Creative Industries and Economic Evolution


Creative Industries and Economic Evolution

9781847206626 爱德华·埃尔加出版社
Jason Potts,RMIT区块链创新中心,澳大利亚墨尔本的RMIT大学经济学,金融和营销学院
Publication Date:2011 ISBN:978 1 84720 662 6 Extent:240 pp
The creative industries are key drivers of modern economies. While economic analysis has traditionally advanced a market-failure model of arts and culture, this book argues for an evolutionary market dynamics or innovation-based approach. The book explores theoretical and conceptual aspects of an evolutionary economic approach to the study of the creative economy. Topics include creative businesses and labour markets, social networks, innovation processes and systems, institutions, and the role of creative industries in market dynamics and economic growth.


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This insightful book offers a new way of looking at the arts, culture and the creative industries from the perspective of evolutionary economics.

The creative industries are key drivers of modern economies. While economic analysis has traditionally advanced a market-failure model of arts and culture, this book argues for an evolutionary market dynamics or innovation-based approach. Jason Potts explores theoretical and conceptual aspects of an evolutionary economic approach to the study of the creative economy. Topics include creative businesses and labour markets, social networks, innovation processes and systems, institutions, and the role of creative industries in market dynamics and economic growth.

Written by a leading academic expert in the field, this highly regarded compendium will prove essential for researchers and students of creative industries, cultural economics and evolutionary economics.
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Cultural Economics vs Economics of Creative Industries 3. Young, Creative and Extremely Rich 4. Evolutionary Economics of Creativity 5. Creativity under Competition and the Overshooting Problem 6. Creative Labour Markets and Signalling 7. Identity Dynamics and Economic Evolution 8. Social Network Markets 9. Creative Industries Over an Innovation Trajectory 10. Fashion and Economic Evolution 11. Capitalism, Socialism and Culture 12. Four Models of the Creative Industries 13. Creative Clusters and Innovation 14. Novelty Bundling Markets 15. Creative Industries and Economic Development 16. Conclusion References Index
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