Francois Quesnay(1694–1774)


Francois Quesnay(1694–1774)

9781852784720 Edward Elgar Publishing
由已故的马克·布拉格(Mark Blaug)编辑,伦敦大学荣誉教授和英国白金汉大学的名誉教授
发布日期:1991 ISBN:978 1 85278 472 0 程度:656 pp
弗朗索瓦•魁奈最出名的是画面生态nomique, the proposition that only agriculture generates a positive 'net product' and that industry is ‘sterile’. He recommended a ‘single tax’ on ground rent and invented the slogan ‘laissez faire, laissez passe’. He was the first to found a school of economists called the ‘physiocrats’ which enjoyed an immense vogue in France for about a decade in the 1750s. The practical programme of the physiocrats was to eliminate the vestiges of medieval tolls and restrictions in the countryside, to rationalize the fiscal system, to amalgamate small-holdings into large-scale agricultural estates, to free the corn trade from all mercantilist restrictions – in short to emulate England. Placed in its historical context these were eminently reasonable views but the attempt to provide these reforms with a watertight theoretical argument produced some forced reasoning and slightly absurd conclusions.

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弗朗索瓦•魁奈最出名的是画面生态nomique, the proposition that only agriculture generates a positive ‘net product’ and that industry is ‘sterile’. He recommended a ‘single tax’ on ground rent and invented the slogan ‘laissez faire, laissez passe’. He was the first to found a school of economists called the ‘physiocrats’ which enjoyed an immense vogue in France for about a decade in the 1750s. The practical programme of the physiocrats was to eliminate the vestiges of medieval tolls and restrictions in the countryside, to rationalize the fiscal system, to amalgamate small-holdings into large-scale agricultural estates, to free the corn trade from all mercantilist restrictions – in short to emulate England. Placed in its historical context these were eminently reasonable views but the attempt to provide these reforms with a watertight theoretical argument produced some forced reasoning and slightly absurd conclusions.
贡献者include: T. Barna, S. Bauer, A.I. Bloomfield, S.J. Brandenburg, R.V. Eagly, W.A. Eltis, V. Foley, L. Herlitz, I . Hishiyama, J. Johnson, S. Malle, L.A. Maverick, R.L. Meek, A.L. Müller, T.P. Neill, A. Philips, I. Ross, W.J. Samuels, J.J. Spengler, G. Vaggi, N.J. Ware, R.M. Will
1. S. Bauer(1895),“ Quesnay's Tableauéconomique'
2. A.I. Bloomfield (1938), 'The Foreign-Trade Doctrines of the Physicrats'
3. J.J. Spengler (1945), 'The Physiocrats and Say's Law of Markets. I'
4. J.J.Spengler(1945),“物理学和言论的市场定律。ii'
5. R.L. Meek(1951),“英国的物理学和古典主义”
6. I Hishiyama(1960),“ Quesnay的Tableauéconomique''
7. W.J. Samuels (1961), 'The Physiocratic Theory of Property and State'
8. W.J. Samuels(1962),“经济政策的物理学理论”
9. R.M. Will (1965), 'Ecomic Thought in the Encyclopédie'
10. J. Johnson(1966),“支出在物理学理论中的作用”
11。R.V. Eagly (1969), 'A Physicratic Model of Dynamic Equilibrium'
12. V. Foley(1973),“ Tableauéconomique的起源”
13. W.A. Elits(1975),'Francois Quesnay:重新解释。1.'
14. W.A. Elits(1975),'Francois Quesnay:重新解释。2.'
15. A.L.Müller(1978),“ Quesnay的增长理论:评论”
16. T. Barna(1976),“ Quesnay的经济发展模式”

1. S.J.勃兰登堡(1931年),“亚当·史密斯(Adam Smith)之前的英国国民经济的农业地”
2. N.J. Ware (1931), 'The Physiocrats: A Study in Economic Rationalization'
3. L.A. Maverick(1938),“中国对物理学的影响”
4. T.P.尼尔(Neill,1949年),“物理学的经济学概念”
5. A. Philips(1955),“作为简单Leontiev模型的Tableauéconomique”
6. R.L. Meek(1960),“ tableauéconomique”的解释
7. L. Herlitz(1961),“ Tableauéconomiqueand the Intranity of Intrise of doctrine''
8. T. Barna(1975),“现代幌子的Quesnay's Tableau”
9. S. Malle(1979),“马克思理性化”
11. G. Vaggi(1985),“利润在生理经济学中的作用”
12. W. Elitis(1988),“弗朗索瓦·奎斯纳(Francois Quesnay)和亚当·史密斯(Adam Smith)的工业化理论的对比。”