
  1. Add to Wish List A Research Agenda for Evaluation

    A Research Agenda for Evaluation

    ‘Editor Peter Dahler-Larsen has assembled a worthy multi-faceted volume, A Research Agenda for Evaluation, conveyed through the varied lenses of an exceptional international group of evaluation scholars. These lenses feature philosophica...
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$135.00

    Member price$121.50

  2. Add to Wish List Teaching Research Methods in Political Science

    Teaching Research Methods in Political Science

    Edited by Jeffrey L. Bernstein
    ‘This book is a very valuable resource for those teaching research methods in political science – often to students who do not start with any interest in methods. The different chapters provide very useful lessons for educators to effect...
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$145.00

    Member price$130.50

  3. Add to Wish List Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration, Management and Policy

    Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration, Management and Policy

    Edited by Eran Vigoda-Gadot, Dana R. Vashdi
    ‘It is our duty to keep the field of public administration not just relevant, but also scientifically sound and excellent. This book pushes us to these levels. Research methods are not sufficient but necessary for this excellence. This b...
    Hardback (2020)

    List price$278.00

    Member price$250.20

  4. Add to Wish List 如何不写Thesis or Dissertation

    如何不写Thesis or Dissertation

    Mikael Sundström
    If you thought a book about thesis writing would make for wearisome reading, think again! In seven entertaining and enlightening chapters, Mikael Sundström sheds light on the trials and tribulations of academic writing, offering guidance...
    Paperback (2020)

    List price$30.95

    Member price$24.76

    Hardback (2020)

    List price$110.00

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  5. Add to Wish List Critical Policy Discourse Analysis

    Critical Policy Discourse Analysis

    Edited by Nicolina Montesano Montessori, Michael Farrelly, Jane Mulderrig
    ‘Finally, a very timely and useful volume which addresses scholars and graduate students in the Social Sciences, and – importantly – also policy makers as well as practitioners. The chapters illustrate how systematic interdisciplinary, i...
    Hardback (2019)

    List price$150.00

    Member price$135.00

  6. Add to Wish List Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Political Science

    Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Political Science

    Edited by Hans Keman, Jaap J. Woldendorp
    ‘It is rare for a book these days to seek to review and draw together the whole range of what political scientists – in many different countries and with many different interests – actually do. Given the divisions in the discipline betwe...
    Paperback (2019)

    List price$68.00

    Member price$54.40

    Hardback (2016)

    List price$273.00

    Member price$245.70

  7. Add to Wish List Publish or Perish

    Publish or Perish

    Imad A. Moosa
    ‘The phrase “Publish or Perish” sums up the current predicament of academics in British, Australian and American universities. The principle is that university departments are allocated research funding according to their productivity, m...
    Paperback (2018)

    List price$34.00

    Member price$27.20

    Hardback (2018)

    List price$126.00

    Member price$113.40

  8. Add to Wish List Advances in Political Methodology

    Advances in Political Methodology

    Edited by Robert J. Franzese Jr
    ‘Few books have “political methodology” in their titles because the discipline is not yet well organized. This collection offers a concise picture of the field and puts landmark articles into perspective. It also covers very recent devel...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$469.00

    Member price422.10美元

  9. Add to Wish List Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital

    Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital

    Edited by Yaojun Li
    Social capital is fundamentally concerned with resources in social relations. This Handbook brings together leading scholars from around the world to address important questions on the determinants, manifestations and consequences of soc...
    Paperback (2017)

    List price$72.00

    Member price$57.60

    Hardback (2015)

    List price$263.00

    Member price$236.70

  10. Add to Wish List Working with Paradata, Marginalia and Fieldnotes

    Working with Paradata, Marginalia and Fieldnotes

    Edited by Rosalind Edwards, John Goodwin, Henrietta O’Connor, Ann Phoenix
    ‘Paradata will become increasingly important to researchers, both as an insight into the complexity and richness of participants and contexts, but also it has great potential to improve the quality of our research. Ros Edwards and her co...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00

  11. Add to Wish List Analysis and Public Policy

    Analysis and Public Policy

    Stuart Shapiro
    ‘In this outstanding book, Stuart Shapiro transcends the long-standing impasse in the academic literature about the value of various analysis tools – cost-benefit analysis in particular – and moves the scholarly conversation in a much mo...
    Hardback (2016)

    List price$116.00

    Member price$104.40

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