Confronting New Policies
9781781954027 Edward Elgar Publishing
Lars Tummers的这本雄辩的书开发了一个框架,使用“政策疏远”的创新概念来理解政策实施的这些重要问题。分析医疗保健,社会保障和教育的政策。结论挑战了有关专业人员抵制政策的原因的共同断言。例如,专业影响力的影响(通常被视为目的本身就是目的)是细微的。拉尔斯·滕斯(Lars Tummers)透露,对于专业人士而言,政策对社会和客户有意义,而不是对其塑造产生影响。
Critical Acclaim
Lars Tummers的这本雄辩的书开发了一个框架,使用“政策疏远”的创新概念来理解政策实施的这些重要问题。分析医疗保健,社会保障和教育的政策。结论挑战了有关专业人员抵制政策的原因的共同断言。例如,专业影响力的影响(通常被视为目的本身就是目的)是细微的。拉尔斯·滕斯(Lars Tummers)透露,对于专业人士而言,政策对社会和客户有意义,而不是对其塑造产生影响。
政策疏远和专业人士的力量is essential for public administration scholars, policymakers, change managers and professionals. To improve its academic and practical significance, a ‘policy alienation’ questionnaire is developed to measure the degree of policy alienation felt by implementers. This instrument can be used to first understand and then improve policy performance in various settings.
Lars Tummers的这本雄辩的书开发了一个框架,使用“政策疏远”的创新概念来理解政策实施的这些重要问题。分析医疗保健,社会保障和教育的政策。结论挑战了有关专业人员抵制政策的原因的共同断言。例如,专业影响力的影响(通常被视为目的本身就是目的)是细微的。拉尔斯·滕斯(Lars Tummers)透露,对于专业人士而言,政策对社会和客户有意义,而不是对其塑造产生影响。
政策疏远和专业人士的力量is essential for public administration scholars, policymakers, change managers and professionals. To improve its academic and practical significance, a ‘policy alienation’ questionnaire is developed to measure the degree of policy alienation felt by implementers. This instrument can be used to first understand and then improve policy performance in various settings.
Critical Acclaim
‘This work not only contributes to tackling the intellectual hegemony of public choice theories regarding organisational change in the public sector but can also be used in the debates on the application of business-like values in higher education. . . Tummers’ “policy alienation” concept is not only a significant academic contribution, but can also be used as a powerful instrument in a number of important debates regarding the organization of public services.’
- LSE书籍评论
“ Tummers”的书重新浮出水面作为一个已建立且有用的概念,但也被视为被遗忘和忽略的现实。政策的转变会影响这些政策的含义,并改革影响力量平衡。本书中的分析对于帮助了解为什么政策失败以及为什么有抵抗力的变革至关重要。肚子将“政策疏远”作为一个越来越不可或缺的概念。如果敦促对无能为力和无意义的分析得到更多考虑,改革将有所不同。’
– Geert Bouckaert, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and former President of the European Group for Public Administration
‘Lars Tummers has written a must-read book! While systemic changes ushered in by market-oriented reforms have received attention, little is known about the plight of the individual in modern bureaucracies. Tummers presents a masterful and authoritative account of policy alienation that public service professionals experience. The breadth and depth of Tummers’s scholarship is impressive! This book has something of value for everyone from the casual reader to public management scholar.’
– Sanjay K. Pandey, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark US
“为什么公共部门专业人员抵制改变?Tummers offers a compelling account of the alienation of professionals following new public management reforms. This timely and methodologically innovative book shows public managers how to implement organisational change, and provides scholars with a set of new measurement scales. Policy Alienation and the Power of Professionals is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand how professional organisations operate, and why professionals resist some changes, while embracing others.’
– Steven Van de Walle, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
‘This book is a good read for academics and policy makers wishing to understand how professionals operate, and why new policies are sometimes met with resistance at the implementation stage. It stands as an important piece of research which adds substantially to the field and which future scholars can advance.’
– Leanne-Marie Cotter, Public Administration
- LSE书籍评论
“ Tummers”的书重新浮出水面作为一个已建立且有用的概念,但也被视为被遗忘和忽略的现实。政策的转变会影响这些政策的含义,并改革影响力量平衡。本书中的分析对于帮助了解为什么政策失败以及为什么有抵抗力的变革至关重要。肚子将“政策疏远”作为一个越来越不可或缺的概念。如果敦促对无能为力和无意义的分析得到更多考虑,改革将有所不同。’
– Geert Bouckaert, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and former President of the European Group for Public Administration
‘Lars Tummers has written a must-read book! While systemic changes ushered in by market-oriented reforms have received attention, little is known about the plight of the individual in modern bureaucracies. Tummers presents a masterful and authoritative account of policy alienation that public service professionals experience. The breadth and depth of Tummers’s scholarship is impressive! This book has something of value for everyone from the casual reader to public management scholar.’
– Sanjay K. Pandey, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark US
“为什么公共部门专业人员抵制改变?Tummers offers a compelling account of the alienation of professionals following new public management reforms. This timely and methodologically innovative book shows public managers how to implement organisational change, and provides scholars with a set of new measurement scales. Policy Alienation and the Power of Professionals is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand how professional organisations operate, and why professionals resist some changes, while embracing others.’
– Steven Van de Walle, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
‘This book is a good read for academics and policy makers wishing to understand how professionals operate, and why new policies are sometimes met with resistance at the implementation stage. It stands as an important piece of research which adds substantially to the field and which future scholars can advance.’
– Leanne-Marie Cotter, Public Administration