
‘Fiscal policy can be a potent force for stabilising the economy but the issue of financial sustainability for budget deficits is often raised. This book provides a serious and refreshing examination of the issues involved. The book is t... -
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Restructuring Local Government Finance in Developing Countries
Edited by Roy Bahl, Paul Smoke
在南非地方政府财政体系的持续重新设计中,研究了国际相关性的尖端问题,该卷的贡献者分析了自APA消亡以来发生的重大变化...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Pension Policy in an Integrating Europe
Edited by Onorato Castellino, Elsa Fornero