International Relations: The Great Debates
The history of international relations has been shaped by a sequence of ‘Great Debates’, in which leading scholars of the field advanced, challenged, and defended views about the assumptions that should inform the study of world politics. In this authoritative collection, the editors bring together for the first time the most important contributions to these inspiring intellectual exchanges and provide an excellent overview of the discipline’s development since its inception in the early 20th century. Students and scholars in international relations as well as neighboring disciplines will find these volumes to be an indispensable and highly informative source of reference.
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The history of international relations has been shaped by a sequence of ‘Great Debates’, in which leading scholars of the field advanced, challenged, and defended views about the assumptions that should inform the study of world politics. In this authoritative collection, the editors bring together for the first time the most important contributions to these inspiring intellectual exchanges and provide an excellent overview of the discipline’s development since its inception in the early 20th century. Students and scholars in international relations as well as neighboring disciplines will find these volumes to be an indispensable and highly informative source of reference.
Contributors include: H. Bull, R.W. Cox, R.O. Keohane, S.D. Krasner, T. Pogge, J.G. Ruggie, I. Wallerstein, K.N. Waltz, M. Walzer, A. Wendt
Contributors include: H. Bull, R.W. Cox, R.O. Keohane, S.D. Krasner, T. Pogge, J.G. Ruggie, I. Wallerstein, K.N. Waltz, M. Walzer, A. Wendt
Volume I: Substantive Debates
Introduction Rainer Baumann, Peter Mayer and Bernhard Zangl
A. First Debate: Realism vs. Idealism
1. Norman Angell(1910),“和平心理案例的概述”和“不变的人性”
2. Edward Hallett Carr ([1939] 1940), ‘The Beginnings of a Science’ and ‘Utopia and Reality’
3. Leonard Woolf (1940), ‘Utopia and Reality’
4. John H. Herz (1950), ‘Idealist Internationalism and the Security Dilemma’
5. Hans J. Morgenthau (1954) [1985], ‘A Realist Theory of International Politics’
6. Graham T. Allison(1969),“概念模型和古巴导弹危机”
7. Robert Gilpin (1971), ‘The Politics of Transnational Economic Relations’
8. Immanuel Wallerstein (1974), ‘The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis’
9. Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye (1977), ‘Interdependence in World Politics’ and ‘Realism and Complex Interdependence’
10. Michael W. Doyle(1983),“康德,自由遗产和外交事务”
11. Kenneth N. Waltz (1990), ‘Realist Thought and Neorealist Theory’
C. Neo-Neo Debate: Neorealism vs. Neoliberalism
12. Robert Axelrod and Robert O. Keohane (1985), ‘Achieving Cooperation under Anarchy: Strategies and Institutions’
13.罗伯特·d·普特南(1988),“外交和国民ic Politics: The Logic of Two-Level Games’
14.约瑟夫·格里科(Joseph M.
15. Duncan Snidal(1991),“相对获得和国际合作的模式”
16. Stephen D. Krasner (1991), ‘Global Communications and National Power: Life on the Pareto Frontier’
17. John J. Mearsheimer (1994/1995), ‘The False Promise of International Institutions’
18. Robert O. Keohane and Lisa L. Martin (1995), ‘The Promise of Intuitionalist Theory’
19. Andrew Moravcsik (1997), ‘Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics’
D. Statism与全球治理
20. James N. Rosenau(1995),“二十一世纪的治理”
21. Jessica T. Mathews (1997), ‘Power Shift’
22. Anne-Marie Slaughter (1997), ‘The Real New World Order’
23.玛格丽特·凯克(Margaret E.
24. Stephen D. Krasner (2001), ‘Abiding Sovereignty’
25. A. Claire Cutler (2002), ‘Private International Regimes and Interfirm Cooperation’
Volume II: Epistemological and Ontological Debates
An introduction to all three volumes by the editors appears in Volume I
A. Traditionalism vs. Science
1. Morton A. Kaplan (1966), ‘The New Great Debate: Traditionalism vs. Science in International Relations’
2. Raymond Aron (1967), ‘What Is a Theory of International Relations?’
3. Hedley Bull(1969),“国际理论:古典方法的案例”
4. J. David Singer (1969), ‘The Incompleat Theorist: Insight Without Evidence’
5. Robert W. Cox (1986), ‘Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory’
6. Richard K. Ashley (1988), ‘Untying the Sovereign State: A Double Reading of the Anarchy Problematique’
7. J. Ann Tickner (1988), ‘Hans Morgenthau’s Principles of Political Realism: A Feminist Reformulation’
8.马克·诺伊费尔德(Mark Neufeld)(1993),《国际关系的解释与科学》
9.约翰·刘易斯·加迪斯(John Lewis Gaddis)(1996),“历史,科学和国际关系研究”
