- 美国斯坦福法学院John J. Donohue III
- 美国斯坦福法学院John J. Donohue III
贡献者包括:G.S. Becker,G. Calabresi,R.H.Coase,R.D.Cooter,H.Demsetz,H.G.Manne,F. Parisi,R.A。Posner,G.L.牧师,W.K.Viscusi.
贡献者包括:G.S. Becker,G. Calabresi,R.H.Coase,R.D.Cooter,H.Demsetz,H.G.Manne,F. Parisi,R.A。Posner,G.L.牧师,W.K.Viscusi.
1.George L. Priest(2005),《法律与经济学的兴起:早年的回忆录》,由Francesco Parisi和Charles K. Rowley主编,《法律与经济学的起源:国父们的随笔》,第14章,英国切尔滕纳姆和北安普顿,美国:Edward Elgar出版社,350-82
2. Edmund W. Kitch(1983),“真理之火:芝加哥,1932-1970”,法律和经济学,XXVI(1),4月,4月,163-234的法律和经济学的纪念
3.Louis De Alessi(1999),“John M. Olin奖学金项目的法律和经济”,《凯斯西部保留地法律评论》,50 (2),Winter, 341-6
4.Henry N. Butler(1999),“联邦法官的曼恩经济学项目”,《西部保留地判例法评论》,50(2),温特,351 - 71,376 - 87
5. Henry G. Manne (2005), ‘How Law and Economics was Marketed in a Hostile World: A Very Personal History’, in Francesco Parisi and Charles K. Rowley (eds), The Origins of Law and Economics: Essays by the Founding Fathers, Chapter 12, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 309–27
6. Steven G. Medema(2015),'从惨淡到统治?法律与经济学and the Values of Imperial Science, Historically Contemplated’, in Aristides N. Hatzis and Nicholas Mercuro (eds), Law and Economics: Philosophical Issues and Fundamental Questions, Chapter 5, Abingdon, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge, 69–88
7. Sam Peltzman (2009), ‘Aaron Director’s Influence on Antitrust Policy’, in Lloyd R. Cohen and Joshua D. Wright (eds), Pioneers of Law and Economics, Chapter 3, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 35–49
8. Steven G. Medema (2016), ‘Ronald Coase and the Legal–Economic Nexus’, in Claude Ménard and Elodie Bertrand (eds), The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase, Part V, Chapter 21, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 291–304
9. Harold Demsetz (2009), ‘George J. Stigler and his Contributions to Law and Economics’, in Lloyd R. Cohen and Joshua D. Wright (eds), Pioneers of Law and Economics, Chapter 4, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 50–59
10.理查德A. Posner(1993),“加里贝尔对法律和经济的贡献”,法律研究杂志,XXII(2),6月,211-5
12. Robert D. Tollison (2009), ‘Buchanan and Tullock on Law and Economics’, in Lloyd R. Cohen and Joshua D. Wright (eds), Pioneers of Law and Economics, Chapter 8, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 115–24
13.Keith N. Hylton (2009), ‘Calabresi’s Influence on Law and Economics’, in Lloyd R. Cohen and Joshua D. Wright (eds), Pioneers of Law and Economics, Chapter 13, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 224–45
14.Thomas S. Ulen (2009), ‘Pioneers of Law and Economics: William M. Landes and Richard A. Posner’, in Lloyd R. Cohen and Joshua D. Wright (eds), Pioneers of Law and Economics, Chapter 11, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 175–202
15.Nuno Garoupa和Fernando Gómez-Pomar(2009),“The Path Breaking Contributions of A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell to Law and Economics”,在Lloyd R. Cohen和Joshua D. Wright(编著),法律和经济学先驱,第15章,英国和北安普顿,MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing,第67 - 94页
第三部分评估 - 来自内部
16.James M. Buchanan(1974),《好的经济学-坏的法律》,弗吉尼亚法律评论,60(3),3月,483-92
17.Ronald H. Coase(1978),“经济学与相关学科”,《法学研究》,第7期,第2期,201-11
18.Guido Calabresi(1980),“一场关于法律和经济的交流:给罗纳德·德沃金的一封信”,Hofstra Law Review, 8 (3), Spring, 553-62
19.加里·贝克尔(Gary S. Becker, 1993),“诺贝尔演讲:观察行为的经济学方法”,《政治经济学杂志》,101(3),6月,385-409
20. Richard A. Posner(1987年),“法律和经济运动”,美国经济审查:论文和诉讼,77(2),5月1-13
21. Francesco Parisi and Jonathan Klick (2004), ‘Functional Law and Economics: The Search for Value-Neutral Principles of Lawmaking’, Chicago-Kent Law Review, Symposium: Law and Economics and Legal Scholarship, 79 (2), June, 431–50
