

  1. 一个dd to Wish List 一个dvanced Introduction to American Foreign Policy

    一个dvanced Introduction to American Foreign Policy

    Loch K. Johnson
    Providing a comprehensive account of America’s constitutional framework, this Advanced Introduction examines how U.S officials carry out America’s foreign policy objectives through diplomacy, trade agreements, secretive covert actions, a...
    Paperback (2021)

    List price$24.95

    Member price$19.96

    Hardback (2021)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00

  2. 一个dd to Wish List 一个dvanced Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law

    一个dvanced Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law

    Mark Tushnet
    Mark Tushnet excels in updating the Advanced Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law. In this second edition Tushnet includes new material based on developments in practice and scholarship since the original edition’s publication ...
    Paperback (2018)

    List price$29.45

    Member price$23.56

    Hardback (2018)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00

  3. 一个dd to Wish List Comparative Constitutional Law

    Comparative Constitutional Law

    Edited by Mark Tushnet
    This authoritative three-volume set provides a carefully considered selection of the most important articles to guide research into comparative constitutional law. Topics covered include historical studies of public law in different nati...
    Hardback (May 2017)

    List price$1,288.00

    Member price1159 .20美元

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