10. Michael Nicholson (1996), ‘The Continued Significance of Positivism?’
11.默文·弗罗斯特(Mervyn Frost)(1998年),“未采取的转弯:千禧年的IR道德”
12. Alexander Wendt (1999), ‘Scientific Realism and Social Kinds’
A. The Agent-Structure Debate
13.J. David Singer (1961), ‘The Level-of-Analysis Problem in International Relations’
14. Alexander E. Wendt (1987), ‘The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory’
15. Walter Carlsnaes(1992),“外交政策分析中的机构结构问题”
16. Martin Hollis and Steve Smith (1994), ‘Two Stories about Structure and Agency’
17. Roxanne Lynn Doty (1997), ‘Aporia: A Critical Exploration of the Agent-Structure Problematique in International Relations Theory’
18. Colin Wight (1999), ‘They Shoot Dead Horses Don’t They? Locating Agency in the Agent-Structure Problematique’
B. Rationalism vs. Constructivism
19. John Gerard Ruggie (1983), ‘Continuity and Transformation in the World Polity: Toward a Neorealist Synthesis’
20. Duncan Snidal (1985), ‘The Game Theory of International Politics’
21. Friedrich Kratochwil and John Gerard Ruggie (1986), ‘International Organization: A State of the Art on an Art of the State’
22. Robert O. Keohane(1988),“国际机构:两种方法”
23. Alexander Wendt (1992), ‘Anarchy is what States Make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics’
24. Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink (1998), ‘International Norm Dynamics and Political Change’
25. James G. March and Johan P. Olsen (1998), ‘The Institutional Dynamics of International Political Orders’
26. Thomas Risse (2000), ‘”Let’s Argue!”: Communicative Action in World Politics’
27. Friedrich Kratochwil (2000), ‘Constructing a New Orthodoxy? Wendt’s “Social Theory of International Politics” and the Constructivist Challenge’
28. James Fearon and Alexander Wendt (2002), ‘Rationalism v. Constructivism: A Skeptical View’
Volume III: Normative Debates
An introduction to all three volumes by the editors appears in Volume I
A. Competing Perspectives on International Ethics: Moral Skepticism vs. Communitarianism vs. Cosmopolitanism
1. Charles R. Beitz (1983), ‘Cosmopolitan Ideals and National Sentiment’
2. Marshall Cohen (1984), ‘Moral Skepticism and International Relations’
3. George F. Kennan (1985), ‘Morality and Foreign Policy’
4. David Miller (1988), ‘The Ethical Significance of Nationality’
5. Robert E. Goodin (1988), ‘What Is So Special about Our Fellow Countrymen?’
6. Avishai Margalit and Joseph Raz (1990), ‘National Self-Determination’
7. Thomas W. Pogge(1992),“世界主义和主权”
B. Human Rights
8. The Executive Board, American Anthropological Association (1947), ‘Statement on Human Rights’
9. Henry Shue([1980] 1996),“安全与生存”
10. Alan Gewirth (1981), ‘The Basis and Content of Human Rights’
11. Maurice Cranston (1983), ‘Are There Any Human Rights?’
12.理查德·罗蒂(Richard Rorty)(1993),“人权,理性和感性”
13. Susan Moller Okin(1998),“女权主义,妇女的人权和文化差异”
14. Peter Jones (1999), ‘Group Rights and Group Oppression’
15. Joshua Cohen (2004), ‘Minimalism About Human Rights: The Most We Can Hope For?’
16. Thomas Nagel (1972), ‘War and Massacre’
17. Gregory S. Kavka (1978), ‘Some Paradoxes of Deterrence’
18. David Luban (1980), ‘Just War and Human Rights’
19.迈克尔·沃尔泽(Michael Walzer,1980年),“国家的道德地位:对四个批评家的回应”
20. Gerald Dworkin (1985), ‘Nuclear Intentions’
21. Joy Gordon (1999), ‘A Peaceful, Silent, Deadly Remedy: The Ethics of Economic Sanctions’
22. George A. Lopez (1999), ‘More Ethical than Not: Sanctions as Surgical Tools: Response to a “Peaceful, Silent, Deadly Remedy”’
23.杰夫·麦克马汉(Jeff McMahan,2005年),“正义战争”
