Resilience, Crisis and Innovation Dynamics
Resilience has emerged as a recurrent notion to explain how territorial socio-economic systems adapt successfully (or not) to negative events. In this book, the authors use resilience as a bridging notion to connect different types of theoretical and empirical approaches to help understand the impacts of economic turbulence at the system and actor levels. The book provides a unique overview of the financial crisis and the important dimension of innovation dynamics for regional resilience. It also offers an engaging debate as to how regional resilience can be improved and explores the social aspects of vulnerability, resilience and innovation.
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Resilience has lately emerged as a recurrent notion to explain how territorial socio-economic systems adapt successfully (or not) to negative events. Resilience, Crisis and Innovation Dynamics uses resilience as a bridging notion to connect different types of theoretical and empirical approaches, helping improve understanding of the impacts of economic turbulence at both system and actor levels.
Providing a unique overview of the recent financial crisis, as well as assessing the importance of innovation dynamics for regional resilience, the international array of contributors offers an engaging and thought-provoking debate as to how regional resilience can be improved as well as exploring the social aspects of vulnerability, resilience and innovation. In offering a set of challenges from different regional and structural perspectives, the book helps to consolidate the research surrounding resilience in regional science. Essentially, the contributions consider the relevance of innovation systems, knowledge networks and the role innovation actors play to create new possibilities for preparing for, and adapting to, both present shocks and future problems that may arise.
Offering a wealth of refreshing studies with great value for academia, industry and government, this book will be relevant for students and researchers of economics, urban and regional studies, and innovation as well as regional scientists and planners.
Providing a unique overview of the recent financial crisis, as well as assessing the importance of innovation dynamics for regional resilience, the international array of contributors offers an engaging and thought-provoking debate as to how regional resilience can be improved as well as exploring the social aspects of vulnerability, resilience and innovation. In offering a set of challenges from different regional and structural perspectives, the book helps to consolidate the research surrounding resilience in regional science. Essentially, the contributions consider the relevance of innovation systems, knowledge networks and the role innovation actors play to create new possibilities for preparing for, and adapting to, both present shocks and future problems that may arise.
Offering a wealth of refreshing studies with great value for academia, industry and government, this book will be relevant for students and researchers of economics, urban and regional studies, and innovation as well as regional scientists and planners.
Critical Acclaim
‘There is much to be enjoyed in this volume. Each chapter offers something of interest, particularly to those who have a background in the subject area... the book demonstrates the complexity of this topic and the importance of recognizing how context can influence outcomes. The economic resilience of places, even to shocks experienced in common, is contingent on both time and context, a fact which this book highlights well.’
– Adrian Healy, Prometheus
‘Resilience, Crisis and Innovation Dynamics is a timely and welcome contribution to the debate on economic resilience. The volume takes a fresh look at the topic with a special focus on economic turbulence and vulnerability of regional economies. It brings together a remarkable collection of conceptual and empirical contributions from Europe and beyond, addressing many different dimensions of economic resilience. It is essential reading for practitioners, policy-makers, scholars and students as they seek to understand the ability of regional economies to navigate these turbulent times.’
– Elvira Uyarra, University of Manchester, UK
‘This book, authored by recognised and young authors from thirteen countries across all continents, shows that globalisation raises similar issues for people and places around the world. It fulfils an important role in the production and sharing of scientific knowledge whilst reinforcing the vocation of regional science to respond to emerging issues in the real world.’
– Tomaz Ponce Dentinho, Editor of Regional Science Policy and Practice
– Adrian Healy, Prometheus
‘Resilience, Crisis and Innovation Dynamics is a timely and welcome contribution to the debate on economic resilience. The volume takes a fresh look at the topic with a special focus on economic turbulence and vulnerability of regional economies. It brings together a remarkable collection of conceptual and empirical contributions from Europe and beyond, addressing many different dimensions of economic resilience. It is essential reading for practitioners, policy-makers, scholars and students as they seek to understand the ability of regional economies to navigate these turbulent times.’
– Elvira Uyarra, University of Manchester, UK
‘This book, authored by recognised and young authors from thirteen countries across all continents, shows that globalisation raises similar issues for people and places around the world. It fulfils an important role in the production and sharing of scientific knowledge whilst reinforcing the vocation of regional science to respond to emerging issues in the real world.’
