Handbook of European Social Policy


Handbook of European Social Policy

9781783476459 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Patricia Kennett, Professor and Noemi Lendvai-Bainton, Senior Lecturer, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, UK
Publication Date:2017 ISBN:978 1 78347 645 9 Extent:480 pp
This Handbook comprises of 29 original pieces from key contributors to the field of European social policy. It is intended to capture the ‘state of the art’ in European social policy and to generate and contribute to debates on the the future of European social policy in the 21st Century. It is a comprehensive and authoritative resource for research and teaching covering themes and policy areas including social exclusion, pensions, education, children and family, as well as mobility and migration, multiculturalism, and climate change.

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This Handbook brings together leading scholars of European social policy to reinvigorate theoretical, conceptual and substantive debates around European welfare states and societies as well as the ‘social dimension’ of the European Union.

这种独特的和原始集合在一起at a time of substantial economic, social and political turbulence across Europe, changing narratives, ideas and attitudes towards welfare, increasing institutional complexity in the delivery of services, and a ‘crisis of legitimacy’ for the European project itself compounded by Brexit. It is against this backdrop that the Handbook draws together key commentators in European social policy to engage with and further develop theoretical, conceptual and substantive understandings of social policy in post-crisis Europe. Issues covered include, amongst others, varieties of welfare capitalism, cultural political economy, austerity, territoriality, engendering, multiculturalism, socio-ecological changes, social investment and public attitudes.

The Handbook of European Social Policy offers a comprehensive and state-of-the-art reflection on theoretical debates on welfare regimes and the trajectories of the EU’s social dimension. It is a key reading and teaching resource for students and academics in social policy.
Contributors: D. Bailey, E. Barberis, D. Béland, A. Borchorst, C. Bruzelius, D. Clegg, M. Daly, C. de la Porte, F. Dukelow, V. Fargion, B. Greve, E. Heins, A. Hemerijck, B. Hvinden, B. Jessop, Y. Kazepov, P. Kennett, B. Kovács, J. Kvist, N. Lendvai-Bainton, T. Meyer, T. Modood, J. Morris, B. Nolan, K. Petersen, B. Pfau-Effinger, A. Polese, F. Roosma, C. Saraceno, M.A. Schoyen, M. Schroeder, M. Seeleib-Kaiser, B. Siim, M. Souto-Otero, N.-L. Sum, W. van Oorschot


Introduction. Trajectories and frictions of European social policy
Noemi Lendvai-Bainton and Patricia Kennett

Part I Perspectives on European Welfare States
1. Exploring social policy ideas and language
Daniel Béland and Klaus Peterson

2. Cultural political economy and ‘post-crisis’ austerity states in Europe
Bob Jessop and Ngai-Ling Sum

3. Varieties of Capitalism and Welfare States: eroding diversity?
Martin Schröder

4. Gendering European welfare states and citizenship – Revisioning inequalities
Birte Siim and Anette Borchorst

5. Social investment over the life course: Ending European social policy as we know it?
Jon Kvist

第二部分国际和地区机构d Social Policy
6. The dynamics of European Union social policy
Mary Daly

7. Obstacles to 'Social Europe'
David Bailey

8. The EU in the international arena and the social dimension of globalization
Valeria Fargion

9. EU governance of welfare states and labour markets
Caroline De la Porte

10. European Citizenship and Social Rights
Cecilia Bruzelius and Martin Seeleib Kaiser

Part III Comparing welfare states and societies across Europe
11. Continental welfare states in transition: The incomplete social investment turn
Anton Hemerijck

12. Adjusting social welfare and social policy in Central and Eastern Europe: growth, crisis and recession
Borbála Kovács, Abel Polese and Jeremy Morris

13. Southern European welfare regimes: From differentiation to reconvergence?
Chiara Saraceno

14. The Anglo-Saxon welfare states: still Europe’s outlier - or trendsetter?
Fiona Dukelow and Elke Heins

15. Reflecting on Nordic welfare states – continuity or social change?
Bent Greve

Part IV Dimensions and development of social policy
16. Unemployment benefit and labour market policies in Europe
Daniel Clegg

17. Neo-liberalism, discursive change and European education policy trajectories
Manuel Souto-Otero

18. The territorial dimension of social policies and the new role of cities
Yuri Kazepov and Eduardo Barberis

19. The development of welfare state policies towards care work within and outside the family
Birgit Pfau-Effinger

20. How European pension promises changed in austere times: 2002-2015
Traute Meyer

Part V Emerging challenges and issues for European welfare states
21. Poverty and social exclusion in the European Union
Brian Nolan

22. Climate change as a challenge for European welfare states
Mi Ah Shoyen and Bjorn Hvinden

23. Integration and multiculturalism in Western Europe
Tariq Modood

24. Radical politics in post-crisis Hungary: illiberal democracy, neoliberalism and the end of the welfare state
Noemi Lendvai-Bainton

25. The Social Legitimacy of Welfare States in European Regions and Countries. Balancing between popular preferences and evaluations
Femke Roosma and Wim van Oorshott

26. (Dis)Integration, disjuncture and the multidimensional crisis of the European social project
Patricia Kennett


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