


9781800880412 爱德华。Elgar Publishing
Edited by Philip A. Woods, Professor of Educational Policy, Democracy and Leadership, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education, University of Hertfordshire, Amanda Roberts, Visiting Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education, University of Hertfordshire, Meng Tian, Associate Professor in Educational Leadership, School of Education, University of Birmingham, UK and Howard Youngs, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Publication Date:November 2023 ISBN:978 1 80088 041 2 Extent:c 582 pp
This comprehensive Handbook explores how to best understand, develop and practise educational leadership in an era of significant disruption to education. Contributors evaluate the latest developments in leadership in education and provide novel insights into key conceptual and methodological issues.

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This comprehensive Handbook explores how best to understand, develop and practise educational leadership in an era of significant disruption to education. Contributors evaluate the latest developments in leadership in education and provide novel insights into key conceptual and methodological issues.

Viewing leadership in education as a fractured field, this Handbook critically analyses traditional and emerging perspectives and arguments. It reveals the fluidity of educational leadership, identifying how different practices can contribute to diverse educational goals. Chapters examine leadership at every stage of education, from early years to higher education, drawing on diverse national and cultural contexts. Global experts give practical suggestions for improving both the research and practice of leadership in education, covering important topics including leading for social justice, indigenous knowledge, leadership development and leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Handbook on Leadership in Education will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of educational sociology, leadership, management and administration. It will also be an important guide for practitioners and policy-makers seeking to build inclusive and effective educational leadership structures.
Critical Acclaim
‘This Handbook provides fresh, comprehensive and compelling insights into educational leadership. In doing so, it gives the field the serious attention it deserves and so often lacks – probing its ontological, epistemological and conceptual foundations. As such, it provides an indispensable set of thinking tools for scholars and students.’
– Jane Wilkinson, Monash University, Australia

‘This timely Handbook brings together more than 50 distinguished authors from 14 countries, to explore key concepts, principles and research on educational leadership from a truly global perspective. This text should be invaluable for scholars, policymakers and practitioners across the world.’
– Tony Bush, University of Nottingham, UK
Contributors include: Peter Anderson, Serafín Antúnez, Khalid H. Arar, Angela Baeza Peña, Ira Bogotch, Christopher M. Branson, Aly Colman, Alison Cook-Sather, Suzanne Culshaw, Melissa Derby, Zane M. Diamond, Christine Edwards-Groves, Linda Evans, Daming Feng, Kevin Flinn, Alan Floyd, Christine Forde, David Frost, Leanne Gibbs, Ebony Graham, Carolyn Grant, Toby Greany, Ella Grigoleit, Peter Grootenboer, Qing Gu, Miguel A. Guajardo, Julie Harvie, Pauliina Jääskeläinen, Livia Jesacher-Rößler, Lisa A.W. Kensler, Fiona King, Esther Dominique Klein, Jasna Kovačevicì, Shengnan Liu, Angus Macfarlane, Sonja Macfarlane, Margery McMahon, Rachel McNee, Alison Mitchell, Alisa Mujkić, Steve Myran, Romuald Normand, Deniz Örücü, Helen Payne, Frances Press, Jamila Razzaq, Nóra Révai, Jenny Ritchie, Amanda Roberts, Kimberly Joy Rushing, Eugenie Samier, Carolyn M. Shields, Patricia Silva, Charles Slater, Martin Thrupp, Meng Tian, Deirdre Torrance, Pierre Tulowitzki, Philip Woods, Sun Yee Yip, Howard Youngs

Preface xviii
1 Introduction: leadership in education – an inherently fractured field? 1
Philip A. Woods, Amanda Roberts, Meng Tian and Howard Youngs

Amanda Roberts, Meng Tian, Philip A. Woods and Howard Youngs
2 Conceptualising the ‘leadership’ in leadership in education 16
Linda Evans
3 Re-conceptualising the “education” in educational leadership and management 30
Steve Myran
4 Leadership and management: a relevant distinction for leadership in education? 45
Deirdre Torrance, Alison Mitchell, Julie Harvie, Margery McMahon and Christine Forde
5 Embodied leadership: a perspective on reciprocal body movement 60
Helen Payne and Pauliina Jääskeläinen
6 Leading practices and middle leadership in education 74
Peter Grootenboer and Christine Edwards-Groves
7 Teacher leadership 89
David Frost
8 Student leadership: working within, between, and against institutional structures in education 102
Alison Cook-Sather and Ebony Graham
9 Accountability, autonomy and organisational practice: how principals of successful schools enact education policy for improvement 115
Qing Gu and Aly Colman
10 A complexity approach to leading in education: lessons from group analysis 129
Kevin Flinn
11 Leadership across partnerships and networks 143
Toby Greany
12 Ethics and leadership in education 157
Christopher Branson
13事务、转型变革leadership: a journey towards equity and emancipation 171
Carolyn M. Shields

Meng Tian, Amanda Roberts, Philip A. Woods and Howard Youngs
14 The “beyond” spaces of social justice leadership 190
Khalid H. Arar, Miguel A. Guajardo and Ira Bogotch
15 Leadership development for social justice 205
Deirdre Torrance, Christine Forde, Fiona King and Jamila Razzaq
16 Democratic leadership and education: the case of ‘learners lead’ 219
Carolyn (Callie) Grant
17 Gender and leadership in education 233
Rachel McNae
18 Green leadership in education 249
Kimberly Joy Rushing and Lisa A. W. Kensler
19 Trade unions, context and leadership in education 265
Martin Thrupp
20 Crises and traumas: challenges for leadership in education 277
Deniz Örücü
21 Challenging colonial constructions of leadership: early childhood education in Aotearoa (New Zealand) 291
Jenny Ritchie
22 Indigenous leadership in education: footprints of the past – transitioning to the future 305
Angus Macfarlane, Sonja Macfarlane and Melissa Derby
23 Socially just educational administration and leadership in Islamic cultures 319
Eugenie A. Samier
24 Leadership in education: perspectives in German-speaking cultures 331
Pierre Tulowitzki and Ella Grigoleit
25 Leadership in education: Spanish perspectives on social justice 345
Patricia Silva, Serafín Antúnez and Charles L. Slater
26 How rural principals motivate teacher professional learning in unfavourable environments: a mixed-methods study in China 359
Shengnan Liu and Daming Feng

Howard Youngs, Amanda Roberts, Meng Tian and Philip A. Woods
27 Leadership and knowledge construction in a networked perspective 379
Nóra Révai and Romuald Normand
28 Educational leadership research methods: a social reconstruction 394
Ira Bogotch
29 Using arts-based and embodied methods to research leadership in education 410
Suzanne Culshaw
30 Advances in reviewing and mapping research on educational leadership and management 424
Jasna Kovačević and Alisa Mujkić
31 Indigenous ways of developing leadership in education: creating a rights-based organizational consciousness 445
Peter Anderson, Angela Baeza Peña, Sun Yee Yip and Zane M. Diamond
32 The emergence and cultivation of leadership within early childhood education 458
Leanne Gibbs and Frances Press
33 Developing leadership for school education: constructions of system leadership 474
Alison Mitchell, Deirdre Torrance, Christine Forde, Julie Harvie and Margery McMahon
34 Developing leadership in higher education 491
Alan Floyd
35 Evaluating leadership in education 503
Livia Jesacher-Roessler and Esther Dominique Klein
36 Disrupted leadership in education 517
Howard Youngs, Amanda Roberts, Meng Tian and Philip A. Woods

Index 537
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