22. Robert D. Cooter (2005), ‘The Confluence of Justice and Efficiency in the Economic Analysis of Law’, in Francesco Parisi and Charles K. Rowley (eds), The Origins of Law and Economics: Essays by the Founding Fathers, Chapter 8, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 222–40
24. Colin Camerer, Samuel Issacharoff, George Loewenstein, Ted O’Donoghue and Matthew Rabin (2003), ‘Regulation for Conservatives: Behavioral Economics and the Case for “Asymmetric Paternalism”’, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 151 (3), January, 1211–54
25.克里斯汀·乔尔斯(Christine Jolls)和卡斯·桑斯坦(Cass R. Sunstein)(2006),“通过法律消除偏见”,《法律研究杂志》,35 (1),199-241
26. Jonathan Klick and Gregory Mitchell(2006年),“政府对非理性的监管:道德和认知危险”,明尼苏达法律审查,90(6),1620-63
27. Edward L. Glaeser(2006年),芝加哥大学法律评论,讨论会:Homo经济大学,Homo Myopicus,以及消费者选择的法律和经济,73(1),冬季,133-56
28.Jonathan Klick(2005),“标准形式合同的微观基础:价格歧视与行为偏见”,佛罗里达州立大学法律评论,32(2),冬天,555-69
30. Joshua D. Wright(2007),'行为法和经济学,家长主义和消费者合同:实证角度,纽约,法律和自由,2(3),470-511
31. Alan Schwartz(2008年),“市场许可证有多少非理性?”,法律研究杂志,37(1),131-59
33. Richard A. Posner (1997), ‘The Future of the Law and Economics Movement in Europe’, International Review of Law and Economics: Annual EALE Conference, Bern, 6-9 September 1995, 17 (1), March, 3–14
34.亨利G. MANNE和Joshua D. Wright(2008),“法律和经济学的未来:讨论”,乔治梅森大学法律和经济学研究论文第08-35号,6月,1-27
35. Jonathan Klick (2011), ‘The Empirical Revolution in Law and Economics: Inaugural Lecture for Erasmus Chair in Empirical Legal Studies’, Erasmus Law Lectures 25, The Hague, the Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing, 7–9, 11–29, 31–34
36. Joni Hersch and W. Kip Viscusi (2012), ’Law and Economics as a Pillar of Legal Education’, Review of Law and Economics, Session Paper: The Past, Present, and Future of Interdisciplinary Legal Education, 2011 Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Schools, 8 (2), October, 487–510
1.George L. Priest(2005),《法律与经济学的兴起:早年的回忆录》,由Francesco Parisi和Charles K. Rowley主编,《法律与经济学的起源:国父们的随笔》,第14章,英国切尔滕纳姆和北安普顿,美国:Edward Elgar出版社,350-82
2. Edmund W. Kitch(1983),“真理之火:芝加哥,1932-1970”,法律和经济学,XXVI(1),4月,4月,163-234的法律和经济学的纪念
3.Louis De Alessi(1999),“John M. Olin奖学金项目的法律和经济”,《凯斯西部保留地法律评论》,50 (2),Winter, 341-6
4.Henry N. Butler(1999),“联邦法官的曼恩经济学项目”,《西部保留地判例法评论》,50(2),温特,351 - 71,376 - 87
5. Henry G. Manne (2005), ‘How Law and Economics was Marketed in a Hostile World: A Very Personal History’, in Francesco Parisi and Charles K. Rowley (eds), The Origins of Law and Economics: Essays by the Founding Fathers, Chapter 12, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 309–27
6. Steven G. Medema(2015),'从惨淡到统治?法律与经济学and the Values of Imperial Science, Historically Contemplated’, in Aristides N. Hatzis and Nicholas Mercuro (eds), Law and Economics: Philosophical Issues and Fundamental Questions, Chapter 5, Abingdon, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge, 69–88
7. Sam Peltzman (2009), ‘Aaron Director’s Influence on Antitrust Policy’, in Lloyd R. Cohen and Joshua D. Wright (eds), Pioneers of Law and Economics, Chapter 3, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 35–49
8. Steven G. Medema (2016), ‘Ronald Coase and the Legal–Economic Nexus’, in Claude Ménard and Elodie Bertrand (eds), The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase, Part V, Chapter 21, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 291–304
9. Harold Demsetz (2009), ‘George J. Stigler and his Contributions to Law and Economics’, in Lloyd R. Cohen and Joshua D. Wright (eds), Pioneers of Law and Economics, Chapter 4, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 50–59
