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Scarcity, Entitlements and the Economics of Water in Developing Countries
P. B. Anand
‘In this creative study Anand applies environmental economic tools and concepts to analyze water issues in developing countries. . . The author carefully integrates the poverty, inequality, and development issues of water; and he meticul...eBook:Find out more$45.60
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Edited by Hans Bressers, Kris Lulofs
‘Governance and Complexity in Water Management is a stimulating read and a text that deserves to find itself on the bookshelves of water management professionals.’ – Keith Baker, Critical Policy StudieseBook:Find out more$40.00
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由Dave Huitema编辑,Sander Meijerink
‘Unsurpassed in the scope of its coverage, this book explores like no other the roles of policy entrepreneurs and the causes of policy change across diverse political systems ranging from the developing world to the largest western democ...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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The Evolution of Water Resource Planning and Decision Making
对美国水资源政策分析和实践的发展的广泛审查提供了几个学科的观点:法律,经济学,工程,生态和政治学。提供的历史背景可以追溯到...eBook:Find out more$52.00
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The Law and Governance of Water Resources
Douglas Fisher
‘. . . this is a formidable work and its detailed analysis of the law, its institutions and norms will be highly useful as a reference text for postgraduate law students and legal academics.’ – Poh Ling Tan, Australasian Journal of Envir... -
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Edited by Fred J. Hitzhusen
‘It is rare to find a book that attempts to integrate physical, biological and social sciences (economics) to address environmental problems, but this book does a great job of it. It is also rare to find a book that addresses both the be...eBook:Find out more$56.80
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Economics of Water Resources
Edited by R. Q. Grafton
‘我们在这里有一个非常全面而启发的最佳作品集合在这一重要的自然资源上。水仍然是全球一个严重问题的政治和经济问题。这些出色的论文会... -
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Ines Dombrowsky
‘This data collection offers a great opportunity for further research on international water management, and some suggestions in this respect are also made in the final chapter, where the main findings are summarized and policy implicati...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Satoshi Kojima
‘小岛熟练地主张并证明了使用定量建模技术作为可持续发展研究的一部分。在新生的研究线索中,重要的第一步有望在理论上更加合理和政策。eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Roy Brouwer, David Pearce
‘这本书提供了有关与水有关的问题的雄心勃勃的CBA研究的独特而连贯的集合。它可以看作是成本效益分析的潜力的展示以及对限制的测试。考虑到越来越多的工具...eBook:Find out more$ 65.60
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格伦·玛丽·兰格(Glenn-Marie Lange),拉希德·哈桑(Rashid Hassan)
本书为水资源会计提供了宝贵的新工具 - 水资源会计 - 大大提高了水的经济分析。水资源帐户整合有关供水和使用的详细信息与...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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水Resource Economics and Policy
W. D. Shaw
An engaging introduction to the broad range of economic issues surrounding water. ‘Douglass Shaw’s Water Resource Economics and Policy is a timely and useful offering, filling an important void in MS and post bac texts. The beginning ch...eBook:Find out more$56.76