Economic Growth and Poverty
This single-volume compilation offers an insight to some of the most important questions economists and policymakers have been grappling over. A substantial amount of research has been carried out using cross-country regression models, resulting in a better and improved understanding of the linkage between economic growth and poverty reduction. The literature on cross-country regressions, however, has led to conflicting conclusions. Based on a selection of influential papers, and prefaced by a critical review of the literature, this collection covers an array of relevant topics and thought-provoking material. Scholars who envision a world free of extreme poverty will find this volume particularly valuable.
This single-volume compilation offers an insight to some of the most important questions economists and policymakers have been grappling over. A substantial amount of research has been carried out using cross-country regression models, resulting in a better and improved understanding of the linkage between economic growth and poverty reduction. The literature on cross-country regressions, however, has led to conflicting conclusions. Based on a selection of influential papers, and prefaced by a critical review of the literature, this collection covers an array of relevant topics and thought-provoking material. Scholars who envision a world free of extreme poverty will find this volume particularly valuable.
39 articles, dating from 1955 to 2008
贡献者include: A.B. Atkinson, R.J. Barro, D. Dollar, J. Foster, K. Forbes, R. Kanbur, S. Kuznets, M. Ravallion, L. Squire
贡献者include: A.B. Atkinson, R.J. Barro, D. Dollar, J. Foster, K. Forbes, R. Kanbur, S. Kuznets, M. Ravallion, L. Squire
Research Review Nanak Kakwani and Hyun Hwa Son
1. Simon Kuznets(1955),“经济增长和收入不平等”,《美国经济评论》,XLV(1),3月1-28日
2. Simon Kuznets(1963),“国家经济增长的定量方面:VIII,按规模分配的收入分配”,经济发展和文化变革,11(2),1月1-80日,1-80
3. Montek S. Ahluwalia (1976), ‘Income Distribution and Development: Some Stylized Facts’, American Economic Review, 66 (2), May, 128–35
4. Montek S. Ahluwalia(1976),“不平等,贫困与发展”,《发展经济学杂志》,3(4),12月,307-42
5. Sudhir Anand and S. M. R. Kanbur (1993), ‘The Kuznets Process and Inequality-Development Relationship’, Journal of Development Economics, 40 (1), February, 25–52
6. Sudhir Anand and S. M. R. Kanbur (1985), ‘Poverty Under the Kuznets Process’, Economic Journal, Supplement: Conference Papers, 95, 42–50
7. Sherman Robinson(1976),“关于收入不平等和发展有关的U假设的注释”,《美国经济评论》,66(3),6月,437-40
8. Felix Paukert(1973),“不同发展水平的收入分配”,国际劳工评论,108(2-3),97–125
9. Nanak Kakwani(1988),“发展经济体中的收入不平等,福利和贫困,并适用于斯里兰卡”,《社会选择与福利》,5(2-3),6月199日至222日
10. Nancy Birdsall,David R. Ross和Richard Sabot(1995),“重新考虑的不平等与成长:来自东亚的教训”,世界银行经济评论,9(3),9月,477-508
11.罗伯特·J·巴罗(Robert J.
12.克里斯汀·福布斯(Kristin J.
13. Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini (1994), ‘Is Inequality Harmful for Growth?’, American Economic Review, 84 (3), June, 600–21
14.安东尼·B·阿特金森(Anthony B.
15. Amartya Sen(1974),“替代福利方法的信息基础:汇总和收入分配”,《公共经济学杂志》,3(4),11月,387–403
16. Amartya Sen(1976),“贫困:测量的序数方法”,《计量经济学》,第44(2)页,3月,219-31
17. Nanak Kakwani(1980),“关于贫困措施的阶级”,《经济体》,第48(2)页,3月,437–46
18. James Foster, Joel Greer and Erik Thorbecke (1984), ‘A Class of Decomposable Poverty Measures’, Econometrica, 52 (3), May, 761–66
19. Martin Ravallion and Shaohua Chen (1997), ‘What Can New Survey Data Tell Us about Recent Changes in Distribution and Poverty?’, World Bank Economic Review, 11 (2), May, 357–82
20. Hongyi Li,Lyn Squire和Heng-Zou(1998),“解释国际和跨期收入不平等的变化”,《经济杂志》,第108(446),1月26日,26日至43日
21. Martin Ravallion (1995), ‘Growth and Poverty: Evidence from Developing Countries in the 1990s’, Economic Letters, 48 (3–4), June, 411–17
22. Martin Ravallion(2005年),“贫困现象权衡?”,《经济不平等杂志》,3(2),8月,169-81
23.加里·菲尔兹(Gary S.
