Elgar Handbook of Civil War and Fragile States
The Elgar Handbook of Civil War and Fragile States brings together contributions from a multidisciplinary group of internationally renowned scholars on such important issues as the causes of violent conflicts and state fragility, the challenges of conflict resolution and mediation, and the obstacles to post-conflict reconstruction and durable peace-building.
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The Elgar Handbook of Civil War and Fragile States brings together contributions from a multidisciplinary group of internationally renowned scholars on such important issues as the causes of violent conflicts and state fragility, the challenges of conflict resolution and mediation, and the obstacles to post-conflict reconstruction and durable peace-building.
While other companion volumes exist, this detailed and comprehensive book brings together an unrivalled range of disciplinary perspectives, including development economists, quantitative and qualitative political scientists, and sociologists. Topical chapters include: Post-Conflict and State Fragility, Ethnicity, Human Security, Poverty and Conflict, Economic Dimensions of Civil War, Climate Change and Armed Conflict, Rebel Recruitment, Education and Violent Conflict, Obstacles to Peace Settlements and many others.
With detailed and comprehensive coverage, this Handbook will appeal to postgraduate and undergraduate students, policymakers, researchers and academics in conflict and peace studies, international relations, international politics and security studies.
While other companion volumes exist, this detailed and comprehensive book brings together an unrivalled range of disciplinary perspectives, including development economists, quantitative and qualitative political scientists, and sociologists. Topical chapters include: Post-Conflict and State Fragility, Ethnicity, Human Security, Poverty and Conflict, Economic Dimensions of Civil War, Climate Change and Armed Conflict, Rebel Recruitment, Education and Violent Conflict, Obstacles to Peace Settlements and many others.
With detailed and comprehensive coverage, this Handbook will appeal to postgraduate and undergraduate students, policymakers, researchers and academics in conflict and peace studies, international relations, international politics and security studies.
Critical Acclaim
‘The Elgar Handbook of Civil War and Fragile States is an impressive volume. Its distinguished contributors offer a rich menu of courses, ranging from conflict and war to peacemaking, transitional justice, peacekeeping, and powersharing. Encyclopedic in its scope, the volume encompasses many different approaches to stimulate and provoke the careful reader. It serves up a feast for scholars and policymakers alike.’
– Donald L. Horowitz, Duke University, US
– Donald L. Horowitz, Duke University, US
Contributors: P. Aall, T. Addison, P.H. Baker, R.H. Bates, J. Bercovitch, G.K. Brown, H. Buhaug, P. Clark, C.A. Crocker, H. Dorussen, V.P. Fortna, S. Fukuda-Parr, K.S. Gleditsch, N.P. Gleditsch, Y. Guichaoua, F.O. Hampson, C.A. Hartzell, H. Hegre, H. Holtermann, L.M. Howard, P. Justino, A. Langer, R. Licklider, K. Long, C. Lutmar, D.M. Malone, J. McGarry, C. Messineo, N.W. Metternich, R. Muggah, S.M. Murshed, H. Nitzschke, B. O’Leary, J. Ohiorhenuan, A. Ruggeri, B.R. Sørensen, F. Stewart, M.Z. Tadjoeddin, O.M. Theisen, H. Urdal, P. Vermeersch, S. Wolff
1. Conflict, Post-Conflict, and State Fragility: Conceptual and Methodological Issues
Arnim Langer and Graham K. Brown
2. Ethnicity
Robert H. Bates
3. Human Security
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and Carol Messineo
4. Poverty and Conflict
Håvard Hegre and Helge Holtermann
5. Conflict and the Social Contract
Syed Mansoob Murshed
Heiko Nitzschke and David M. Malone
7. Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict
Frances Stewart
8. Conflict, Natural Resources and Development
Mohammad Zulfan Tadjoeddin
9. Climate Change and Armed Conflict
Ole Magnus Theisen, Nils Petter Gleditsch and Halvard Buhaug
10. Demography and Armed Conflict
Henrik Urdal
11. Rethinking Durable Solutions for Refugees
Katy Long
12. Rebel Recruitment
Yvan Guichaoua
13. Violent Conflict and Human Capital Accumulation
Patricia Justino
14. Education and Violent Conflict
Birgitte Refslund Sørensen
15. International Dimensions of Internal Conflict
Nils W. Metternich, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, Han Dorussen and Andrea Ruggeri
16. Theories of Ethnic Mobilization: Overview and Recent Trends
Peter Vermeersch
17. Transitions from War to Peace
Caroline A. Hartzell
18. Fragile States and Civil Wars: Is Mediation the Answer?
Carmela Lutmar and Jacob Bercovitch
19. Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration
Robert Muggah
20. Obstacles to Peace Settlements
Roy Licklider
21. Pitfalls and Prospects in the Peacekeeping Literature
Virginia Page Fortna and Lise Morjé Howard
22. Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Societies
Phil Clark
23. Collective Conflict Management
Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson and Pamela Aall
24. The Political Economy of Fragile States
Tony Addison
25. Conflict Resolution versus Democratic Governance: Can Elections Bridge the Divide?
Pauline H. Baker
26. Federations and Managing Nations
27. Post-Conflict Recovery
John Ohiorhenuan
28. Gendering Violent Conflicts
Birgitte Refslund Sørensen
29. Complex Power Sharing
Stefan Wolff
1. Conflict, Post-Conflict, and State Fragility: Conceptual and Methodological Issues
Arnim Langer and Graham K. Brown
2. Ethnicity
Robert H. Bates
3. Human Security
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and Carol Messineo
4. Poverty and Conflict
Håvard Hegre and Helge Holtermann
5. Conflict and the Social Contract
Syed Mansoob Murshed
Heiko Nitzschke and David M. Malone
7. Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict
Frances Stewart
8. Conflict, Natural Resources and Development
Mohammad Zulfan Tadjoeddin
9. Climate Change and Armed Conflict
Ole Magnus Theisen, Nils Petter Gleditsch and Halvard Buhaug
10. Demography and Armed Conflict
Henrik Urdal
11. Rethinking Durable Solutions for Refugees
Katy Long
12. Rebel Recruitment
Yvan Guichaoua
13. Violent Conflict and Human Capital Accumulation
Patricia Justino
14. Education and Violent Conflict
Birgitte Refslund Sørensen
15. International Dimensions of Internal Conflict
Nils W. Metternich, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, Han Dorussen and Andrea Ruggeri
16. Theories of Ethnic Mobilization: Overview and Recent Trends
Peter Vermeersch
17. Transitions from War to Peace
Caroline A. Hartzell
18. Fragile States and Civil Wars: Is Mediation the Answer?
Carmela Lutmar and Jacob Bercovitch
19. Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration
Robert Muggah
20. Obstacles to Peace Settlements
Roy Licklider
21. Pitfalls and Prospects in the Peacekeeping Literature
Virginia Page Fortna and Lise Morjé Howard
22. Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Societies
Phil Clark
23. Collective Conflict Management
Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson and Pamela Aall
24. The Political Economy of Fragile States
Tony Addison
25. Conflict Resolution versus Democratic Governance: Can Elections Bridge the Divide?
Pauline H. Baker
26. Federations and Managing Nations
27. Post-Conflict Recovery
John Ohiorhenuan
28. Gendering Violent Conflicts
Birgitte Refslund Sørensen
29. Complex Power Sharing
Stefan Wolff