Innovation and Technology
生物技术, Agriculture and Development
由Peter W.B.编辑菲利普斯,大卫城堡,斯图尔特·J·史密斯
农业和食品技术的最新创新给许多国家带来了好处,特别是在发展中的地区,但是有关这些国家的程度的信息通常很少。该系列组装了最好的pape ... -
Innovation, Technology and Economic Change
Edited by Jan Fagerberg, David C. Mowery
Several attempts have been made since the 1970s to collect key scholarly papers and document the progress of the field of innovation studies. The collection of papers included in this new title, most of which were published after the tur... -
Industrial Organisation of High-Technology Markets
Stefano Comino, Fabio M. Manenti
该文本将理论与现实世界的应用融为一体,以研究ICT行业的工业组织。每个可以孤立研究的独立章节都包含存在的理论模型...电子书:Find out more$42.36
Path Dependence and Lock-In
Edited by Stan J. Liebowitz, Stephen E. Margolis
Since their first emergence in the work of Paul David thirty years ago, the dual issues of Path Dependence and Lock-In have become critically important subjects in the fields of economics, sociology, and business strategy. Theoretical an... -
Giovanni Dosi
该卷收集了乔瓦尼·多西(Giovanni Dosi)在新千年中最重要的出版物,此前他的2000年杂志创新,组织和经济动力。首先,它在肛门中提供了很多进步... -
Recent Developments in the Economics of Science and Innovation
Edited by Albert N. Link, Cristiano Antonelli
This volume presents the most important contributions of the last decade in the fields of science and innovation, demonstrating the key relationship between the two. -
Competing Through Innovation
David J. Teece
This cohesive collection brings together David J. Teece’s most important work on the nexus of innovation and competition policy. He was one of the first to flag the importance of innovation issues to competition policy 25 years ago. He h...