24. Klaus Deininger和Lyn Squire(1996),“衡量收入不平等的新数据集”,世界银行经济评论,10(3),9月,565-91
25. Klaus Deininger and Lyn Squire (1998), ‘New Ways of Looking at Old Issues: Inequality and Growth’, Journal of Development Economics, 57 (2), 259–87
26. David Dollar and Aart Kraay(2002),“增长对穷人有益”,《经济增长杂志》,7(3),195- 225年9月,195- 225年
27. James E. Foster和MiguelSzékely(2000),“增长有多好?”,亚洲发展评论,18(2),59-73
28. James E. Foster and Miguel Székely (2008), ‘Is Economic Growth Good for the Poor? Tracking Low Incomes Using General Means’, International Economic Review, 49 (4), November, 1143–72
29. Richard H. Adam, Jnr. (2004), ‘Economic Growth, Inequality and Poverty: Estimating the Growth Elasticity of Poverty’, World Development, 32 (12), December, 1989–2014
30. Nanak Kakwani和Ernesto Pernia(2000),“什么是贫穷的增长?”,亚洲发展评论,18,1-16
31. Martin Ravallion and Shoahua Chen (2003), ‘Measuring Pro-Poor Growth’, Economic Letters, 78 (1), January, 93–9
32. Hyun Hwa Son (2004), ‘A Note on Pro-Poor Growth’, Economic Letters, 82 (3), March, 307–14
33. Nanak Kakwani and Hyun Hwa Son (2008), ‘Poverty Equivalent Growth Rate’, Review of Income and Wealth, 54 (4), December, 643–55
34. AART KRAAY(2006),‘何时成长贫穷?来自国家小组的证据,《发展经济学杂志》,80(1),6月198日至227日
35. Hyun Hwa Son and Nanak Kakwani(2008),“贫穷增长的全球估计”,《世界发展》,36(6),6月,1048 - 66年
36. Nanak Kakwani (1993), ‘Poverty and Economic Growth: With Applications to Cote d’Ivoire’, Review of Income and Wealth, 39 (2), June, 121–39
37. Nanak Kakwani(2000),“关于衡量贫困的增长和不平等成分,并应用于泰国”,《定量经济学杂志》,26(1),67-79
38. Gaurav Datt和Martin Ravallion(1992),“贫困措施变化的增长和再分配组成部分,1980年代对巴西和印度的适用”,《发展经济学杂志》,38(2),4月,275-95,275-95
39. Abhijit V. Banerjee和Esther Duflo(2003),“不平等与增长:数据怎么说?”经济增长杂志,8(3)267-99
Research Review Nanak Kakwani and Hyun Hwa Son
1. Simon Kuznets(1955),“经济增长和收入不平等”,《美国经济评论》,XLV(1),3月1-28日
2. Simon Kuznets(1963),“国家经济增长的定量方面:VIII,按规模分配的收入分配”,经济发展和文化变革,11(2),1月1-80日,1-80
3. Montek S. Ahluwalia (1976), ‘Income Distribution and Development: Some Stylized Facts’, American Economic Review, 66 (2), May, 128–35
4. Montek S. Ahluwalia(1976),“不平等,贫困与发展”,《发展经济学杂志》,3(4),12月,307-42
5. Sudhir Anand and S. M. R. Kanbur (1993), ‘The Kuznets Process and Inequality-Development Relationship’, Journal of Development Economics, 40 (1), February, 25–52
6. Sudhir Anand and S. M. R. Kanbur (1985), ‘Poverty Under the Kuznets Process’, Economic Journal, Supplement: Conference Papers, 95, 42–50
7. Sherman Robinson(1976),“关于收入不平等和发展有关的U假设的注释”,《美国经济评论》,66(3),6月,437-40
8. Felix Paukert(1973),“不同发展水平的收入分配”,国际劳工评论,108(2-3),97–125
9. Nanak Kakwani(1988),“发展经济体中的收入不平等,福利和贫困,并适用于斯里兰卡”,《社会选择与福利》,5(2-3),6月199日至222日
10. Nancy Birdsall,David R. Ross和Richard Sabot(1995),“重新考虑的不平等与成长:来自东亚的教训”,世界银行经济评论,9(3),9月,477-508
11.罗伯特·J·巴罗(Robert J.
