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Cities and the Urban Land Premium
Henri L.F. de Groot, Gerard Marlet, Coen Teulings, Wouter Vermeulen
After a long period of suburbanisation, cities have been in vogue again since the 1980s. But why are people prepared to spend far more money on a small house in the city than on a large house in the countryside – and why doesn't this app...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities
Edited by Ben Derudder, Michael Hoyler, Peter J. Taylor, Frank Witlox
This Handbook offers an unrivalled overview of current research into how globalization is affecting the external relations and internal structures of major cities in the world.eBook:Find out more$60.76
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Interculturalism in Cities
Edited by Ricard Zapata-Barrero
Cities are increasingly recognized as new players in diversity studies, and many of them are showing evidence of an intercultural shift. As an emerging concept and policy, interculturalism is becoming the most pragmatic answer to concret...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Arts, Culture and the Making of Global Cities
Lily Kong, Ching Chia-ho, Chou Tsu-Lung
While global cities have mostly been characterized as sites of intensive and extensive economic activity, the quest for global city status also increasingly rests on the creative production and consumption of culture and the arts. Arts, ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Cities and Private Planning
Edited by David Emanuel Andersson, Stefano Moroni
通过私下pl综合案例研究anned cities and neighbourhood in Asia, Europe and North America, this book characterizes the theoretical basis and empirical manifestations of private urban planning. In this innovative ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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手册的研究方法和应用rban Economies
Edited by Peter Karl Kresl, Jaime Sobrino
In this timely Handbook, seventeen renowned contributors from Asia, the Americas and Europe provide chapters that deal with some of the most intriguing and important aspects of research methodologies on cities and urban economies.eBook:Find out more$60.76
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A World in Emergence
Allen J. Scott
Beginning with the recent history of capitalism and urbanization and moving into a thorough and complex discussion of the modern city, this book outlines the dynamics of what the author calls the third wave of urbanization, characterized...eBook:Find out more$28.76
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Branding Chinese Mega-Cities
Edited by Per Olof Berg, Emma Björner
This interdisciplinary book details the economic, cultural and social background of the development of Chinese mega-cities, as well as presenting the mechanisms of governance and urban growth strategies. Therein, the main discussion cent...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Private Rental Housing
Edited by Tony Crook, Peter A. Kemp
A new focus on private renting has been brought into sharp relief by the global financial crisis, with its profound impact on mortgage finance, housing markets and government budgets. Written by specially commissioned international expe...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Extraordinary Cities
Peter J. Taylor
在这种创新、雄心勃勃的和广泛的嘘声k, Peter Taylor demonstrates that cities are the epicenters of human advancement. In exploring cities as sites through which economies flourish, by harnessing the creative potential of my...eBook:Find out more$51.96
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Regenerative Sustainable Development of Universities and Cities
Edited by Ariane König
Now that the Earth has reached the limits of its biophysical carrying capacity, we have to change technologies, social practices and social norms relating to material production and consumption to ensure that we do not further jeopardize...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Creative Cities
Edited by David Emanuel Andersson, Åke E. Andersson, Charlotta Mellander
With the publication of The Rise of the Creative Class by Richard Florida in 2002, the ‘creative city’ became the new hot topic among urban policymakers, planners and economists. Florida has developed one of three path-breaking theories ...eBook:Find out more$68.76