知识产权in the WTO Volume I
9781847209047 爱德华伊利加出版社
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A uniquely qualified set of academics and experts from around the world discuss the historical context in which the Agreement was negotiated, its basic principles and the nature of the obligations it creates for WTO members. Together with the second volume – Research Handbook on the Interpretation and Enforcement of Intellectual Property under WTO Rules – it examines the minimum standards that must be implemented with regard to patents, trademarks, geographical indications, copyright and related rights, integrated circuits and test data.
This Handbook is an essential tool for scholars, researchers and advanced students in the field of intellectual property. It also provides materials of direct relevance for policymakers and legal practitioners.
A uniquely qualified set of academics and experts from around the world discuss the historical context in which the Agreement was negotiated, its basic principles and the nature of the obligations it creates for WTO members. Together with the second volume – Research Handbook on the Interpretation and Enforcement of Intellectual Property under WTO Rules – it examines the minimum standards that must be implemented with regard to patents, trademarks, geographical indications, copyright and related rights, integrated circuits and test data.
This Handbook is an essential tool for scholars, researchers and advanced students in the field of intellectual property. It also provides materials of direct relevance for policymakers and legal practitioners.
‘Carlos Correa has in these two Research Handbooks on the TRIPS Agreement, done a magnificent job of bringing together a large number of scholars to analyse the many issues raised by the Agreement. The result is an integrated resource of high quality that helps readers to understand the many complex dimensions of TRIPS.’
- 彼得德哈斯岛,雷维特,澳大利亚国立大学,堪培拉
‘TRIPs is the only positive integration type of agreement in the WTO. Scholars have legitimately in my view, questioned its inclusion in the WTO since the protection of IP rights is no more a trade issue than many other similar issues. This is the first time that a set of well-known experts has dealt in a comprehensive manner with the vast array of issues regarding the coming-into-being, the functioning and the perspectives of the TRIPs regime under the aegis of the WTO. These two volumes will provide very useful guidance to students and policymakers alike dealing with protection of IP rights and international trade.’
- Petros C. Mavroidis,哥伦比亚法学院,美国和瑞士纳沃特尔大学
- 彼得德哈斯岛,雷维特,澳大利亚国立大学,堪培拉
‘TRIPs is the only positive integration type of agreement in the WTO. Scholars have legitimately in my view, questioned its inclusion in the WTO since the protection of IP rights is no more a trade issue than many other similar issues. This is the first time that a set of well-known experts has dealt in a comprehensive manner with the vast array of issues regarding the coming-into-being, the functioning and the perspectives of the TRIPs regime under the aegis of the WTO. These two volumes will provide very useful guidance to students and policymakers alike dealing with protection of IP rights and international trade.’
- Petros C. Mavroidis,哥伦比亚法学院,美国和瑞士纳沃特尔大学
贡献者:D. Borges Barbosa,C.Clift,B. Conde Gallego,C.M..Correa,K.Das,C. Deere-Birkbeck,G.B.DINWOODIE,R.C.Dreyfuss,G. dutfield,L.M.Genovesi,T. Hoeren,P.B.Hugenholtz,A. Kur,F. Leverve,O. Morgan,L.MuRaguri,R.L. Okediji,K. Outtern,D. Rangnekar,J.H.Reichman,P. Roffe,X.Seuba,C. Spennemann,S.K.Verma,J.Von Braun,P.K.yu.
Carlos M. Correa
Carolyn Deere-Birkbeck
3. Minimum Standards vs. Harmonization in the TRIPS Context: The Nature of Obligations under TRIPS and Modes of Implementation at the National Level in Monist and Dualist Systems
Denis Borges Barbosa.
4. Enhancing Global Innovation Policy: The Role of WIPO and its Conventions in Interpreting the TRIPS Agreement
Graeme B. Dinwoodie和Rochelle C. Dreyfuss
5. TRIPS协议的目标和原则
Peter K. Yu
6. Mainstreaming the TRIPS and Human Rights Interactions
Xavier Seuba.
7. TRIPS协议和知识产权疲劳
Luis Mariano Genovesi.
Beatriz Conde Gallego
9. Intellectual Property Rights in Free Trade Agreements: Moving Beyond TRIPS Minimum Standards
Pedro Roffe,Christoph Spennemann和Johanna von Braun
P. Bernt Hugenholtz
11. Copyright in TRIPS and Beyond: The WIPO Internet Treaties
Ruth L. Okediji
12. The Protection of ‘Related Rights’ in TRIPS and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
Owen Morgan
13. Marks for Goods or Services (Trademarks)
Annette Kur
14. Unresolved Issues on Geographical Indications in the WTO
Kasturi Das.
Dwijen Rangnekar
16. Exploring the Flexibilities of TRIPS to Promote Biotechnology in Developing Countries
Graham Dutfield,Lois Muraguri和Florian Leverve
17. Compulsory Licensing of Patented Pharmaceutical Inventions: Evaluating the Options
Jerome H. Reichman.
20. The Protection of Semiconductor Chip Products in TRIPS
21. Data Exclusivity for Pharmaceuticals: TRIPS Standards and Industry’s Demands in Free Trade Agreements
Carlos M. Correa
Carlos M. Correa
Carolyn Deere-Birkbeck
3. Minimum Standards vs. Harmonization in the TRIPS Context: The Nature of Obligations under TRIPS and Modes of Implementation at the National Level in Monist and Dualist Systems
Denis Borges Barbosa.
4. Enhancing Global Innovation Policy: The Role of WIPO and its Conventions in Interpreting the TRIPS Agreement
Graeme B. Dinwoodie和Rochelle C. Dreyfuss
5. TRIPS协议的目标和原则
Peter K. Yu
6. Mainstreaming the TRIPS and Human Rights Interactions
Xavier Seuba.
7. TRIPS协议和知识产权疲劳
Luis Mariano Genovesi.
Beatriz Conde Gallego
9. Intellectual Property Rights in Free Trade Agreements: Moving Beyond TRIPS Minimum Standards
Pedro Roffe,Christoph Spennemann和Johanna von Braun
P. Bernt Hugenholtz
11. Copyright in TRIPS and Beyond: The WIPO Internet Treaties
Ruth L. Okediji
12. The Protection of ‘Related Rights’ in TRIPS and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
Owen Morgan
13. Marks for Goods or Services (Trademarks)
Annette Kur
14. Unresolved Issues on Geographical Indications in the WTO
Kasturi Das.
Dwijen Rangnekar
16. Exploring the Flexibilities of TRIPS to Promote Biotechnology in Developing Countries
Graham Dutfield,Lois Muraguri和Florian Leverve
17. Compulsory Licensing of Patented Pharmaceutical Inventions: Evaluating the Options
Jerome H. Reichman.
20. The Protection of Semiconductor Chip Products in TRIPS
21. Data Exclusivity for Pharmaceuticals: TRIPS Standards and Industry’s Demands in Free Trade Agreements
Carlos M. Correa