International Entrepreneurship


International Entrepreneurship

9781845427290 Edward Elgar Publishing
编辑本杰明·m·Oviatt教授经理ial Sciences and Director, Herman J. Russell, Sr. International Center for Entrepreneurship, Georgia State University, US and Patricia Phillips McDougall, William L. Haeberle Professor of Entrepreneurship and Associate Dean – Faculty and Research, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, US
Publication Date:2007 ISBN:978 1 84542 729 0 Extent:720 pp
nternational entrepreneurship is becoming the focus for major research initiatives in universities throughout the world. This timely volume presents a careful selection of the most important articles on international entrepreneurship. The editors have chosen key contributions from a comprehensive range of sources and have successfully made a selection that represents a variety of different perspectives.

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International entrepreneurship is becoming the focus for major research initiatives in universities throughout the world. This timely volume presents a careful selection of the most important articles on international entrepreneurship. The editors have chosen key contributions from a comprehensive range of sources and have successfully made a selection that represents a variety of different perspectives.

The collection begins by highlighting essential concepts and models. There follow sections on: new ventures; knowledge and learning; top management teams; alliances and networks; venture capital; and country comparisons. The final part highlights differences in economic growth among countries with different entrepreneurial traditions.

The coverage of topics is comprehensive, and this important volume will be a valuable addition to the libraries of scholars who are new to the field as well as those who are already active researchers in it.
Critical Acclaim
‘Oviatt and McDougall have produced a significant and supremely useful volume bringing together the best of the latest thinking and research on the topics and processes of international entrepreneurship, as well as some of the classics of the field. For serious students of this growing area of research, this volume makes getting up to speed on the topic a simple matter.’
– Jerome Katz, Saint Louis University, US
31 articles, dating from 1994 to 2006
Contributors include: S.T. Cavusgil, N.E. Coviello, M.V. Jones, G.A. Knight, S.L. Mueller, H. Munro, H.J. Sapienza, R.C. Shrader, A.S. Thomas, S.A. Zahra

Introduction Benjamin M. Oviatt and Patricia Phillips McDougall

1. Jim Bell, Rod McNaughton, Stephen Young and Dave Crick (2003), ‘Towards an Integrative Model of Small Firm Internationalisation’
2. Nicole E. Coviello and Marian V. Jones (2004), ‘Methodological Issues in International Entrepreneurship Research’
3. Marian V. Jones and Nicole E. Coviello (2005), ‘Internationalisation: Conceptualising an Entrepreneurial Process of Behaviour in Time’
4. Tage Koed Madsen and Per Servais (1997), ‘The Internationalization of Born Globals: An Evolutionary Process?’
5. Benjamin M. Oviatt and Patricia Phillips McDougall (1994), ‘Toward a Theory of International New Ventures’
6. Benjamin M. Oviatt and Patricia P. McDougall (2005), ‘Defining International Entrepreneurship and Modeling the Speed of Internationalization’
7. Richard W. Wright and Léo-Paul Dana (2003), ‘Changing Paradigms of International Entrepreneurship Strategy’
8. Shaker A. Zahra and Gerard George (2002), ‘International Entrepreneurship: The Current Status of the Field and Future Research Agenda’

9. Oliver Burgel and Gordon C. Murray (2000), ‘The International Market Entry Choices of Start-Up Companies in High-Technology Industries’
10. Gary A. Knight and S. Tamar Cavusgil (2004), ‘Innovation, Organizational Capabilities, and the Born-global Firm’
11. Jane W. Lu and Paul W. Beamish (2001), ‘The Internationalization and Performance of SMEs’
12. Patricia Phillips McDougall, Scott Shane and Benjamin M. Oviatt (1994), ‘Explaining the Formation of International New Ventures: The Limits of Theories from International Business Research’
13. Øystein Moen and Per Servais (2002), ‘Born Global or Gradual Global? Examining the Export Behavior of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises’
14. Rodney C. Shrader, Benjamin M. Oviatt and Patricia Phillips McDougall (2000), ‘How New Ventures Exploit Trade-offs Among International Risk Factors: Lessons for the Accelerated Internationalization of the 21st Century’

15. Walter Kuemmerle (2002), ‘Home Base and Knowledge Management in International Ventures’
16. Harry J. Sapienza, Dirk De Clercq and William R. Sandberg (2005), ‘Antecedents of International and Domestic Learning Effort’
17. Shaker A. Zahra, R. Duane Ireland and Michael A. Hitt (2000), ‘International Expansion by New Venture Firms: International Diversity, Mode of Market Entry, Technological Learning, and Performance’

18. Mason A. Carpenter, Timothy G. Pollock and Myleen M. Leary (2003), ‘Testing a Model of Reasoned Risk-Taking: Governance, the Experience of Principals and Agents, and Global Strategy in High-Technology IPO Firms’
19. A. Rebecca Rueber and Eileen Fischer (1997), ‘The Influence of the Management Team’s International Experience on the Internationalization Behaviors of SMEs’

20. Nicole Coviello and Hugh Munro (1997), ‘Network Relationships and the Internationalisation Process of Small Software Firms’
21. Jan Johanson and Jan-Erik Vahlne (2003), ‘Business Relationship Learning and Commitment in the Internationalization Process’
22. Michael J. Leiblein and Jeffrey J. Reuer (2004), ‘Building a Foreign Sales Base: The Roles of Capabilities and Alliances for Entrepreneurial Firms’
23. Jane W. Lu and Paul W. Beamish (2006), ‘Partnering Strategies and Performance of SMEs’ International Joint Ventures’

24. Garry D. Bruton and David Ahlstrom (2003), ‘An Institutional View of China’s Venture Capital Industry: Explaining the Differences between China and the West’
25. Mike Wright, Andy Lockett, Sarika Pruthi, Sophie Manigart, Harry Sapienza, Philippe Desbrieres and Ulrich Hommel (2004), ‘Venture Capital Investors, Capital Markets, Valuation and Information: US, Europe and Asia’

26. Ted Baker, Eric Gedajlovic and Michael Lubatkin (2005), ‘A Framework for Comparing Entrepreneurship Processes Across Nations’
27. Branko Bucar, Miroslav Glas and Robert D. Hisrich (2003), ‘Ethics and Entrepreneurs: An International Comparative Study’
28. Lowell W. Busenitz, Carolina Gómez and Jennifer W. Spencer (2000), ‘Country Institutional Profiles: Unlocking Entrepreneurial Phenomena’
29. Stephen L. Mueller and Anisya S. Thomas (2001), ‘Culture and Entrepreneurial Potential: A Nine Country Study of Locus of Control and Innovativeness’

30. Zoltán J. Ács and Attila Varga (2005), ‘Entrepreneurship, Agglomeration and Technological Change’
31. André van Stel, Martin Carree and Roy Thurik (2005), ‘The Effect of Entrepreneurial Activity on National Economic Growth’

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