International Space Law and Space Laws of the United States
Written by two adjunct professors of Space Law from Georgetown University Law Center who are also full-time Space Law practitioners, with more than 50 years of combined expertise having worked as legal counsel for NASA, as well as in private industry, the. U.S. Congress and the Executive Office of the President, this book explains complex issues in approachable language and is thoroughly annotated. The authors present a uniform narrative throughout the book and provide helpful practice tips for representing clients and doing business in today's commercial space industry. Each chapter explores a nuanced space law issue and concludes with review questions.
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Written by two adjunct professors of Space Law from Georgetown University Law Center who are also full-time Space Law practitioners, with more than 50 years of combined expertise having worked as legal counsel for NASA, as well as in private industry, the U.S. Congress and the Executive Office of the President, this book explains complex issues in approachable language and is thoroughly annotated.
作者提出一个统一的叙事the book and provide helpful practice tips for representing clients and doing business in today's commercial space industry. Each chapter explores a nuanced space law issue and concludes with review questions. This book explains complex international legal issues as well as U.S. statutes and regulations related to space in clear and easy to understand language.
This book is valuable for students of Space Law as well as practitioners. It will serve as a handy desk reference for years to come.
作者提出一个统一的叙事the book and provide helpful practice tips for representing clients and doing business in today's commercial space industry. Each chapter explores a nuanced space law issue and concludes with review questions. This book explains complex international legal issues as well as U.S. statutes and regulations related to space in clear and easy to understand language.
This book is valuable for students of Space Law as well as practitioners. It will serve as a handy desk reference for years to come.