


9781802207569 Edward Elgar Publishing
由印第安纳大学 - 布卢明顿公共卫生学院运动管理学院运动管理系教授保罗·M·佩德森(Paul M. Pedersen)编辑
发布日期:November 2022 ISBN:978 1 80220 756 9 Extent:C 400 pp
This timely Research Handbook examines sport-related research and analysis pertaining to how the sport industry has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Taking stock of the changes over the course of the pandemic, it also provides key insights into how the sport industry and its stakeholders might move forward in post-pandemic times.

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Critical Acclaim
This timely Research Handbook examines sport-related research and analysis pertaining to how the sport industry has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Taking stock of the changes over the course of the pandemic, it also provides key insights into how the sport industry and its stakeholders might move forward in post-pandemic times.

Organized into six parts, the first half of the book explores the areas of sport management, sport communication, and sport marketing, while the final three parts analyze sport events, sport stakeholders, and sport and society. Expert international contributors delve into a wide array of topics related to the sport industry including athletes, clubs, leagues, and brand and sport management to illuminate how the pandemic has influenced these aspects of sport.

Critical Acclaim
‘Covid-19的大流行对体育产业的影响,从财务到组织到社会文化。在《体育和Covid-19》的研究手册中,Pedersen整理了著作,这些作品突出了这一世代相传事件的所有各种含义。从国际角度来看,该资源不仅记录了子孙后代的体育学者的经验,而且还提供了一个真正宝贵的资源来证明一个事件如何系统地改变整个行业的景观 - 影响我们的运作,观点,消费,消费,消费,消费,消费and value sports as part of our everyday existence, while also fast-tracking innovation and new opportunities for growth.’
- 劳伦·伯奇(Lauren M. Burch),英国伦敦拉夫堡大学

‘Covid-19的大流行以先前没有想象的方式对运动产生了重大影响,并且必要性产生了多方面的创新。通过新方法与体育消费者相关的具有弹性和创造力的运动实体,其中许多新颖的方法将是永久的。关于体育和COVID-19的研究手册的真正价值在于其对大流行引起的创新的丰富描述,这是来自22个国家的92个贡献者所传达的,因此,本文是必须阅读的体育经理,希望能够蓬勃发展the face of future disruption.’
- Damon P.S.美国佛罗里达州立大学安德鲁,美国

‘In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the planet to a standstill. The impacts on the sport industry at all levels (grassroots, Olympic or professional) were unimaginable. Editor Paul M. Pedersen had the foresight to reach out to scholars and practitioners from different segments of the sport industry to study and report on the effects of COVID on the business of sports worldwide as it was happening. With unique insights from over 20 countries, this book will be of great interest to students, academics, and sport managers alike.’
- 加拿大渥太华大学贝诺伊特·塞金(BenoitSéguin)

‘共同的19日大流行对我们生活的各个方面都有很大的影响。编辑保罗·佩德森(Paul M. Pedersen)的《体育和Covid-19》的研究手册是一个极其及时的资源,可以检查这些对运动的影响。有近100名学者和从业人员(代表20个国家 /地区)为手册做出了贡献,读者将学习大流行对运动的影响以及我们进入大流行世界时所学到的知识。’
- 布莱恩·特纳(Brian A Turner),美国俄亥俄州立大学
贡献者include: Gashaw Abeza, Arkaitz Castaneda Babarro, Ramón Ernesto Mendoza Baldenebro, Luis Felipe Monteiro de Barros, Luca Bifulco, Valérie Bonnet, Veerle De Bosscher, Chris Bowers, Tim Breitbarth, Ryan M. Brewer, Alex Bryson, Luiz Augusto Brum, Sandra M. Bucerius, Sunghwan Byun, Simona Castellano, Jinwook Chung, Luis Tomás Ródenas Cuenca, Nicolas Delorme, Peter Dolton, Mark Dottori, Christian Dragin Jensen, Sam Duncan, Minerva Thalia Juno Vanegas Farfano, Yair Galily, Alex Gang, Thadeu Gasparetto, Hamid Ghasemi, Oswaldo Ceballos Gurrola, Andreas Hebbel-Seeger, Bryan Hogeveen, Thomas Horky, Donovan Jurgens, Kihan Kim, Nakibae Kitiseni, Thomas Könecke, Elsa Kristiansen, Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, Ju Young Lee, Minkyo Lee, Patxi León-Guereño, Orr Levental, Choonghoon Lim, Jeanette M. López-Walle, Romulo Macedo, Ewa Malchrowicz-Mośko, Brian Mancuso, David Maralack, Laura Matz, Jürgen Mittag, Charles Mountifield, Jörg-Uwe Nieland, Daniel Nölleke, Braden Norris, Inae Oh, Norm O'Reilly, Paul M. Pedersen, Zack P. Pedersen, Tyler Ratts, James Reade, Margot Ricour, Hermann A. Richter, Brad W.R. Roberts, Ary José Rocco Junior, José Tristán Rodríguez, Rosa Elena Medina Rodríguez, Roy David Samuel, Christiana Schallhorn, Jeroen Scheerder, Dominik Schreyer, Norbert Schütte, Christof Seeger, Alex Sévigny, Stirling Sharpe, Carl Singleton, Philip Sinner, Li Siying, Ilan Tamir, Tomasz Taraszkiewicz, Erik Thibaut, Mario Tirino, Marina Tranchitella, Albert H. Vette, Ryan Vooris, David Wagner, Wei Wei, Annick Willem, Antonio S. Williams, Roger Woodruff, Kong-Ting Yeh, Tsu-Lin Yeh, Arif Yüce, Julia Ziółkowska