Handbook of Industry Studies and Economic Geography


Handbook of Industry Studies and Economic Geography

9781783475322 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Frank Giarratani, University of Pittsburgh, US, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US and Philip McCann, Professor of Urban and Regional Economics, University of Sheffield, UK
Publication Date:2016 ISBN:978 1 78347 532 2 Extent:512 pp
This unique Handbook examines the impacts on, and responses to, economic geography explicitly from the perspective of the behaviour, mechanics, systems and experiences of different firms in various types of industries. The industry studies approach allows the authors to explain why the economic geography of these different industries exhibits such particular and diverse characteristics.

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This unique Handbook examines the impacts on, and responses to, economic geography explicitly from the perspective of the behaviour, mechanics, systems and experiences of different firms in various types of industries. The industry studies approach allows the authors to explain why the economic geography of these different industries exhibits such particular and diverse characteristics. The sectors and industries covered include:

• traditional heavy industry and engineering
• creative and cultural industries
• knowledge sectors
• natural resource-based and environmental sectors
• knowledge, networks and communications issues.

The Handbook of Industry Studies and Economic Geography will strongly appeal to students, scholars and researchers interested in all aspects of industrial location and economic geography.
Critical Acclaim
‘Economic geography and industrial economics have traditionally been two distinct fields of scholarship separated by entirely disparate literatures, methodologies and research agendas. No more. With publication of this path-breaking collection of meticulously crafted studies, the editors have forged economic geography and industrial economics into a coherent and compelling singular field of scholarship. Neither economic geography nor industrial economics can subsequently be considered in isolation but will need to be analyzed in the integrated framework introduced in this book.’
– David B. Audretsch, Indiana University, Bloomington, US
Contributors: Y. Aoyama, D. Bailey, F. Bellusi, G. Bentley, M. Bokhorst, F. Bruinsma, K. Buzard, G. Carlino, M.C. Carroll, J. Cooper, L. de Propris, P. Doeringer, E.L. Echeverri-Carroll, C. Forman, P. Foster, A. Gadwa Nicodemus, F. Giarratani, N. Green Leigh, G. Gruver, G.J.D. Hewings, H. Izushi, R. Jackson, T. Klier, S. MacNeill, R. Madhavan, S. Manning, A. Markusen, C. Martínez, H. Mayer, P. McCann, R. Mudambi, R. Ortega-Argilés, L. Oxley, R. Rama, N. Reid, A. Reynolds-Feighan, J. Rubenstein, H. Shangqin, S. Sheppard, D. Terkla

Introduction to the Relationships between Economic Geography and Industries: Theory, Empirics and Modes of Analysis
Frank Giarattani, Geoffrey J.G. Hewings and Philip McCann

1. Steel Industry Restructuring and Location
Frank Giarratani, Ravi Madhavan and Gene Gruver

2. The Evolving Geography of the U.S. Motor Vehicle Industry
Thomas Klier and James M. Rubenstein

3. The Changing Geography of the European Auto Industry
Gill Bentley, David Bailey and Stewart MacNeill

4. Project-Based Industries and Craft-Like Production: Structure, Location, and Performance
Peter B. Doeringer, Pacey Foster, Stephan Manning and David Terkla

5. Innovation, Industry Evolution, and Cross-Sectoral Skill Transfer in the Video Game Industry: A Three Country Study
Yuko Aoyama and Hiro Izushi

6. Spatial Divisions of Labor: How Key Worker Profiles Vary for the Same Industry in Different Regions
Ann Markusen and Ann Gadwa Nicodemus

7. Museums in the Neighbourhood: The Local Economic Impact of Museums
Stephen Sheppard

8.剥离区域:Entrepreneurial Emergence and Regional Development in Second Tier High-Technology Regions: Observations from the Oregon and Idaho Electronics Sectors
Heike Mayer

9. Location, Control and Firm Innovation: The Case of the Mobile Handset Industry
Ram Mudambi

10. How Has Information Technology Use Shaped the Geography of Economic Activity?
Chris Forman

11.研发、知识、经济增长和Transatlantic Productivity Gap
Raquel Ortega-Argilés

12. The Changing Structure of the Global Agribusiness Sector
Ruth Rama and Catalina Martínez

13. Social Capital and the Development of Industrial Clusters: The Northwest Ohio Greenhouse Cluster
Michael C. Carroll and Neil Reid

14. Computational Structure for Linking Life Cycle Assessment and Input-Output Modeling: A Case Study on Urban Recycling and Remanufacturing
Joyce Cooper, Randall Jackson and Nancey Green Leigh

15. The Importance of the Water Management Sector in Dutch Agriculture and the Wider Economy
Frank Bruinsma and Mark Bokhorst

16. The Geography of Research and Development Activity in the US
Kristy Buzard and Gerald Carlino

17. Offshore Assembly and Service Industries in Latin America
Elsie L Echeverri-Carroll

18. The Global Air Transport Industry: A Comparative Analysis of Network Structures in Major Continental Regions
Aisling Reynolds-Feighan

19. Innovation in New Zealand: Issues of Firm Size, Local Market Size and Economic Geography
Hong Shangqin, Philip McCann and Les Oxley

20. They are Industrial Districts, but Not As We Know Them!
Fiorenza Belussi and Lisa De Propris

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