Creative Knowledge Cities


Creative Knowledge Cities

Myths, Visions and Realities

9780857932846 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Marina van Geenhuizen, Professor of Innovation and Innovation Policy in Urban Economies, Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management, Delft University of Technology and Peter Nijkamp, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS) in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands and the Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, Iasi, Romania
Publication Date:2012 ISBN:978 0 85793 284 6 Extent:488 pp
This book adopts a holistic, integrated and pragmatic approach to exploring the myths, concepts, policies, key conditions and tools for enhancing creative knowledge cities, as well as expounding potentially negative impacts of knowledge based city policies.

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This book adopts a holistic, integrated and pragmatic approach to exploring the myths, concepts, policies, key conditions and tools for enhancing creative knowledge cities, as well as expounding potentially negative impacts of knowledge based city policies.

The authors provide a critical reflection on the reality of city concepts including university–city alignment for campus planning, labour market conditions, social capital and proximity, triple helix based transformation, and learning by city governments. Original examples from both the EU and US are complemented by detailed case studies of cities including Rotterdam, Vienna and Munich. The book also examines the reality of knowledge cities in emerging economies such as Brazil and China, with a focus on institutional transferability. Key conditions addressed include soft infrastructure, knowledge spillovers among firms and the connectivity of cities via transport networks to allow the creation of new hubs of knowledge-based services.

Addressing new policy tools and developments in governance, this book will prove a fascinating read for academics, researchers and students with an interest in urban policy and planning, urban spatial economics, regional economics and urban sociology. In addition, practitioners within city and regional governments and agencies will find this book an invaluable reference tool.
Critical Acclaim
The book is an excellent source of information on the subject and deserves great attention by cultural economists.
– Walter Santagata, Journal of Cultural Economics
Contributors: V. Araujo, A. Caragliu, Y. Chen, M. de Jong, H. de Jonge, J. de Vries, C. Del Bo, A. den Heijer, J. Edelenbos, K. Erdős, A.M. Fernández-Maldonado, M. Fromhold-Eisebith, R. Garcia, D.-S. Lee, S. Lüthi, P. Nijkamp, B. Ó hUallacháin, R. Rocco, A. Romein, V. Scholten, D.P. Soetanto, M. Taheri, A. Thierstein, J.J. Trip, M. Trippl, M. van der Land, M. van Geenhuizen, A. Varga


1. Creative Cities in a Knowledge Society: Introduction
Marina van Geenhuizen and Peter Nijkamp

2. Theory and Practice of the Creative City Thesis: Experiences from Amsterdam and Rotterdam
Arie Romein and Jan Jacob Trip

3. The Sustainability of Knowledge-related Policies in Technology-based Cities in the Netherlands
Ana María Fernández-Maldonado and Arie Romein

4. Two Critical Notes on the Meaning of the New Middle Class for Creative Knowledge City Policies

5. Developing Knowledge Cities: Towards Aligning Urban and Campus Strategies
Alexandra den Heijer, Jackie de Vries and Hans de Jonge

6. Science Parks: Changing Roles and Changing Approaches in their Evaluation
Marina van Geenhuizen, Danny P. Soetanto and Victor Scholten

7. The Academic Entrepreneur: Myth or Reality for Increased Regional growth in Europe?
Katalin Erdős and Attila Varga

8. From Exit to Excellence: Turning Old Industry Regions into Knowledge Regions through Triple Helix Processes
Martina Fromhold-Eisebith

9. A Map of Human Capital in European Cities
Andrea Caragliu, Chiara Del Bo and Peter Nijkamp

10. Social Capital’s and Absorptive Capacities’ Impact on New Ventures’ Growth
Danny P. Soetano, Mozhdeh Taheri and Marina van Geenhuizen

11. Innovation Networks in a Cross-border Context: The Case of Vienna
Michaela Trippl

12. Spatial Network-based and Regional Proximity in US Biotechnology
Der-Shiuan Lee and Breandán Ó hUallacháin

13. Interlocking Firm Networks in the German Knowledge Economy: The Case of the Emerging Mega-city Region of Munich
Alain Thierstein and Stefan Lüthi

14. Knowledge Exchange in Trans-national City Networks: Evolutionary Mechanisms in Cross-local Learning Among European Cities
Martin de Jong and Jurian Edelenbos

15. Location Patterns of Advanced Producer Services Firms: The Case of São Paulo
Roberto Rocco

16. Knowledge Spillovers through Informal Contacts in Urban Production Systems: The Case of ICT Firms in Campinas, Brazil
Renato Garcia and Veneziano Araujo

17. Making Shanghai a Creative City: Exploring the Creative Cluster Strategy from a Chinese Perspective
Yawei Chen

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