– Tomaz Ponce Dentinho, Editor of Regional Science Policy and Practice
贡献者: P. Bary, T. Baycan, M.B. Baypınar, M. Benke, A.S. Bravo, R. Comunian, P. Cooke, K. Czimre, A.S. Dogruel, F. Dogruel, L. England, A. Faggian, M.E. Ferreira, K.R. Forray, T. Heinonen, B. Jara, D. Kallioras, T. Kozma, B. Martini, S. Márton, F.J. Ortega-Colomer, B.S. Özen, Y. Özerkek, P. Pantazis, E. Pekkola, T.S. Pereira, H. Pinto, Y. Psycharis, M.M. Ridhwan, M. Šipikal, M. Siserova, R.R. Stough, V. Szitasiova, K. Teperics
1. Resilience, Crisis and Innovation Dynamics: Emerging Challenges
Tüzin Baycan and Hugo Pinto
2. The effects of the global economic crisis on the innovation performance of EU countries
Tüzin Baycan and Berna Sezen Özen
3. The resilience of innovation systems under economic turbulence
Hugo Pinto and Tiago Santos Pereira
4. Learning regions for resilience in Hungary: Challenges and opportunities
Magdolna Benke, Klára Czimre, Katalin R. Forray, Tamás Kozma, Sándor Márton and Károly Teperics
5. Innovation support, resilience and regional development in Slovakia
Valeria Szitasiova, Miroslav Sipikal and Monika Siserova
6. The regional effects of macroeconomic shocks in Indonesia
Masagus M. Ridhwan and Pakasa Bary
7. Transversality, Resilience and Innovation: A Qualitative Regional Analysis
8. Labor market resilience and reorientation in disaster scenarios
Benjamin Jara and Alessandra Faggian
9. External Shocks and Regional Economic Performance in Turkey
A. Suut Doğruel, Fatma Doğruel and Yasemin Özerkek
10. Employment changes and regional resilience: An application of trade-adjusted shift-share analysis to the Greek regions
Yannis Psycharis, Dimitris Kallioras and Panagiotis Pantazis
11. Resilience, reorientation and variety: An analysis of Italian provinces after the 2007 economic shock
Barbara Martini
12. Role of engineering education in the transition of industry: Central steering or local resilience?
Francisco Javier Ortega-Colomer, Elias Pekkola and Tuomo Heinonen
13. Learning regions, clusters and resiliency: A typology of regional and cluster dynamics
Roger R. Stough
14. A case study of resilience: The footwear cluster of Northern Portugal
Maria Estela Ferreira
15. Innovation, technology transfers and regional competitiveness: A study for Oeiras Bio-pharmaceutical industry
Ana Santos Bravo
16. Resilience of Software Clusters and Turkey’s Experience
Mete Başar Baypınar
17.的resilience of knowledge from industrial to creative clusters: The case of regional craft clusters in the West Midlands (UK)
Roberta Comunian and Lauren England
1. Resilience, Crisis and Innovation Dynamics: Emerging Challenges
Tüzin Baycan and Hugo Pinto
2. The effects of the global economic crisis on the innovation performance of EU countries
Tüzin Baycan and Berna Sezen Özen
3. The resilience of innovation systems under economic turbulence
Hugo Pinto and Tiago Santos Pereira
4. Learning regions for resilience in Hungary: Challenges and opportunities
Magdolna Benke, Klára Czimre, Katalin R. Forray, Tamás Kozma, Sándor Márton and Károly Teperics
5. Innovation support, resilience and regional development in Slovakia
Valeria Szitasiova, Miroslav Sipikal and Monika Siserova
6. The regional effects of macroeconomic shocks in Indonesia
Masagus M. Ridhwan and Pakasa Bary
7. Transversality, Resilience and Innovation: A Qualitative Regional Analysis
8. Labor market resilience and reorientation in disaster scenarios
Benjamin Jara and Alessandra Faggian
9. External Shocks and Regional Economic Performance in Turkey
A. Suut Doğruel, Fatma Doğruel and Yasemin Özerkek
10. Employment changes and regional resilience: An application of trade-adjusted shift-share analysis to the Greek regions
Yannis Psycharis, Dimitris Kallioras and Panagiotis Pantazis
11. Resilience, reorientation and variety: An analysis of Italian provinces after the 2007 economic shock
Barbara Martini
12. Role of engineering education in the transition of industry: Central steering or local resilience?
Francisco Javier Ortega-Colomer, Elias Pekkola and Tuomo Heinonen
13. Learning regions, clusters and resiliency: A typology of regional and cluster dynamics
Roger R. Stough
14. A case study of resilience: The footwear cluster of Northern Portugal
Maria Estela Ferreira
15. Innovation, technology transfers and regional competitiveness: A study for Oeiras Bio-pharmaceutical industry
Ana Santos Bravo
16. Resilience of Software Clusters and Turkey’s Experience
Mete Başar Baypınar
17.的resilience of knowledge from industrial to creative clusters: The case of regional craft clusters in the West Midlands (UK)
Roberta Comunian and Lauren England