Economic Analysis for International Trade Negotiations


Economic Analysis for International Trade Negotiations

The WTO and Agricultural Trade

9781840645354 Edward Elgar Publishing
James D. Gaisford, Professor of Economics, University of Calgary, Canada and William A. Kerr, Van Vliet Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Publication Date:2001 ISBN:978 1 84064 535 4 Extent:224 pp
Economic Analysis for International Trade Negotiations provides an analytical framework in which to examine the complex economic issues which arise in international trade negotiations. This framework is developed using examples arising from current contentious issues in the international trade in agricultural products including market access, subsidies, non-tariff barriers, health regulations and biotechnology. The volume concludes with a discussion on the future of trade.

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Trade negotiations are complex interactive processes that bring a combination of existing trade law, the pleadings of special interests and economic theory together in the give and take of compromise, bluff and strategic alliances.

涉及食品和其他agricultur的贸易争端al products – controversial subjects such as genetically modified foods and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease – are the subject of newspaper headlines almost daily. As developing countries demand improved access to European and US markets for their products, international trade has moved into a new era and is now at the heart of trade negotiations.

Economic Analysis for International Trade Negotiations provides an analytical framework in which to examine the complex economic issues which arise in international trade negotiations. This framework is developed using examples arising from current contentious issues in the international trade in agricultural products including market access, subsidies, non-tariff barriers, health regulations and biotechnology. The volume concludes with a discussion on the future of trade.

Providing a link between economic theory and the WTO, this comprehensive volume will be of great interest to academics specialising in international trade, international relations, agri-business and international business.
Critical Acclaim
‘This book has much to commend itself to those interested in the intricacies of trade negotiations, particularly in agriculture.’
– Jaleel Ahmad, The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development

‘I believe the authors have the merit of providing a unique and useful textbook for an undergraduate class.’
– Giovanni Anania, European Review of Agricultural Economics

这本书是我们ll written and presented in an attractive style . . . deserves a place on the shelves of all serious students of agricultural trade negotiations and the functioning of the WTO.’
– Ken Ingersent, Journal of Agricultural Economics

‘. . . the book is welcome for bringing together and discussing much of the history and current issues surrounding the WTO and agriculture. Many of the arguments presented are particularly relevant to Australia and New Zealand. It is accessible compared with many other books addressing similar subject matter, and would be of value for a policy analyst who wishes to obtain a quick grasp of issues and theory behind some policy mechanisms. The book would also be useful as a supplementary text for a level two or three course in international trade.’
– Caroline Saunders, The Australian Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics

‘This book provides an exceptionally lucid economic analysis of the benefits and losses – the gainers and the losers – from liberalization of international trade. The basic analysis is available to those with limited background in economics, with exceptionally clear use of graphic analysis to provide clear conclusions about the effects of increasing trade. The economic specialist also will find much of interest and value. Clear analyses of some of the very difficult issues facing a new round of trade negotiations, with special emphasis on genetically modified products, are presented. The authors make it clear that there are no easy answers to the conflicts that already exist or are likely to exist in the future with respect to such products. Labelling is a superior alternative to embargoes, but labelling may involve substantial costs for many food products and the costs could exceed reasonable estimates of the benefits. But with our present state of knowledge, the estimation of benefits is subject to great uncertainty. The probable negotiating positions of the major participants in a new round of negotiations are delineated with both clarity and fairness. It seems obvious that if the negotiations deal solely with agriculture that the prospects for success are limited; some liberalization of agricultural trade probably can occur only if the negotiations cover the full range of international trade. In negotiations on agricultural trade, governments give very little weight to the interests of the major beneficiaries of lowering trade barriers, namely the consumers.’
– D. Gale Johnson, University of Chicago, US
Contents: Preface 1. Introduction to the Issues 2. Modelling Trade for Policy Analysis 3. Unfinished Business 4. New Challenges 5. Trade in the 21st Century References Index

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