Secured Credit and the Harmonisation of Law
9781849803977 Edward Elgar Publishing
Gerard McCormack揭示了如何常常看到“有效”的法律如何增加可用性,并降低信贷的成本,从而有助于国际发展。他考虑了最全面的国际标准 - 联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸易法委员会)立法指导(2008年) - 实际上适合在国家一级采用。特别是,他检查了美国法律和律师在不适合翻译成其他法律的程度上重塑了指南内容的假设。
Gerard McCormack揭示了如何常常看到“有效”的法律如何增加可用性,并降低信贷的成本,从而有助于国际发展。他考虑了最全面的国际标准 - 联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸易法委员会)立法指导(2008年) - 实际上适合在国家一级采用。特别是,他检查了美国法律和律师在不适合翻译成其他法律的程度上重塑了指南内容的假设。
Critical Acclaim
Gerard McCormack揭示了如何常常看到“有效”的法律如何增加可用性,并降低信贷的成本,从而有助于国际发展。他考虑了最全面的国际标准 - 联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸易法委员会)立法指导(2008年) - 实际上适合在国家一级采用。特别是,他检查了美国法律和律师在不适合翻译成其他法律的程度上重塑了指南内容的假设。
This book will be of great interest to practitioners, policymakers and academics, as well as students, particularly postgraduate students, of law and business throughout the world.
Gerard McCormack揭示了如何常常看到“有效”的法律如何增加可用性,并降低信贷的成本,从而有助于国际发展。他考虑了最全面的国际标准 - 联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸易法委员会)立法指导(2008年) - 实际上适合在国家一级采用。特别是,他检查了美国法律和律师在不适合翻译成其他法律的程度上重塑了指南内容的假设。
This book will be of great interest to practitioners, policymakers and academics, as well as students, particularly postgraduate students, of law and business throughout the world.
Critical Acclaim
- Noel McGrath,银行和财务法律评论
‘. . . the author should be commended for canvassing and discussing an enormous volume of literature on secured transactions. Aside from the speculative theories, it provides a useful guidebook to practitioners and academics, as well as international institutions engaged in secured transactions reform.’
– Marek Dubovec, International Trade Law and Regulation
- Sandra Frisby,Insol World
‘This is a very timely book that addresses an important subject, namely, attempts to harmonise the law governing secured transactions. The focus is on UNCITRAL and its Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions. Professor McCormack has written a provocative book that challenges existing orthodoxy. It is a stimulus for critical thinking and is essential reading for those interested in the subject. It also provides an informed account of the workings of UNCITRAL, contains much valuable material on harmonisation and uniformity, and displays a thorough grounding in the theoretical literature.’
– Michael Bridge, London School of Economics, UK
- Frederique Dahan,欧洲重建和发展银行
- Noel McGrath,银行和财务法律评论
‘. . . the author should be commended for canvassing and discussing an enormous volume of literature on secured transactions. Aside from the speculative theories, it provides a useful guidebook to practitioners and academics, as well as international institutions engaged in secured transactions reform.’
– Marek Dubovec, International Trade Law and Regulation
- Sandra Frisby,Insol World
‘This is a very timely book that addresses an important subject, namely, attempts to harmonise the law governing secured transactions. The focus is on UNCITRAL and its Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions. Professor McCormack has written a provocative book that challenges existing orthodoxy. It is a stimulus for critical thinking and is essential reading for those interested in the subject. It also provides an informed account of the workings of UNCITRAL, contains much valuable material on harmonisation and uniformity, and displays a thorough grounding in the theoretical literature.’
– Michael Bridge, London School of Economics, UK
- Frederique Dahan,欧洲重建和发展银行
内容: Preface 1. Introduction 2. The Case for Harmonising and Modernising the Law of International Trade 3. Harmonising and Modernising Secured Transactions Law 4. National Models and Replication Across International Frontiers – Article 9 of the American Uniform Commercial Law and the English Common Law 5. International Harmonisation Efforts Before the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide 6. The UNCITRAL Secured Transactions Guide 7. The Insolvency Legislative Guide 8. Conclusion Index