


The New Institutionalism

4th edition

9781786437921 爱德华·埃尔加出版社
B. Guy Peters,美国匹兹堡大学莫里斯·福克政府教授
发布日期:2019 ISBN:978 1 78643 792 1 程度:304 pp
Institutional theory plays a significant role in contemporary political science. As in the previous editions, the new fourth edition provides an overview of the major institutional approaches in the discipline, as well as considering the possibility of a more integrated institutional theory. This edition also contains two new chapters. One assesses the role of informal institutions and their linkages with formal structures of governing. The second new chapter provides a detailed discussion of the processes of institutionalization and deinstitutionalization.

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How are institutions formed and how do they change? How do institutions interact to produce action? And how formal do institutions need to be to become effective actors of governance? This textbook provides a thorough examination of institutions from a number of theoretical perspectives to identify their key characteristics.

Key features of the fourth edition:

• Eight consistent questions are used to highlight the similarities and differences between institutions, using both formal and informal examples

• Two new chapters focus on informal institutions and the process of institutionalization and deinstitutionalization


• The application of these institutional theories is demonstrated using a variety of international examples.

- 汤姆·克里斯滕森(Tom Christensen),奥斯陆大学,挪威和中国人民大学

Contents: Preface to 4th edition 1. Institutionalism Old and New Part I Varieties of Institutionalism 2. The Roots of the New Institutionalism: “Normative Institutionalism” 3. Rational Choice Theory and Institutional Theory 4. The Legacy of the Past: Historical Institutionalism 5. Empirical Institutionalism 6. Ideas as the Foundation of Institutions: Discursive and Constructivist Institutionalism 7. Sociological Institutionalism Part II Applications of Institutionalism 8. Institutions of Interest Representation 9. International Institutionalism Part III Issues in Institutionalism 9. Informal Institutions and Governing 10. Institutionalization and Deinstitutionalization Part IV Wrapping Up 11. Conclusion: One Institutionalism or Many References Index

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