Handbook of Research on Sport and Business


Handbook of Research on Sport and Business

9781849800051 爱德华·埃尔加出版社
Edited by Sten Söderman, Professor of International Business, School of Business, Stockholm University, Sweden and Harald Dolles, Professor in Sport Management, Molde University College, Specialized University in Logistics, Molde, Norway and Professor in International Business, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Publication Date:2013 ISBN:978 1 84980 005 1 Extent:608 pp
This Handbook draws together top international researchers and discusses the state of the art and the future direction of research at the nexus between sport and business. It is heavily built upon choosing, applying and evaluating appropriate quantitative as well as qualitative research methods for practical advice in sport and business research.


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This Handbook draws together top international researchers and discusses the state of the art and the future direction of research at the nexus between sport and business. It is heavily built upon choosing, applying and evaluating appropriate quantitative as well as qualitative research methods for practical advice in sport and business research.

– Hans Lundberg, Idrottsforum.org

“Soderman和娃娃有一个令人印象深刻的组装array of researchers to address the nexus between sport and business. In their rich collection of research on sport business theory and practice Söderman and Dolles identify research themes from governance to branding, from sport events to sport systems, and from social media to fan identity, and they specifically reflect on the application of major theoretical concepts and key research methods. The authors’ aim is to advance sport business research through critical reflection on topic selection, research design, data analysis and interpretation. Their unique approach encourages researchers, from novice to experienced, to embrace diverse theories and methods. The Handbook is recommended reading for those interested in advancing sport business research.’
– Graham Cuskelly, Griffith University, Australia

‘This insight-laden volume encompasses today's and tomorrow's research across the multifaceted landscape of the business side of sport – from branding and sponsorship to media and technology, from club management to governance. It effectively encompasses both theory and practice. Scholars, students, and practitioners will find this cogent collection of international consumer and business research knowledge and perspectives both informative and useful.’
- 美国哈佛商学院Stephen A. Greyser

‘This Handbook directly responds to the rapid professional, commercial and international development of sport. With its thoughtful structure, comprehensive coverage of topics and renowned contributors it offers a thorough analysis on the management challenges in the field. It also offers very valuable insights and guidance how the business of sport can be researched by students, academics and practitioners around the world. The book is simply a must-read for anyone interested in the management aspects of sports.’
– Yoshiaki Takahashi, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
Contributors: C. Anagnostopoulos, T.D. Andersson, A.-l. Balduck, N. Böhlke, A. Bourke, M. Buelens, S. Chadwick, T.B. Cornwell, V. De Bosscher, M. Desbordes, M. Dibben, H. Dolles, B. Frick, H. Gammelsæter, C. Gratton, A. Guala, S. Hamil, K.K. Haugen, B. Hellau, P. Hogan, H. Jansson, R.B. Johnson, M. Maes, N. O’Reilly, L. Robinson, A. Rudd, J. Santomier, T. Schlesinger, B. Senaux, S. Shibli, E.A. Skille, A.C.T. Smith, S. Söderman, H.A. Solberg, B. Stewart, T. Ströbel, J. Truyens, D.M. Turco, M. van Bottenburg, G. Walters, M. Winand, H. Woratschek, T. Zintz


1. Research on Sport and Business
Harald Dolles and Sten Söderman

2. A Call for More Mixed Methods in Sport Management Research

3. Researching Elite Sport Systems Using Process Benchmarking
Leigh Robinson and Nikolai Böhlke

4. Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Sport Governing Bodies: A Tool on Ways Towards High Performance Mathieu Winand and Thierry Zintz

Veerle De Bosscher, Jasper Truyens, Maarten van Bottenburg and Simon Shibli

6. Sports Governance in Ireland: Insights on Theory and Practice
Ann Bourke

7. Regulation and the Search for a Profitable Business Model: A Case Study of the English Football Industry
Geoff Walters and Sean Hamil

8. The Governance of the Game: A Review of the Research on Football’s Governance
哈尔盖尔·加梅特(HalgeirGammelæter)和贝诺特·塞纳克斯(Benoit Senaux)

9. Case Study Research in Sport Management: A Reflection Upon the Theory of Science and an Empirical Example

10. Social Media and Prosumerism: Implications for Sport Marketing Research
James Santomier and Patricia Hogan

11. The Economics of Listed Sports Events in a Digital Era of Broadcasting: A Case Study of the UK
Chris Gratton and Harry Arne Solberg

Harry Arne Solberg and Kjetil Kåre Haugen

13. Triple Impact Assessments of Sport Events
Tommy D. Andersson

14.SACHésFrançais!为什么他们没有出色的足球体育场;他们将如何:2016 UEFA EURO的政治,经济和营销影响
Boris Hellau and Michel Desbordes

15. Social Impacts of Hosting Major Sport Events: The Impact of the 2007 Arrival of a Stage of the Tour de France on the City of Ghent
Anne-Line Balduck,Marc Maes和Marc Buelens

16. What do they Really Think? Researching Residents’ Perception of Mega-sport Events
Alessandro ‘Chito’ Guala and Douglas Michele Turco

Douglas Michele Turco

18. Portfolio Theory and the Management of Professional Sports Clubs: The Case of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Norm O’Reilly

19. Proposing a Relationship Marketing Theory for Sport Clubs
Hans Jansson and Sten Söderman

20. The Network of Value Captures in Football Club Management: A Framework to Develop and Analyse Competitive Advantage in Professional Team Sports
Harald Dolles and Sten Söderman

21. Panel Econometrics in Sports Economics Research: Player Remuneration and Sporting Performance Bernd Frick

22. Examining Corporate Social Responsibility in Football: The Application of Grounded Theory Methodology
Christos Anagnostopoulos

23. A Review of Fan Identity and its Influence on Sport Sponsorship Effectiveness
Torsten Schlesinger

24. State of the Art and Science in Sponsorship-linked Marketing
T. Bettina Cornwell

25. Participant Observation in Sport Management Research: Collecting and Interpreting Data from a Successful World Land Speed Record Attempt Mark Dibben and Harald Dolles

26. Brand Equity Models in the Spotlight of Sport Business
Tim Ströbel and Herbert Woratschek

27. From Outside Lane to Inside Track: Sport Management Research in the Twenty-first Century
Simon Chadwick

28. The Special Features of Sport: A Critical Revisit
Aaron C.T. Smith and Bob Stewart

29.展望:体育和商业 - 未来的研究议程
Harald Dolles and Sten Söderman

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