Political Geography and Geopolitics

  1. Add to Wish List The European Union and the Geopolitics of the Arctic

    The European Union and the Geopolitics of the Arctic

    Andreas Raspotnik
    ‘Andreas Raspotnik’s book is a well-written history of the European Union’s struggle for recognition in the Arctic; a struggle underpinned by attempts to define what the Circumpolar North means for the EU. Raspotnik adopts the lens of cr...
    Hardback (2018)

    List price$131.00

    Member price$117.90

  2. Add to Wish List Global Infrastructure Networks

    Global Infrastructure Networks

    Colin Turner, Debra Johnson
    全球化取决于物理和数字connectivity that infrastructure systems provide, and it is powered by global energy networks. Yet globalisation is also transforming the nature of infrastructure, for example, establish...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$131.00

    Member price$117.90

  3. Add to Wish List Social Services Disrupted

    Social Services Disrupted

    Edited by Flavia Martinelli, Anneli Anttonen, Margitta Mätzke
    ‘Social Services Disrupted is an important, informative book that will benefit those interested in changes in welfare state developments throughout Europe over the past 30 years from what preceded it. It is also timely, given recent repo...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$189.00

    Member price$170.10

  4. Add to Wish List Timespace and International Migration

    Timespace and International Migration

    Edited by Elizabeth Mavroudi, Ben Page, Anastasia Christou
    ‘Like the city, the nation, life itself, migration has become increasingly diverse. This stimulating, multi-disciplinary edited collection looks at questions about the connections between time, space and migration at a variety of scales ...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00

  5. Add to Wish List Liquid Nationalism and State Partitions in Europe

    Liquid Nationalism and State Partitions in Europe

    Stefano Bianchini
    ‘A majestic account of the travails of democracy’s widening scope in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century.' – Jean Blondel, European University Institute, Italy This timely book offers an in-depth exploration of state part...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$158.00

    Member price$142.20

  6. Add to Wish List Handbook of the Politics of the Arctic

    Handbook of the Politics of the Arctic

    Edited by Leif Christian Jensen, Geir Hønneland
    ‘This Handbook marks a considerable achievement by the contributors, and the editors in particular, and is a welcome addition to the literature on the Arctic. The book strikes the right balance between the breadth of issues, states and i...
    Paperback (2017)

    List price$72.00

    Member price$57.60

    Hardback (2015)

    List price$345.00

    Member price$310.50

  7. Add to Wish List Neoliberal Capitalism and Precarious Work

    Neoliberal Capitalism and Precarious Work

    Edited by Rob Lambert, Andrew Herod
    ‘The anthology’s backbone is its ethnographic perspective that allows the reader to follow the articles not only from the particular circumstances of specific workers to international webs of relationships, but also to the impact of neol...
    Paperback (2017)

    List price$56.00

    Member price$44.80

    Hardback (2016)

    List price$165.00

    Member price$148.50

  8. Add to Wish List Mapping a New World Order

    Mapping a New World Order

    Edited by Vladimir Popov, Piotr Dutkiewicz
    ‘Despite the book’s several chapters being written by different authors with many and varied views and perspectives, it is coherent and fascinating to read. . . The intended readers are graduate and PhD students, as well as professionals...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$130.00

    Member price$117.00

  9. Add to Wish List Knowledge Borders

    Knowledge Borders

    Kathrine E. Richardson
    的知识边界是必读任何人engaged in the pervasive and mobile world of highly skilled workers in advanced technologies. Through a perceptive analysis of the intersection of the Canada–US border, with the technolog...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$142.00

    Member price127.80美元

  10. Add to Wish List Europe’s Mediterranean Neighbourhood

    Europe’s Mediterranean Neighbourhood

    Edited by Pierre Beckouche
    ‘This book is an authoritative and engaging account of contemporary Europe–Mediterranean relationships and prospects. Based on in-depth multinational knowledge by a key group of scholars and practitioners, its extraordinary framework of ...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

  11. Add to Wish List Corruption, Natural Resources and Development

    Corruption, Natural Resources and Development

    Edited by Aled Williams, Philippe Le Billon
    ‘This is a book that deals with issues that are crucial for the survival of humans, vital for the health of the earth and essential for governance and economic development in 21st century. One of the interesting features of this book is ...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00

  12. Add to Wish List Migration and Freedom

    Migration and Freedom

    Brad K. Blitz
    ‘An advance, both analytically and empirically, for migration studies. With a base in international law and political theory, Blitz admirably opens up the ambiguous question of freedom of movement in relation to the restrictions still im...
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$43.95

    Member price$35.16

    Hardback (2014)

    List price$129.00

    Member price$116.10

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