Economic Growth and Environmental Policy


Economic Growth and Environmental Policy

A Theoretical Approach

9781840643695 Edward Elgar Publishing
弗兰克•Hettich勒cturer and Research Fellow, Department of Economics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald, Germany
Publication Date:August 2000 ISBN:978 1 84064 369 5 Extent:288 pp
In this innovative book, Frank Hettich uses dynamic modelling to study the interactions between economic growth, environmental policy and tax reform. He incorporates pollution and abatement technologies into different endogenous growth models that take into account consumer preferences and physical and human capital accumulation. He focuses on the effects of environmental policy in closed and open economies in the short, medium and long term.

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The use of dynamic models to address the problem of environmental degradation is central to environmental policy because decisions taken now affect not only the current generation but have a profound impact on the future.

In this innovative book, Frank Hettich uses dynamic modelling to study the interactions between economic growth, environmental policy and tax reform. He incorporates pollution and abatement technologies into different endogenous growth models that take into account consumer preferences and physical and human capital accumulation. He focuses on the effects of environmental policy in closed and open economies in the short, medium and long term.

He sheds light on the following questions:

• what kind of environmental policy can reverse tendencies towards increasing pollution?
• will tighter environmental policy inevitably reduce economic growth?
• does environmental taxation provide an efficient source of revenue for governments?
• how will higher preferences for a clean environment affect optimal growth rates?
• what are the effects of international cooperation on growth, welfare and pollution?
• does sustainable environmental development necessarily preclude economic growth?

This book will interest all students and scholars of environmental economics and particularly those interested in the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality.
Critical Acclaim
‘An excellent volume for those specialising in environmental economics, especially those focusing upon the relationship between economic growth and environmental policy.’
– Aslib Book Guide
Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. Survey of Literature and General Model Setup 3. Environmental Policy in the Linear Growth Model 4. Environmental Policy in the Uzawa–Lucas Model 5. Environmental Policy in the Uzawa–Lucas Model with Leisure 6. Environmental Policy in the Generalized Uzawa–Lucas Model 7. Summary and Outlook A Technical Appendix Bibliography Index
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