Continuity and Change in Contemporary Europe


Continuity and Change in Contemporary Europe

9781852784201 爱德华·埃尔加出版社
Clive H. Church, Formerly Emeritus Professor of European Studies, Centre for Swiss Politics, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK and Gisela Hendriks, Lecturer in European Studies, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
Publication Date:1995 ISBN:978 1 85278 420 1 Extent:312 pp
Continuity and Change in Contemporary Europe focuses on the dramatic events in Eastern and Western Europe over recent years, events which have not produced the ‘golden age’ which many people expected when the Berlin Wall came down. In fact, Europe in the 1990s is, the authors argue, in many ways a more uncertain place than it was before 1989.

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Continuity and Change in Contemporary Europe focuses on the dramatic events in Eastern and Western Europe over recent years, events which have not produced the ‘golden age’ which many people expected when the Berlin Wall came down. In fact, Europe in the 1990s is, the authors argue, in many ways a more uncertain place than it was before 1989. This is not due simply to recent events themselves, but also to longer term historical problems. Hence the book traces the complex interplay of past continuities and present day changes in an increasingly unified Europe by looking at national experiences and at the broader international and institutional context.


Undergraduates will find Continuity and Change in Contemporary Europe especially helpful since it deals not just with history, but current affairs, the emerging challenges with which Europe is increasingly faced, and ways to understand them.
Critical Acclaim
‘Enriched with a glossary and maps showing the borders of European countries before and after the Second World War, the clear text describes the post-war background (1940 to the 1970s), the new directions of the 1980s and the challenges of the 90s.’
– Colette Beck, European Library

– Martin J. Bull, Political Studies
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