D. Poverty and Distributive Justice
24. Peter Singer (1972), ‘Famine, Affluence, and Morality’
25. Garrett Hardin (1974), ‘Living on a Lifeboat’
26. Charles R. Beitz (1975), ‘Justice and International Relations’
27. Henry Shue (1988), ‘Mediating Duties’
28. John Rawls (1993), ‘The Law of Peoples’
29. Thomas W. Pogge (1994), ‘An Egalitarian Law of Peoples’
E. The Global Polity
30. David Held (1992), ‘Democracy: From City-states to a Cosmopolitan Order?’
31. Michael Zürn (2000), ‘Democratic Governance Beyond the Nation-State: The EU and Other International Institutions’
32. Andrew Moravcsik (2004), ‘Is there a “Democratic Deficit” in World Politics? A Framework for Analysis’
33. Allen Buchanan和Robert O. Keohane(2006),“全球治理机构的合法性”
Volume I: Substantive Debates
Introduction Rainer Baumann, Peter Mayer and Bernhard Zangl
A. First Debate: Realism vs. Idealism
1. Norman Angell(1910),“和平心理案例的概述”和“不变的人性”
2. Edward Hallett Carr ([1939] 1940), ‘The Beginnings of a Science’ and ‘Utopia and Reality’
3. Leonard Woolf (1940), ‘Utopia and Reality’
4. John H. Herz (1950), ‘Idealist Internationalism and the Security Dilemma’
5. Hans J. Morgenthau (1954) [1985], ‘A Realist Theory of International Politics’
6. Graham T. Allison(1969),“概念模型和古巴导弹危机”
7. Robert Gilpin (1971), ‘The Politics of Transnational Economic Relations’
8. Immanuel Wallerstein (1974), ‘The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis’
9. Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye (1977), ‘Interdependence in World Politics’ and ‘Realism and Complex Interdependence’
10. Michael W. Doyle(1983),“康德,自由遗产和外交事务”
11. Kenneth N. Waltz (1990), ‘Realist Thought and Neorealist Theory’
C. Neo-Neo Debate: Neorealism vs. Neoliberalism
12. Robert Axelrod and Robert O. Keohane (1985), ‘Achieving Cooperation under Anarchy: Strategies and Institutions’
13.罗伯特·d·普特南(1988),“外交和国民ic Politics: The Logic of Two-Level Games’
14.约瑟夫·格里科(Joseph M.
15. Duncan Snidal(1991),“相对获得和国际合作的模式”
16. Stephen D. Krasner (1991), ‘Global Communications and National Power: Life on the Pareto Frontier’
17. John J. Mearsheimer (1994/1995), ‘The False Promise of International Institutions’
18. Robert O. Keohane and Lisa L. Martin (1995), ‘The Promise of Intuitionalist Theory’
19. Andrew Moravcsik (1997), ‘Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics’
D. Statism与全球治理
20. James N. Rosenau(1995),“二十一世纪的治理”
21. Jessica T. Mathews (1997), ‘Power Shift’
22. Anne-Marie Slaughter (1997), ‘The Real New World Order’
23.玛格丽特·凯克(Margaret E.
24. Stephen D. Krasner (2001), ‘Abiding Sovereignty’
25. A. Claire Cutler (2002), ‘Private International Regimes and Interfirm Cooperation’
Volume II: Epistemological and Ontological Debates
An introduction to all three volumes by the editors appears in Volume I
A. Traditionalism vs. Science
1. Morton A. Kaplan (1966), ‘The New Great Debate: Traditionalism vs. Science in International Relations’
2. Raymond Aron (1967), ‘What Is a Theory of International Relations?’
3. Hedley Bull(1969),“国际理论:古典方法的案例”
4. J. David Singer (1969), ‘The Incompleat Theorist: Insight Without Evidence’
5. Robert W. Cox (1986), ‘Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory’
6. Richard K. Ashley (1988), ‘Untying the Sovereign State: A Double Reading of the Anarchy Problematique’
7. J. Ann Tickner (1988), ‘Hans Morgenthau’s Principles of Political Realism: A Feminist Reformulation’
8.马克·诺伊费尔德(Mark Neufeld)(1993),《国际关系的解释与科学》
9.约翰·刘易斯·加迪斯(John Lewis Gaddis)(1996),“历史,科学和国际关系研究”
