Software Ecosystems


Software Ecosystems

Analyzing and Managing Business Networks in the Software Industry

9781782540977 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Slinger Jansen, Assistant Professor of Organisation and Information, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Professor of Organisation and Information, Utrecht University, The Netherlands and Michael A. Cusumano, Professor of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, US
Publication Date:2014 ISBN:978 1 78254 097 7 Extent:360 pp
This book describes the state-of-the-art of software ecosystems. It constitutes a fundamental step towards an empirically based, nuanced understanding of the implications for management, governance, and control of software ecosystems.

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This book describes the state-of-the-art of software ecosystems. It constitutes a fundamental step towards an empirically based, nuanced understanding of the implications for management, governance, and control of software ecosystems.

This is the first book of its kind dedicated to this emerging field and offers guidelines on how to analyze software ecosystems; methods for managing and growing; methods on transitioning from a closed software organization to an open one; and instruments for dealing with open source, licensing issues, product management and app stores. It is unique in bringing together industry experiences, academic views and tackling challenges such as the definition of fundamental concepts of software ecosystems, describing those forces that influence its development and lifecycles, and the provision of methods for the governance of software ecosystems.

This book is an essential starting point for software industry researchers, product managers, and entrepreneurs.
Contributors: T. Aaltonen, T.A. Alspaugh, C. Alves, M. Anvaari, H.U. Asuncion, O. Barbosa, S. Biffl, S. Brinkkemper, M.A. Cusumano, E. den Hartigh, D. Dhungana, R.P. dos Santos, A. Finkelstein, M. Goeminne, I. Groher, I. Hammouda, S. Jansen, A. Jiménez Salas, J. Kabbedijk, M. Kauppinen, T. Kilamo, Y.-R. Li, L. Luinenburg, T. Mens, T. Mikkonen, K.M. Popp, W. Scacchi, E. Schludermann, J. Souer, M. Tol, J. van Angeren, G. van Capelleveen, M. Viljainen, W. Visscher, C. Werner

David Messerschmitt and Clemens Szyperski

Slinger Jansen

1. Defining Software Ecosystems: A Survey of Software Platforms and Business Network Governance
Slinger Jansen and Michael A. Cusumano

2. Business Network Management as a Survival Strategy
Slinger Jansen, Sjaak Brinkkemper and Anthony Finkelstein

3. Guiding Principles of Natural Ecosystems and their Applicability to Software Ecosystems
Deepak Dhungana, Iris Groher, Elisabeth Schludermann and Stefan Biffl

4. A Systematic Mapping Study on Software Ecosystems from a Three-dimensional Perspective
Olavo Barbosa, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos, Carina Alves, Claudia Werner and Slinger Jansen

5. Managing Software Ecosystems through Partnering
Joey van Angeren, Jaap Kabbedijk, Karl Michael Popp and Slinger Jansen

6. The Challenge of Heterogeneously-Licensed Systems in Open Architecture Software Ecosystems
Thomas A. Alspaugh, Hazeline U. Asuncion and Walt Scacchi

7. Framing Management Practices for Keystones in Platform Ecosystems
Martti Viljainen and Marjo Kauppinen

8. Architectural Openness: Comparing Five Mobile Platform Architectures
Mohsen Anvaari and Slinger Jansen

9. The Open Software Enterprise Model: How Open is My Software Business?
Slinger Jansen, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Jurriaan Souer and Lutzen Luinenburg

10. Quality Review and Approval Methods for Extensions in Software Ecosystems
Slinger Jansen and Guido van Capelleveen

11. Measuring the Health of a Business Ecosystem
Erik den Hartigh, Wouter Visscher, Michiel Tol and Adolfo Jiménez Salas

12. Analyzing Ecosystems for Open Source Software Developer Communities
Mathieu Goeminne and Tom Mens

13. Open Source Ecosystems: A Tale of Two Cases
Terhi Kilamo, Imed Hammouda, Tommi Mikkonen and Timo Aaltonen

14. The Technological Roadmap of Cisco’s Business Ecosystem
Yan-Ru Li

15. Unraveling Ruby Ecosystem Dynamics: A Quantitative Network Analysis
Jaap Kabbedijk and Slinger Jansen

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