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Svetozar Pejovich,Enrico Colombatto
自从资本主义开始以来,资本主义已经超越了所有其他系统,并保持了积极的增长率。Svetozar Pejovich在本书中提出了一个理由,即资本主义成功的主要原因在于效率友好的招待...eBook:Find out more$ 37.60
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Edited by Geoffrey Brennan, Giuseppe Eusepi
这本书为更紧密的道德与经济学整合提供了一个理性而雄辩的案例。它扩展了与尊敬,自尊,情感联系,表达性关注和道德要求之间的主题。eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Fiscal Sociology and the Theory of Public Finance
理查德·瓦格纳(Richard E. Wagner)
This book advances a social-theoretic treatment of public finance, which contrasts with the typical treatment of government as an agent of intervention into a market economy. To start, Richard Wagner construes government not as an agent ...eBook:Find out more$49.60
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Gordon Tullock
Gordon Tullock, eminent political economist and one of the founders of public choice, offers this new and fascinating look at how governments and externalities are linked. Economists frequently justify government as dealing with extern...eBook:Find out more$ 36.80
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Gerhard Wegner
本书的目的是从政治自由主义的角度重新考虑经济自由主义。作者认为,经济自由主义的倡导者在很大程度上忽略了经验的政治偏好,在许多社会中,...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Mary Reintsma
由于开创性的福利立法在1996年通过了题为《个人责任与工作机会和解法》(PRWORA),美国的福利制度发生了深刻的变化。政治...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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蒂莫西·罗斯(Timothy P. Roth)
美国共和国的创始人在自治方面建立了一个非凡的实验。今天,关于这项正在进行的实验的哲学遗产的辩论。在这项有趣的研究中,蒂莫西·罗斯(Timothy Roth)对...进行了批判性分析。eBook:Find out more$40.00
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公共选择and the Challenges of Democracy
由JoséCasasPardo编辑,Pedro Schwartz
This timely and important volume addresses the serious challenges faced by democracy in contemporary society. With contributions from some of the world’s most prestigious scholars of public choice and political science, this comprehensiv...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Enrico Colombatto
经济学是选择和成长,个人之间的互动和交流问题。因为财产权利定义了这些交互的规则和交换的对象,因此充分理解机构和我...eBook:Find out more$ 65.60
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由Giuseppe Eusepi编辑,Alan P. Hamlin
超越常规经济学presents new original work from leading scholars on the interface between the individual and political and social institutions. The book offers a critique of the inadequacies of the conventional economic app...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Elgar Companion to Public Economics
Edited by Attiat F. Ott, Richard J. Cebula
Attiat Ott和Richard Cebula已经意识到有必要以一种易于且直接的方式展示公共经济学领域的大量文学。计量经济学技术的进步和知识的溢出。eBook:Find out more$65.00
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詹姆斯·布坎南(James M. Buchanan)
Nobel Laureate James Buchanan collects in this volume original and recent hard-to-find essays exploring liberalism and conservatism as distinct ways of looking at and thinking about the realm of human interaction. Classical liberalism is...eBook:Find out more$40.00