


9781849800624 Edward Elgar Publishing
发布日期:2010年 ISBN:978 1 84980 062 4 Extent:200 pp
The author begins by examining various economic constructs as aids for achieving a fair and equitable delivery of health care services. He then assesses their level of practical application and evaluates the costs and benefits to society of pursuing the development and use of the ‘New Medicine’. The book ends with a case study of organ and tissue transplantation that illustrates the implementation of distributive justice. The author concludes that as long as clinical medicine maintains its focus on healing and alleviating suffering among patients, a point of equilibrium will be reached that advances the common good.

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Critical Acclaim
科学知识的进步和生物医学技术的发展(称为“新医学”)是可取的吗?乔治·史密斯(George P. Smith)提出了这个基本问题,同时还面对了这些稀缺的医疗资源的分配。法律,经济学,医学,哲学和伦理学都在讨论如何构建将改善人类生活质量的行为标准的讨论中融合在一起。

The author begins by examining various economic constructs as aids for achieving a fair and equitable delivery of health care services. He then assesses their level of practical application and evaluates the costs and benefits to society of pursuing the development and use of the ‘New Medicine’. The book ends with a case study of organ and tissue transplantation that illustrates the implementation of distributive justice. The author concludes that as long as clinical medicine maintains its focus on healing and alleviating suffering among patients, a point of equilibrium will be reached that advances the common good.

Critical Acclaim
– P. Jenkins, Choice

‘乔治·P·史密斯(George P. Smith)是世界上有关现代医学提出的法律和道德问题的全球领先专家之一。他的书是一本广泛的,深入了解这些问题的分析,尤其强调了现代医学受益的不平等现象。史密斯(Smith)也以洞察力和权威写道,了解生物医学革命的技术方面,并提供了影响政策辩论的观点。’
- 美国第七巡回上诉法院和美国芝加哥大学法学院上诉法院

‘虽然已经写了很多关于本书中有关的各种问题的文章 - 遗传学,克隆,知情同意书,器官捐赠 - 史密斯的书籍超越了传统的法律分析,通过通过分布式正义的角度来检查这些问题。因此,他为读者提供了有关这一重要领域的独特而有价值的观点。所有对卫生法和生物伦理学感兴趣的人,尤其是对分配正义感兴趣的人,分配正义和新医学将引起人们的兴趣。’
– Belinda Bennett, Journal of Law, Social Justice and Global Development

is a major new work by one of the world’s leading medical lawyers. This book brings important new insights into the complex area of rationing health care resources and should be read by anyone interested in seeking to create a just society.’
- 英国牛津大学埃克塞特学院的乔纳森·鲱鱼
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