
6 Clean Water and Sanitation

  1. Add to Wish List Personal Sustainability Practices

    Personal Sustainability Practices

    Edited by Mark Starik, Patricia Kanashiro
    Personal Sustainability Practices is a collection of 19 academic and practitioner perspectives on the topic of faculty personal sustainability. The book addresses the issues of whether, how, where, and when faculty who teach, research, c...
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

  2. Add to Wish List International Law and Transboundary Aquifers

    International Law and Transboundary Aquifers

    Francesco Sindico
    Groundwater amounts to 97% of available global freshwater resources. Emphasising the crucial importance of this in the context of increasing population, climate change and the overall global water crisis, Francesco Sindico offers a compr...
    Hardback (2020)

    List price$125.00

    Member price$112.50

  3. Add to Wish List 再保险search Handbook on Freshwater Law and International Relations

    再保险search Handbook on Freshwater Law and International Relations

    Edited by Mara Tignino, Christian Bréthaut
    再保险cent decades have seen pivotal changes in the management and protection of water resources, with human rights, environmental and water law each developing a strong interest in the conservation of fresh water. This surge in interest has...
    Hardback (2018)

    List price$260.00

    Member price$234.00

  4. Add to Wish List Tapping the Oceans

    Tapping the Oceans

    Edited by Joe Williams, Erik Swyngedouw
    Increasingly, water-stressed cities are looking to the oceans to fix unreliable, contested and over-burdened water supply systems. Desalination technologies are, however, also becoming the focus of intense political disagreements about t...
    Hardback (2018)

    List price$130.00

    Member price$117.00

  5. Add to Wish List Water Resource Management and the Law

    Water Resource Management and the Law

    Edited by Erkki J. Hollo
    Scarcity of water, floods and erosion caused by climate change have made the management of water resources a challenge to national and international actors worldwide. States have also initiated water projects to improve social welfare, o...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$183.00

    Member price$164.70

  6. Add to Wish List Handbook of Water Economics

    Handbook of Water Economics

    Edited by Ariel Dinar, Kurt Schwabe
    Water scarcity, whether in the quality or quantity dimension, afflicts most countries. Decisions on water management and allocation over time, space, and among uses and users involve economic considerations. This Handbook assembles resea...
    Paperback (2017)

    List price78.00美元

    Member price$62.40

    Hardback (2015)

    List price$319.00

    Member price$287.10

  7. Add to Wish List Charting the Water Regulatory Future

    Charting the Water Regulatory Future

    Edited by Julien Chaisse
    This book is about the issues, challenges and directions currently faced by water as a key resource for mankind. The book aims at providing a finer understanding of the water regulatory future. The contributions in this book are grouped ...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$183.00

    Member price$164.70

  8. Add to Wish List Social Entrepreneurship in the Water Sector

    Social Entrepreneurship in the Water Sector

    Rafael Ziegler, Lena Partzsch, Jana Gebauer, Marianne Henkel, Justus Lodemann, Franziska Mohaupt
    There are few sectors where ‘getting things done sustainably’ is as important as it is for the water sector. From drinking water and sanitation to water use in agriculture, industry, and ecosystems, Rafael Ziegler and his co-authors inve...
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$50.00

    Member price$40.00

    Hardback (August 2014)

    List price$129.00

    Member price$116.10

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