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Counter-Terrorism, Human Rights and the Rule of Law
由Aniceto Masferrer编辑,Clive Walker
‘This edited book contains very informative, well-researched and well-argued chapters. It brings to the fore legal and conceptual issues that have preoccupied lawyers, academics and government officials since 9/11.’ – Stéphane Lefebvre, ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Secrecy, National Security and the Vindication of Constitutional Law
Edited by David Cole, Federico Fabbrini, Arianna Vedaschi
“本书载有关于一方面与保密和国家安全有关的法律和政策问题的最广泛和最深刻的分析,以及另一方面的运作民主的必要性。最广泛的,因为它带来了......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Mike McConville, Eva Pils
“今天中国刑事司法系统的这种高度信息丰富和吸引力的批量为人民共和国的法律变幻无止和运作提供了一个窗户。麦肯维尔和PILS带来了令人印象深刻的SC ......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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International Criminal Justice
由Gideon Boas编辑,威廉A. Schabas,Michael P. Scharf
‘International criminal justice indeed is a crowded field. But this edited collection stands well above the crowd. And it does so with dignity. Through interdisciplinary analysis, the editors skillfully turn shibboleths into intrigues. T...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Criminal Law of Competition in the UK and in the US
Mark Furse
'。。。我对本书的整体印象是,它是一个很好的,有效地研究了反托拉斯刑犯和爱尔兰犯罪反垄断制度的一些最相关的问题,英国......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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“这是一本不寻常的力量和洞察力。教区的解构解构国际正义的虚幻承诺可能会感到不安的阅读,但它是对这一领域的文学的必要补充。' - 大卫钱德勒,大学......eBook:Find out more40.80美元
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Piracy and International Maritime Crimes in ASEAN
Edited by Robert Beckman, J. Ashley Roach
“我可以自信地说,这是一般的盗版问题的最佳书籍,以及索马里的海盗和索马里海岸的盗版,以及我们可以做些什么。罗伯特贝克曼和灰烬......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property
Edited by Christophe Geiger
“对知识产权的刑事执法刑事执行的第一个真正系统分析,本书为这种方法的理由提供了学术审查,包括关于参与org的索赔......eBook:Find out more$65.00
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由Bartram S. Brown编辑
手册是一个全面的up-to-da的研究te guide to one of the youngest yet most dynamic areas of international law. It tackles the pertinent challenges and opportunities, starting with the classical issues like categories of i...eBook:Find out more64.76美元
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Virtual Economies and Financial Crime
Clare Chambers-Jones
虚拟经济体和金融犯罪是在国际规模上的银行,金融和反洗钱条例的越来越重要的方面。在这个遗漏和及时的书中,这两个重要的问题......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Mike McConville
‘Criminal Justice in China is the most comprehensive work to date on the functioning of China’s criminal justice system. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand any aspect of the system. There are important insi...eBook:Find out more$64.80
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International Criminal Law
Edited by William A. Schabas
‘In this helpful collection, Professor Schabas introduces the reader to the whole subject of international criminal law – an area which has witnessed a tremendous increase in attention, especially after the recent events in Northern Afri...