Public International Law

  1. Add to Wish List International Criminal Law

    International Criminal Law

    Edited by William A. Schabas
    International criminal law and the international courts and tribunals that administer it have witnessed a surge in interest over the past two decades, and it occupies an increasingly prominent position on the legal landscape. This topica...
    Hardback (May 2012)

    List price$1,730.00

    Member price$1,557.00

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  2. Add to Wish List Economics of Public International Law

    Economics of Public International Law

    Edited by Eric A. Posner
    This major book – edited by a leading authority – presents a careful selection of papers which analyse international law from a rational choice perspective. Interdisciplinary in scope, it includes work by professors in law, political sci...
    Hardback (2010)

    List price$395.00

    Member price$355.50

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