Handbook on Contingent Valuation
The Handbook on Contingent Valuation is unique in that it focuses on contingent valuation as a method for evaluating environmental change. It examines econometric issues, conceptual underpinnings, implementation issues as well as alternatives to contingent valuation. Anna Alberini and James Kahn have compiled a comprehensive and original reference volume containing invaluable case studies that demonstrate the implementation of contingent valuation in a wide variety of applications. Chapters include those on the history of contingent valuation, a practical guide to its implementation, the use of experimental approaches, an ecological economics perspective on contingent valuation and approaches for developing nations.
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The Handbook on Contingent Valuation is unique in that it focuses on contingent valuation as a method for evaluating environmental change. It examines econometric issues, conceptual underpinnings, implementation issues as well as alternatives to contingent valuation. Anna Alberini and James Kahn have compiled a comprehensive and original reference volume containing invaluable case studies that demonstrate the implementation of contingent valuation in a wide variety of applications. Chapters include those on the history of contingent valuation, a practical guide to its implementation, the use of experimental approaches, an ecological economics perspective on contingent valuation and approaches for developing nations.
The Handbook also contains:
• discussions of underlying theory
• both contingent valuation and conjoint analysis
• comparisons of real and hypothetical data using experimental approaches
• an examination of survey structure issues
• developing country focus
• critical essays concerning the ethical basis of contingent valuation.
This new reference book will be warmly welcomed by academics in environmental economics, environmental professionals in government, consulting firms and NGOs. Graduate and undergraduate students in economics, environmental studies and environmental policy will also find this an ever valuable resource.
The Handbook also contains:
• discussions of underlying theory
• both contingent valuation and conjoint analysis
• comparisons of real and hypothetical data using experimental approaches
• an examination of survey structure issues
• developing country focus
• critical essays concerning the ethical basis of contingent valuation.
This new reference book will be warmly welcomed by academics in environmental economics, environmental professionals in government, consulting firms and NGOs. Graduate and undergraduate students in economics, environmental studies and environmental policy will also find this an ever valuable resource.
Contributors: M.C. Ahearn, A. Alberini, D. Biller, G.C. Blomquist, K.J. Boyle, W.S. Breffle, R.T. Carson, J.F. Casey, T.L. Cherry, G. Cooper, M. Cropper, J.M. Fly, P. Frykblom, B. Haddad, M. Haile, D.R. Hellerstein, R. Howarth, P.M. Jakus, J.R. Kahn, J. Lampietti, C.J. León, R. León, J.A. List, J.B. Loomis, R.C. Mitchell, E.R. Morey, C. Poulos, K. Rogge, R.D. Rowe, G. Ruta, J.F. Shogren, V.K. Smith, B. Stephens, S. Stewart, L.O. Taylor, H.W. Thurston, D.M. Waldman, J.C. Whitehead, D. Whittington
1. Introduction
Anna Alberini and James R. Kahn
2. Fifty Years of Contingent Valuation
V. Kerry Smith
3. A Practitioner’s Primer on the Contingent Valuation Method
John C. Whitehead
4. The Use of Contingent Valuation in Benefit–Cost Analysis
John C. Whitehead and Glenn C. Blomquist
5. Hypothetical Preferences and Environmental Policy
Gregory Cooper
6. Protest Bids, Commensurability, and Substitution: Contingent Valuation and Ecological Economics
Brent Haddad and Richard Howarth
7. An Introduction to Choice Modeling for Non-market Valuation
Steven Stewart and James R. Kahn