12.克里斯汀·福布斯(Kristin J.
13. Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini (1994), ‘Is Inequality Harmful for Growth?’, American Economic Review, 84 (3), June, 600–21
14.安东尼·B·阿特金森(Anthony B.
15. Amartya Sen(1974),“替代福利方法的信息基础:汇总和收入分配”,《公共经济学杂志》,3(4),11月,387–403
16. Amartya Sen(1976),“贫困:测量的序数方法”,《计量经济学》,第44(2)页,3月,219-31
17. Nanak Kakwani(1980),“关于贫困措施的阶级”,《经济体》,第48(2)页,3月,437–46
18. James Foster, Joel Greer and Erik Thorbecke (1984), ‘A Class of Decomposable Poverty Measures’, Econometrica, 52 (3), May, 761–66
19. Martin Ravallion and Shaohua Chen (1997), ‘What Can New Survey Data Tell Us about Recent Changes in Distribution and Poverty?’, World Bank Economic Review, 11 (2), May, 357–82
20. Hongyi Li,Lyn Squire和Heng-Zou(1998),“解释国际和跨期收入不平等的变化”,《经济杂志》,第108(446),1月26日,26日至43日
21. Martin Ravallion (1995), ‘Growth and Poverty: Evidence from Developing Countries in the 1990s’, Economic Letters, 48 (3–4), June, 411–17
22. Martin Ravallion(2005年),“贫困现象权衡?”,《经济不平等杂志》,3(2),8月,169-81
23.加里·菲尔兹(Gary S.
24. Klaus Deininger和Lyn Squire(1996),“衡量收入不平等的新数据集”,世界银行经济评论,10(3),9月,565-91
25. Klaus Deininger and Lyn Squire (1998), ‘New Ways of Looking at Old Issues: Inequality and Growth’, Journal of Development Economics, 57 (2), 259–87
26. David Dollar and Aart Kraay(2002),“增长对穷人有益”,《经济增长杂志》,7(3),195- 225年9月,195- 225年
27. James E. Foster和MiguelSzékely(2000),“增长有多好?”,亚洲发展评论,18(2),59-73
28. James E. Foster and Miguel Székely (2008), ‘Is Economic Growth Good for the Poor? Tracking Low Incomes Using General Means’, International Economic Review, 49 (4), November, 1143–72
29. Richard H. Adam, Jnr. (2004), ‘Economic Growth, Inequality and Poverty: Estimating the Growth Elasticity of Poverty’, World Development, 32 (12), December, 1989–2014
30. Nanak Kakwani和Ernesto Pernia(2000),“什么是贫穷的增长?”,亚洲发展评论,18,1-16
31. Martin Ravallion and Shoahua Chen (2003), ‘Measuring Pro-Poor Growth’, Economic Letters, 78 (1), January, 93–9
32. Hyun Hwa Son (2004), ‘A Note on Pro-Poor Growth’, Economic Letters, 82 (3), March, 307–14
33. Nanak Kakwani and Hyun Hwa Son (2008), ‘Poverty Equivalent Growth Rate’, Review of Income and Wealth, 54 (4), December, 643–55
34. AART KRAAY(2006),‘何时成长贫穷?来自国家小组的证据,《发展经济学杂志》,80(1),6月198日至227日
35. Hyun Hwa Son and Nanak Kakwani(2008),“贫穷增长的全球估计”,《世界发展》,36(6),6月,1048 - 66年
36. Nanak Kakwani (1993), ‘Poverty and Economic Growth: With Applications to Cote d’Ivoire’, Review of Income and Wealth, 39 (2), June, 121–39
37. Nanak Kakwani(2000),“关于衡量贫困的增长和不平等成分,并应用于泰国”,《定量经济学杂志》,26(1),67-79
38. Gaurav Datt和Martin Ravallion(1992),“贫困措施变化的增长和再分配组成部分,1980年代对巴西和印度的适用”,《发展经济学杂志》,38(2),4月,275-95,275-95
39. Abhijit V. Banerjee和Esther Duflo(2003),“不平等与增长:数据怎么说?”经济增长杂志,8(3)267-99