10. Michael Nicholson (1996), ‘The Continued Significance of Positivism?’
11.默文·弗罗斯特(Mervyn Frost)(1998年),“未采取的转弯:千禧年的IR道德”
12. Alexander Wendt (1999), ‘Scientific Realism and Social Kinds’
A. The Agent-Structure Debate
13.J. David Singer (1961), ‘The Level-of-Analysis Problem in International Relations’
14. Alexander E. Wendt (1987), ‘The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory’
15. Walter Carlsnaes(1992),“外交政策分析中的机构结构问题”
16. Martin Hollis and Steve Smith (1994), ‘Two Stories about Structure and Agency’
17. Roxanne Lynn Doty (1997), ‘Aporia: A Critical Exploration of the Agent-Structure Problematique in International Relations Theory’
18. Colin Wight (1999), ‘They Shoot Dead Horses Don’t They? Locating Agency in the Agent-Structure Problematique’
B. Rationalism vs. Constructivism
19. John Gerard Ruggie (1983), ‘Continuity and Transformation in the World Polity: Toward a Neorealist Synthesis’
20. Duncan Snidal (1985), ‘The Game Theory of International Politics’
21. Friedrich Kratochwil and John Gerard Ruggie (1986), ‘International Organization: A State of the Art on an Art of the State’
22. Robert O. Keohane(1988),“国际机构:两种方法”
23. Alexander Wendt (1992), ‘Anarchy is what States Make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics’
24. Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink (1998), ‘International Norm Dynamics and Political Change’
25. James G. March and Johan P. Olsen (1998), ‘The Institutional Dynamics of International Political Orders’
26. Thomas Risse (2000), ‘”Let’s Argue!”: Communicative Action in World Politics’
27. Friedrich Kratochwil (2000), ‘Constructing a New Orthodoxy? Wendt’s “Social Theory of International Politics” and the Constructivist Challenge’
28. James Fearon and Alexander Wendt (2002), ‘Rationalism v. Constructivism: A Skeptical View’
Volume III: Normative Debates
An introduction to all three volumes by the editors appears in Volume I
A. Competing Perspectives on International Ethics: Moral Skepticism vs. Communitarianism vs. Cosmopolitanism
1. Charles R. Beitz (1983), ‘Cosmopolitan Ideals and National Sentiment’
2. Marshall Cohen (1984), ‘Moral Skepticism and International Relations’
3. George F. Kennan (1985), ‘Morality and Foreign Policy’
4. David Miller (1988), ‘The Ethical Significance of Nationality’
5. Robert E. Goodin (1988), ‘What Is So Special about Our Fellow Countrymen?’
6. Avishai Margalit and Joseph Raz (1990), ‘National Self-Determination’
7. Thomas W. Pogge(1992),“世界主义和主权”
B. Human Rights
8. The Executive Board, American Anthropological Association (1947), ‘Statement on Human Rights’
9. Henry Shue([1980] 1996),“安全与生存”
10. Alan Gewirth (1981), ‘The Basis and Content of Human Rights’
11. Maurice Cranston (1983), ‘Are There Any Human Rights?’
12.理查德·罗蒂(Richard Rorty)(1993),“人权,理性和感性”
13. Susan Moller Okin(1998),“女权主义,妇女的人权和文化差异”
14. Peter Jones (1999), ‘Group Rights and Group Oppression’
15. Joshua Cohen (2004), ‘Minimalism About Human Rights: The Most We Can Hope For?’
16. Thomas Nagel (1972), ‘War and Massacre’
17. Gregory S. Kavka (1978), ‘Some Paradoxes of Deterrence’
18. David Luban (1980), ‘Just War and Human Rights’
19.迈克尔·沃尔泽(Michael Walzer,1980年),“国家的道德地位:对四个批评家的回应”
20. Gerald Dworkin (1985), ‘Nuclear Intentions’
21. Joy Gordon (1999), ‘A Peaceful, Silent, Deadly Remedy: The Ethics of Economic Sanctions’
22. George A. Lopez (1999), ‘More Ethical than Not: Sanctions as Surgical Tools: Response to a “Peaceful, Silent, Deadly Remedy”’
23.杰夫·麦克马汉(Jeff McMahan,2005年),“正义战争”
D. Poverty and Distributive Justice
24. Peter Singer (1972), ‘Famine, Affluence, and Morality’
25. Garrett Hardin (1974), ‘Living on a Lifeboat’
26. Charles R. Beitz (1975), ‘Justice and International Relations’
27. Henry Shue (1988), ‘Mediating Duties’
28. John Rawls (1993), ‘The Law of Peoples’
29. Thomas W. Pogge (1994), ‘An Egalitarian Law of Peoples’
E. The Global Polity
30. David Held (1992), ‘Democracy: From City-states to a Cosmopolitan Order?’
31. Michael Zürn (2000), ‘Democratic Governance Beyond the Nation-State: The EU and Other International Institutions’
32. Andrew Moravcsik (2004), ‘Is there a “Democratic Deficit” in World Politics? A Framework for Analysis’
33. Allen Buchanan和Robert O. Keohane(2006),“全球治理机构的合法性”