8. Experimental Methods for the Testing and Design of Contingent Valuation
Laura O. Taylor
9. Designing a Contingent Valuation Study to Estimate the Benefits of the Conservation Reserve Program on Grassland Bird Populations
Mary Clare Ahearn, Kevin J. Boyle and Daniel R. Hellerstein
10. Modelling Behaviour in Dichotomous Choice with Bayesian Methods
Carmelo J. León and Roberto León
11. Temporal Reliability in Contingent Valuation (with a Restrictive Research Budget)
Paul M. Jakus, Becky Stephens and J. Mark Fly
12. Non-market Valuation on the Internet
Hale W. Thurston
13. Use of Contingent Values of Wildlife and Habitat Preservation in Policy and Benefit–Cost Analyses
John b . Loomis
14. Valuing Wildlife at Risk from Exotic Invaders in Yellowstone Lake
Todd L. Cherry, Jason F. Shogren, Peter Frykblom and John A. List
15. The Demand for Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Nets: Evidence from Africa
Christine Poulos, Maureen Cropper, Julian Lampietti, Dale Whittington and Mitiku Haile
16. Choice Modeling of Farmer Preferences for Agroforestry Systems in Calakmul, Mexico
James F. Casey
17. The Use of Contingent Valuation in Developing Countries: A Quantitative Analysis
Dan Biller, Karoline Rogge and Giovanni Ruta
18. Combining Stated-Choice and Stated-Frequency Data with Observed Behavior to Value NRDA Compensable Damages: Green Bay, PCBs, and Fish Consumption Advisories
William S. Breffle, Edward R. Morey, Robert D. Rowe and Donald M. Waldman
19. Public Preferences Toward Environmental Risks: The Case of Trihalomethanes
Richard T. Carson and Robert Cameron Mitchell
20. Conclusions
Anna Alberini and James R. Kahn
1. Introduction
Anna Alberini and James R. Kahn
2. Fifty Years of Contingent Valuation
V. Kerry Smith
3. A Practitioner’s Primer on the Contingent Valuation Method
John C. Whitehead
4. The Use of Contingent Valuation in Benefit–Cost Analysis
John C. Whitehead and Glenn C. Blomquist
5. Hypothetical Preferences and Environmental Policy
Gregory Cooper
6. Protest Bids, Commensurability, and Substitution: Contingent Valuation and Ecological Economics
Brent Haddad and Richard Howarth
7. An Introduction to Choice Modeling for Non-market Valuation
Steven Stewart and James R. Kahn
8. Experimental Methods for the Testing and Design of Contingent Valuation
Laura O. Taylor
9. Designing a Contingent Valuation Study to Estimate the Benefits of the Conservation Reserve Program on Grassland Bird Populations
Mary Clare Ahearn, Kevin J. Boyle and Daniel R. Hellerstein
10. Modelling Behaviour in Dichotomous Choice with Bayesian Methods
Carmelo J. León and Roberto León
11. Temporal Reliability in Contingent Valuation (with a Restrictive Research Budget)
Paul M. Jakus, Becky Stephens and J. Mark Fly
12. Non-market Valuation on the Internet
Hale W. Thurston
13. Use of Contingent Values of Wildlife and Habitat Preservation in Policy and Benefit–Cost Analyses
John b . Loomis
14. Valuing Wildlife at Risk from Exotic Invaders in Yellowstone Lake
Todd L. Cherry, Jason F. Shogren, Peter Frykblom and John A. List
15. The Demand for Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Nets: Evidence from Africa
Christine Poulos, Maureen Cropper, Julian Lampietti, Dale Whittington and Mitiku Haile
16. Choice Modeling of Farmer Preferences for Agroforestry Systems in Calakmul, Mexico
James F. Casey
17. The Use of Contingent Valuation in Developing Countries: A Quantitative Analysis
Dan Biller, Karoline Rogge and Giovanni Ruta
18. Combining Stated-Choice and Stated-Frequency Data with Observed Behavior to Value NRDA Compensable Damages: Green Bay, PCBs, and Fish Consumption Advisories
William S. Breffle, Edward R. Morey, Robert D. Rowe and Donald M. Waldman
19. Public Preferences Toward Environmental Risks: The Case of Trihalomethanes
Richard T. Carson and Robert Cameron Mitchell
20. Conclusions
Anna Alberini and James R. Kahn