Innovation and Technology
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Inverse Infrastructures
Edited by Tineke M. Egyedi, Donna C. Mehos
The notion of inverse infrastructures – that is, bottom-up, user-driven, self-organizing networks – gives us a fresh perspective on the omnipresent infrastructure systems that support our economy and structure our way of living. This fas...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Edited by David B. Audretsch, Oliver Falck, Stephan Heblich, Adam Lederer
Leading researchers use their outstanding expertise to investigate various aspects in the context of innovation and entrepreneurship such as growth, knowledge production and spillovers, technology transfer, the organization of the firm, ...eBook:Find out more75.96美元
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Nanotechnology for a Sustainable World
Thomas Faunce
Does humanity have a moral obligation to emphasise nanotechnology’s role in addressing the critical public health and environmental problems of our age? This well crafted book explores this idea by analysing the prospects for a macroscie...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Technological Entrepreneurship in China
Edited by Claudio Petti
Bringing technologies to the market, thereby creating profits, high-qualified jobs and industrial upgrading is one of the means by which China can fuel its brand new growth model based on innovation and sustainability. Much is known abou...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Theory and Practice of Innovation Policy
Edited by Ruud E. Smits, Stefan Kuhlmann, Phillip Shapira
This comprehensive Handbook explores the interactions between the practice, policy, and theory of innovation. The goal is twofold: to increase insight into this dynamic process, searching for options to improve the effectiveness and effi... -
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Creative Knowledge Cities
Edited by Marina van Geenhuizen, Peter Nijkamp
This book adopts a holistic, integrated and pragmatic approach to exploring the myths, concepts, policies, key conditions and tools for enhancing creative knowledge cities, as well as expounding potentially negative impacts of knowledge ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Innovation and Institutional Embeddedness of Multinational Companies
Edited by Martin Heidenreich
Multinational companies are crucial actors in a global knowledge-based economy, combining the advantages of global and locally coordinated production and innovation strategies with specific regional and national factors. This book questi...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Law and Economics of Innovation
Edited by Eli M. Salzberger
This authoritative volume includes a selection of seminal articles published in the emerging field of technological progress and innovation. The first part of the book is dedicated to the economics of innovation, while the following part... -
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Building National and Regional Innovation Systems
Jorge Niosi
Following the demise of the Washington Consensus, developing countries are looking for new ideas to guide their development. This innovative book suggests taking seriously some of the findings of evolutionary economics and paying specifi...eBook:Find out more$43.16
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Crisis, Innovation and Sustainable Development
Edited by Blandine Laperche, Nadine Levratto, Dimitri Uzunidis
This unique and informative book highlights the relationship between crisis, innovation, and sustainable development, and discusses the necessary conditions required to seize the ecological opportunity. The authors study the strength of...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Societies in Motion
Edited by Amnon Frenkel, Peter Nijkamp, Philip McCann
In today’s globalised world, modern society is characterized by rapid transitions in space that are in part the result of technological developments of previous decades. This unique book deals with the complex issues raised by these tran... -
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The Sociology of Scientific Work
Dominique Vinck
More than ever before, science and technology play a significant role in modern society as evidenced by the development of nanotechnologies and the controversies surrounding GMOs and climate change. This book comprehensively explores the...eBook:Find out more$50.36