Decentralization in Developing Countries


Decentralization in Developing Countries

Global Perspectives on the Obstacles to Fiscal Devolution

9781849805087 爱德华埃尔加酒吧lishing
Edited by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Emeritus Regents Professor of Economics and former Director, Center for State and Local Finance, Fiscal Research Center and International Center for Public Policy, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, US and François Vaillancourt, Professor, Economics Department, Université de Montréal, Canada
Publication Date:2011 ISBN:978 1 84980 508 7 Extent:608 pp
This insightful study examines the decentralization experiences from 15 countries in different regions of the world. All of these countries have actively attempted to decentralize, or continue to do so, and have faced obstacles serious enough to either derail or significantly delay their decentralization objectives.

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This insightful study examines the decentralization experiences from 15 countries in different regions of the world. All of these countries have actively attempted to decentralize, or continue to do so, and have faced obstacles serious enough to either derail or significantly delay their decentralization objectives.

Decentralization in Developing Countries evaluates the main obstacles to the decentralization process. The contributors expertly discuss the flaws in the decentralization design, resistance from those holding traditional or central power and, uniquely, weak central governments. They then extract lessons for policymakers, regarding what may be done and what should ideally be avoided.

This important book focuses on how to implement decentralization plans as whole complete processes, rather than examining individual aspects of decentralization. It will therefore prove invaluable for academics and researchers of development economics, public finance and in particular decentralization. Employees of various bodies, including DFID, UNDP, the World Bank, as well as other development banks and bilateral aid organizations, will also find it an informative resource.
Critical Acclaim
‘Some think that decentralization has not gone “far enough” to be considered successful; others argue that it has already “failed”. As the studies of decentralization in 15 developing countries in this volume clearly show, every case is different, and persuasive generalizations are hard to find. Fortunately, the introductory chapter usefully pulls this diverse reality together to highlight some key obstacles to successful decentralization and to suggest some approaches that might – provided that those in power are sufficiently supportive – lead to better outcomes in the future.’
– Richard M. Bird, University of Toronto, Canada
Contributors: E. Ahmad, R. Bahl, G. Bishop, E. Champagne, M. Cyan, B. Dafflon, M. El Mensi, W.F. Fox, M. García-Escribano, J.L. Gomez, K. Kaiser, J. Mabi Mulumba, B. Mamadou Ouegraogo, J. Martinez-Vazquez, B. Menon, J. Morrison, L. Noiset, M. Rider, L.G. Romeo, B. Searle, A. Shah, C. Sepúlveda, P. Smoke, A. Timofeev, F. Vaillancourt, V. Venugopal, T. Verheijen, S. Wallace, S. Yilmaz

1. An Overview of the Main Obstacles to Decentralization
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and François Vaillancourt

2. Conceptual Problems in the Assignment of Functions in SEE: The Case of Albania
Bernard Dafflon

3. Decentralization in the Post-Conflict African Environment: Sierra Leone and Southern Sudan
Bob Searle

4. Challenge to Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Pakistan: The Revenue Assignment Dimension
Roy Bahl, Musharraf Cyan and Sally Wallace

5. Constraints to Effective Fiscal Decentralization in Peru
Ehtisham Ahmad and Mercedes García-Escribano

6. Reining in Provincial Fiscal ‘Owners’: Decentralization in Lao PDR
Juan Luis Gomez, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Cristian Sepúlveda

7. Decentralization in Bangladesh: Change has been Elusive
William F. Fox and Balakrishna Menon

8. The Political-Economy of Decentralization in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Kai Kaiser, Jean Mabi Mulumba and Tony Verheijen

9. Decentralization in Burkina Faso: The Slow March Towards Devolution
Eric Champagne and Ben Mamadou Ouegraogo

10. Decentralization in Cambodia: Consolidating Central Power or Building Accountability from Below?
Paul Smoke and Joanne Morrison

11. Decentralization in Madagascar: A String of Unfinished Races
François Vaillancourt

12. Decentralizing Egypt: Not Just Another Economic Reform
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Andrey Timofeev

13. Obstacles to Decentralization in Ethiopia: Political Controls versus Discretion and Accountability
Serdar Yilmaz and Varsha Venugopal

14. Tanzania’s Fiscal Arrangements: Obstacles to Fiscal Decentralization or Structures of Union-Preserving Federalism?
Luc Noiset and Mark Rider

15. The Difficult Road to Local Autonomy in Yemen: Decentralization Reforms between Political Rationale and Bureaucratic Resistances in a Multi-party Democracy of the Arabian Peninsula
Leonardo G. Romeo and Mohamed El Mensi

16. Sharing Petroleum Resources in Iraq: Obstacle or Foundation to Decentralization
Grant Bishop and Anwar Shah

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