Knowledge Spillovers and Knowledge Management


Knowledge Spillovers and Knowledge Management

9781843767855 爱德华·埃尔加出版社
由查理·卡尔森(Charlie Karlsson)编辑,《技术变革经济学教授》,约恩科宾国际商学院,约恩科平大学和工业经济学学位教授,弗伦斯堡技术学院,弗伦斯堡,大学西部,西部大学和萨文·奥克·霍尔特,工作科学院和Sven-奥克·霍尔特瑞典Halmstad大学经济与技术系工业管理
Publication Date:2005 ISBN:978 1 84376 785 5 Extent:520 pp
This book reveals the key importance, in terms of international competitiveness, of firms’ capability to adapt to, and develop, new technologies. At the same time, the authors argue that the sheer complexity of emerging technologies is such that the knowledge involved in their creation is likely to be dispersed and distributed between many individuals and over numerous locations.


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This book reveals the key importance, in terms of international competitiveness, of firms’ capability to adapt to, and develop, new technologies. At the same time, the authors argue that the sheer complexity of emerging technologies is such that the knowledge involved in their creation is likely to be dispersed and distributed between many individuals and over numerous locations.

The authors argue that even if one assumes that the internal knowledge base is of strategic importance to many companies, most of the knowledge used by the majority of companies is developed outside the company. Since much knowledge is tacit in nature, the location of companies and their different departments become vital in accessing such knowledge, and there are strong reasons to believe that spillover effects are geographically bounded. Hence, it may often be of strategic importance to companies and their competitiveness to be represented in the ‘right’ industrial clusters. This book highlights a number of issues at the leading edge of both research and policy making, such as knowledge generation/production, knowledge distribution/transfer, knowledge spillovers, learning, knowledge management, information logistics, industrial clusters, industrial networks and regional innovation systems.

This book will appeal to academics and researchers of knowledge management, technology and innovation and industrial organisation. Policy makers and planners in international organisations, national and regional governments – in particular those dealing with R&D policies, industrial policies and regional policies – will also find much to engage them.
‘I recommend this book to those looking for an area on which to expand research on knowledge management and knowledge spillovers. The abundance of references, amounting to approximately 67 pages in total, can serve as a first step to finding additional information on a particular area of interest.’
– Audrey Muhlenkamp, Papers in Regional Science
Contributors: M. Andersson, B.T. Asheim, M.C.J. Caniëls, P. Cooke, D. Doloreux, O. Ejermo, P. Flensburg, L. Greunz, E. Häckner, K.E. Haynes, L. Hommen, S.-Å. Hörte, C. Ifvarsson, C. Karlsson, K. Koschatzky, R.G. Kulkarni, R.D. Norton, O. Olsson, F. Orstavik, H.A. Romijn, M. Steiner, R.R. Stough, H. Ylinenpää
978 1 78195 860 5
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