Organisational Innovation

  1. Add to Wish List Structural Change, Industrial Location and Competitiveness

    Structural Change, Industrial Location and Competitiveness

    Edited by Joanne E. Oxley, Bernard Yeung
    ‘The 29 contributions in volume 3 provide an excellent overview of the theoretical and empirical economics literature on global economic restructuring and changes in industrial location and competitiveness.’ – Journal of Peace Research ...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$401.00

    Member price$360.90

  2. Add to Wish List Technological Change and Organization

    Technological Change and Organization

    Edited by Rod Coombs, Ken Green, Albert Richards, Vivien Walsh
    ‘This book has very nicely highlighted how the internal organization of a firm and its external influence are intrinsic to the innovative potential of the firms. The book, because of certain new insights on this important issue of innov...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

  3. Add to Wish List Japanese Technology and Innovation Management

    Japanese Technology and Innovation Management

    Sigvald J. Harryson
    ‘This is a very important book where the issue of networking for innovation process is dealt with from a management perspective. It provides an insight into the nature and various types of networks which are operational in Japanese corp...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$145.00

    Member price$130.50

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