Governance and Complexity in Water Management


Governance and Complexity in Water Management

Creating Cooperation through Boundary Spanning Strategies

9781848449558 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Hans Bressers and Kris Lulofs, CSTM, Institute for Governance Studies, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Publication Date:2010 ISBN:978 1 84844 955 8 Extent:240 pp
th的前提is book is that careful reconsideration of strategies to achieve water management ambitions, together with more in-depth knowledge on the theories and practices of boundary spanning, could bring solutions for contemporary water problems within reach.

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th的前提is book is that careful reconsideration of strategies to achieve water management ambitions, together with more in-depth knowledge on the theories and practices of boundary spanning, could bring solutions for contemporary water problems within reach.

The book integrates boundary work approaches, new forms of governance and water resource management to explore frameworks for spanning sector, scale and time boundaries. Structured case studies reflect the experiences and lessons of cooperation and exchange with professional water managers and their projects. Recommendations for boundary spanning in practice are presented, and important contemporary water management themes including flooding and flood policy, water depletion and water restoration are discussed in depth.

Incorporating conceptual, theoretical and practical foci to address complexity and conflict in adaptive water management, this book will strongly appeal to academics, researchers and practitioners in the areas of water management, planning and sustainability.
Critical Acclaim
‘Governance and Complexity in Water Management is a stimulating read and a text that deserves to find itself on the bookshelves of water management professionals.’
– Keith Baker, Critical Policy Studies
Contributors: H. Bressers, J. Evers, S. Hanegraaff, K. Lulofs, K. Owens, A.O Tacer, J. van der Molen, W. van Leussen, M. van Tilburg


1. Innovations in Water Management Requiring Boundary Spanning: Roots and Concepts
Kris Lulofs and Hans Bressers

2. Analysis of Boundary Judgements in Complex Interaction Processes
Hans Bressers and Kris Lulofs

3. A Boundary Perspective on Flood Management in the Netherlands
Wim van Leussen

4. The Temporal Dimensions of Boundary Judgements
Aysun Özen Tacer

5. Space for Water and Boundary Spanning Governance
Hans Bressers, Simone Hanegraaff and Kris Lulofs

6. Building a New River and Boundary Spanning Governance
Hans Bressers, Simone Hanegraaff and Kris Lulofs

7. The Dutch Land Use Re-ordering Process as a Multi-stakeholder Management Strategy
Katharine Owens

8. Linking Natural Science-based Knowledge to Governance Strategy: A Case of Regional Water Depletion Analyzed
Mirjam van Tilburg

9. Rethinking Boundaries in Implementation Processes
Jaap Evers

10. Guidance Schemes for the Boundary Spanner
Jan van der Molen and Kris Lulofs

11. Conclusions
Hans Bressers and Kris Lulofs


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