10.理查德A. Posner(1993),“加里贝尔对法律和经济的贡献”,法律研究杂志,XXII(2),6月,211-5
12. Robert D. Tollison (2009), ‘Buchanan and Tullock on Law and Economics’, in Lloyd R. Cohen and Joshua D. Wright (eds), Pioneers of Law and Economics, Chapter 8, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 115–24
13.Keith N. Hylton (2009), ‘Calabresi’s Influence on Law and Economics’, in Lloyd R. Cohen and Joshua D. Wright (eds), Pioneers of Law and Economics, Chapter 13, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 224–45
14.Thomas S. Ulen (2009), ‘Pioneers of Law and Economics: William M. Landes and Richard A. Posner’, in Lloyd R. Cohen and Joshua D. Wright (eds), Pioneers of Law and Economics, Chapter 11, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 175–202
15.Nuno Garoupa和Fernando Gómez-Pomar(2009),“The Path Breaking Contributions of A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell to Law and Economics”,在Lloyd R. Cohen和Joshua D. Wright(编著),法律和经济学先驱,第15章,英国和北安普顿,MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing,第67 - 94页
第三部分评估 - 来自内部
16.James M. Buchanan(1974),《好的经济学-坏的法律》,弗吉尼亚法律评论,60(3),3月,483-92
17.Ronald H. Coase(1978),“经济学与相关学科”,《法学研究》,第7期,第2期,201-11
18.Guido Calabresi(1980),“一场关于法律和经济的交流:给罗纳德·德沃金的一封信”,Hofstra Law Review, 8 (3), Spring, 553-62
19.加里·贝克尔(Gary S. Becker, 1993),“诺贝尔演讲:观察行为的经济学方法”,《政治经济学杂志》,101(3),6月,385-409
20. Richard A. Posner(1987年),“法律和经济运动”,美国经济审查:论文和诉讼,77(2),5月1-13
21. Francesco Parisi and Jonathan Klick (2004), ‘Functional Law and Economics: The Search for Value-Neutral Principles of Lawmaking’, Chicago-Kent Law Review, Symposium: Law and Economics and Legal Scholarship, 79 (2), June, 431–50
22. Robert D. Cooter (2005), ‘The Confluence of Justice and Efficiency in the Economic Analysis of Law’, in Francesco Parisi and Charles K. Rowley (eds), The Origins of Law and Economics: Essays by the Founding Fathers, Chapter 8, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 222–40
24. Colin Camerer, Samuel Issacharoff, George Loewenstein, Ted O’Donoghue and Matthew Rabin (2003), ‘Regulation for Conservatives: Behavioral Economics and the Case for “Asymmetric Paternalism”’, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 151 (3), January, 1211–54
25.克里斯汀·乔尔斯(Christine Jolls)和卡斯·桑斯坦(Cass R. Sunstein)(2006),“通过法律消除偏见”,《法律研究杂志》,35 (1),199-241
26. Jonathan Klick and Gregory Mitchell(2006年),“政府对非理性的监管:道德和认知危险”,明尼苏达法律审查,90(6),1620-63
27. Edward L. Glaeser(2006年),芝加哥大学法律评论,讨论会:Homo经济大学,Homo Myopicus,以及消费者选择的法律和经济,73(1),冬季,133-56
28.Jonathan Klick(2005),“标准形式合同的微观基础:价格歧视与行为偏见”,佛罗里达州立大学法律评论,32(2),冬天,555-69
30. Joshua D. Wright(2007),'行为法和经济学,家长主义和消费者合同:实证角度,纽约,法律和自由,2(3),470-511
31. Alan Schwartz(2008年),“市场许可证有多少非理性?”,法律研究杂志,37(1),131-59
33. Richard A. Posner (1997), ‘The Future of the Law and Economics Movement in Europe’, International Review of Law and Economics: Annual EALE Conference, Bern, 6-9 September 1995, 17 (1), March, 3–14
34.亨利G. MANNE和Joshua D. Wright(2008),“法律和经济学的未来:讨论”,乔治梅森大学法律和经济学研究论文第08-35号,6月,1-27
35. Jonathan Klick (2011), ‘The Empirical Revolution in Law and Economics: Inaugural Lecture for Erasmus Chair in Empirical Legal Studies’, Erasmus Law Lectures 25, The Hague, the Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing, 7–9, 11–29, 31–34
36. Joni Hersch and W. Kip Viscusi (2012), ’Law and Economics as a Pillar of Legal Education’, Review of Law and Economics, Session Paper: The Past, Present, and Future of Interdisciplinary Legal Education, 2011 Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Schools, 8 (2), October, 487–510