Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Governance


Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Governance

Directions for the Sustainable Development and Competitiveness of Regions

9781781002834 Edward Elgar Publishing
由查理Karlsson编辑,名誉教授the Economics of Technological Change, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University and Professor Emeritus of Industrial Economics, Blekinge Institute of Technology, the late Börje Johansson, formerly Professor of Economics, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University, Jönköping and Director, CESIS (Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies), Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and the late Roger R. Stough, formerly School of Policy, Government and International Affairs, George Mason University, US
Publication Date:2013 ISBN:978 1 78100 283 4 Extent:432 pp
This book highlights the role of entrepreneurship, social capital and governance for regional economic development. In recent decades, many researchers have claimed that entrepreneurship is the most critical factor in sustaining regional economic growth. However, most entrepreneurship research is undertaken without considering the fundamental importance of the regional context. Other research has emphasized the role of social capital but there are substantial problems in empirically relating measures of social capital to regional economic development.

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This book highlights the role of entrepreneurship, social capital and governance for regional economic development. In recent decades, many researchers have claimed that entrepreneurship is the most critical factor in sustaining regional economic growth. However, most entrepreneurship research is undertaken without considering the fundamental importance of the regional context. Other research has emphasized the role of social capital but there are substantial problems in empirically relating measures of social capital to regional economic development.

The expert contributors to this work highlight the role of governance in regional growth, an area that has so far been relatively under-researched, underpinning their findings with new theoretical and empirical evidence. They conclude that the relationship between entrepreneurship, social capital and governance in factors affecting regional economic development are complex and interdependent, and that to influence these factors and the relationship between them, policymakers must have a long-term perspective and be both patient and persistent in their efforts.

This enlightening book will be of great interest to academics, students and researchers across a range of fields including regional science, regional economics, economic geography, regional planning, public policy, entrepreneurship, political science and economic sociology. Policymakers involved in regional policymaking from national down to regional and local levels will also find the book to be an illuminating read.
Contributors: T. Arvemo, P. Assmo, I. Bernhard, N. Carbonara, M. Cesário, G.A.S. Cook, J.L. Crespo-Espert, L.P. Dana, S. Doh, A. García-Tabuenca, U. Gråsjö, K.E. Haynes, D.G. Ierapetritis, B. Johansson, C. Karlsson, D. Lagos, H. Lawton Smith, H. Lööf, M. Morehart, K. Nyström, F. Pablo-Martí, N.R. Pandit, H. Qian, J.Å. Riseth, S. Romeo, P.L. Stenberg, S.C. Turner, M.T. de Noronha Vaz, H. Westlund, E. Wihlborg, E.J. Zolnik


1. Entrepreneurship, Social Capital, Governance and Regional Economic Development: An Introduction
Charlie Karlsson

2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Oxfordshire’s High-tech Economy – Firm Survival, Growth and Innovation
Helen Lawton Smith and Saverio Romeo

3. The Influence of Clustering on MNE Location and Innovation in Great Britain
Gary A.S. Cook, Hans Lööf, Naresh R. Pandit and Börje Johansson

4. Industrial District Hetereogeneity and Performance: Evidence from Italy
Nunzia Carbonara

5. Labor Mobility and Entrepreneurship: Who Do New Firms Employ?

6. Women, Entrepreneurial Activity and Territory: Differences or Myths?
José Luis Crespo-Espert, Antonio García-Tabuenca and Federico Pablo-Martí

7. Social Capital and Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Social Capital in Self-Employment
Soogwan Doh and Edmund J. Zolnik

8. A Multidimensional Perspective on Entrepreneurship
Hans Westlund

9. The Existence of Pent-up Demand for Rural Broadband Services: An Exploration
Peter L. Stenberg and Mitchell Morehart

10. Trust in Secure Public e-Services: Translating Polices into Use
Iréne Bernhard and Elin Wihlborg

11. Do Different Measures of Economic Growth Lead to Different Conclusions?
Tobias Arvemo and Urban Gråsjö

12. Building Rural Entrepreneurship in Greece: Lessons from Lifelong Learning Programmes
Dimitrios G. Ierapetritis and Dimitrios Lagos

13. The Location of Business Support Programs: Does the Knowledge Context Matter?
Kingsley E. Haynes, Haifeng Qian and Sidney C. Turner

14. Technological Adjustments in the Textile, Clothes and Leather Industries: An Alternative Pathway for Competitiveness
Marisa Cesário and Maria Teresa de Noronha Vaz

15. Sámi Reindeer Herders in Finland: Pulled to Community-based Entrepreneurship and Pushed to Individualistic Firms
Leo Paul Dana and Jan Åge Riseth

16. Local Alternative Development through a Time-Spatial Lens: A Case Study of Ydre Inspired by Hägerstrand
Per Assmo and Elin Wihlborg

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