Strategic Management
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‘This is a first-class collection of important articles on strategy by a “Who’s Who” of leading thinkers in the field. The accessibility and insights of the selected pieces make this well organized two-volume collection an absolutely indispensable resource for any scholar or practitioner who wants to understand the field of strategy in a fast-changing world.’
- 克里斯托弗A. Bartlett,哈佛大学商学院
- 克里斯托弗A. Bartlett,哈佛大学商学院
贡献者包括:J.Barney,R.Burgelman,A. Chandler,S. Ghoshal,G. Hamel,H. Mintzberg,M. Porter,C.K.Prahalad,R. Rumelt,D. Teece
贡献者包括:J.Barney,R.Burgelman,A. Chandler,S. Ghoshal,G. Hamel,H. Mintzberg,M. Porter,C.K.Prahalad,R. Rumelt,D. Teece
Volume I
Introduction Julian Birkinshaw
1. R.E. Caves and M.E. Porter (1977), ‘From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers: Conjectural Decisions and Contrived Deterrence to New Competition’
2. Michael E. Porter (1981), ‘The Contributions of Industrial Organization To Strategic Management’
3. Michael E. Porter(1979),'如何竞争力态策略'
4. Michael E. Porter(1996),'什么是战略?'
5. Richard E. Caves和Pankaj Ghemawat(1992),“识别移动障碍”
6. Alan I. Murray (1988), ‘A Contingency View of Porter’s “Generic Strategies”’
7. Karel Cool和Ingemar Dierickx(1993),'竞争,战略团体和坚定的盈利能力'
8. John McGee and Howard Thomas (1986), ‘Strategic Groups: Theory, Research and Taxonomy’
9. Carl Shapiro (1989), ‘The Theory of Business Strategy’
10. Garth Saloner(1991),“建模,博弈论和战略管理”
11. Avinash Dixit (1980), ‘The Role of Investment in Entry-Deterrence’
12. Marvin B. Lieberman and David B. Montgomery (1988), ‘First-Mover Advantages’
13. Richard P. Rumelt (1991), ‘How Much Does Industry Matter?’
14. Birger Wernerfelt (1984), ‘A Resource-based View of the Firm’
15. S.A. Lippman and R.P. Rumelt (1982), ‘Uncertain Imitability: An Analysis of Interfirm Differences in Efficiency under Competition’
16. Ingemar Dierickx和Karel Cool(1989),'资产股票积累和竞争优势的可持续性'
17. Jay B. Barney (1986), ‘Strategic Factor Markets: Expectations, Luck, and Business Strategy’
18.Jay Barney (1991), ‘Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage’
20. Margaret A. Peteraf (1993), ‘The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-based View’
21. C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel (1990), ‘The Core Competence of the Corporation’
22. George Stalk, Philip Evans and Lawrence E. Shulman (1992), ‘Competing on Capabilities: The New Rules of Corporate Strategy’
23. David J. Teece, Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen (1997), ‘Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management’
24. Benjamin Klein,Robert G. Crawford和Armen A. Alchian(1978),'垂直整合,占用租金和竞争性的契约过程'
25. Kirk Monteverde and David J. Teece (1982), ‘Supplier Switching Costs and Vertical Integration in the Automobile Industry’
26. David J. Teece (1982), ‘Towards an Economic Theory of the Multiproduct Firm’
27. Richard P. Rumelt (1982), ‘Diversification Strategy and Profitability’
28. Cynthia A. Montgomery (1994), ‘Corporate Diversification’
29. Constantinos标志和彼得J. Williamson(1994),“相关多样化,核心竞争力和企业绩效”
30. Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. (1991), ‘The Functions of the HQ Unit in the Multibusiness Firm’
31. David J. Inclis和Cynthia A. Montgomery(1998),“创建公司优势”
32. Michael Goold and Andrew Campbell(1998),“拼命寻求协同作用”
33. Andrew Campbell, Michael Goold and Marcus Alexander (1995), ‘Corporate Strategy: The Quest for Parenting Advantage’
Name Index
An introduction by the editor to both volumes appears in Volume I
1. Robert A. Burgelman (1983), ‘A Model of the Interaction of Strategic Behavior, Corporate Context, and the Concept of Strategy’
3. Richard T. Pascale(1984年),“战略视角:本田成功的真实故事”
4. Henry Mintzberg and James A. Waters (1985), ‘Of Strategies, Deliberate and Emergent’
5. Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher A. Bartlett (1994), ‘Linking Organizational Context and Managerial Action: The Dimensions of Quality of Management’
6. William Ocasio (1997), ‘Towards an Attention-based View of the Firm’
7. W. Chan Kim和RenéeMauborgne(1997年),“重视创新:高增长的战略逻辑”
8. Constantinos Markides (1997), ‘Strategic Innovation’
9. Clayton M. Christensen and Joseph L. Bower (1996), ‘Customer Power, Strategic Investment, and the Failure of Leading Firms’
10. Gary Hamel (1999), ‘Bringing Silicon Valley Inside’
11. Wesley M. Cohen和Daniel A. Levinthal(1990),'吸收能力:关于学习和创新的新视角'
12. Dorothy Leonard-Barton(1992),'核心能力和核心刚性:管理新产品开发的悖论'
13. Michael L. Tushman and Phillip Anderson (1986), ‘Technological Discontinuities and Organizational Environments’
14. Rebecca M. Henderson and Kim B. Clark (1990), ‘Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms’
15. James G. March (1991), ‘Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning’
16. Elaine Romanelli and Michael L. Tushman (1994), ‘Organizational Transformation as Punctuated Equilibrium: An Empirical Test’
17. C.K.Prahalad和Richard A. Bettis(1986),'主导逻辑:多样性和性能之间的新联动'
18.拉rry E. Greiner (1972), ‘Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow’
19. Bruce Kogut and Udo Zander (1992), ‘Knowledge of the Firm, Combinative Capabilities, and the Replication of Technology’
20. Raymond Vernon(1966年),'产品周期的国际投资和国际贸易'
21. Raymond Vernon (1979), ‘The Product Cycle Hypothesis in a New International Environment’
22. John H. Dunning (1980), ‘Toward an Eclectic Theory of International Production: Some Empirical Tests’
23. David J. Teece (1981), ‘The Multinational Enterprise: Market Failure and Market Power Considerations’
24. Michael E. Porter (1986), ‘Changing Patterns of International Competition’
25.乔治S. YIP(1989),“全球战略......在一个国家的世界中?”
26. Christopher A. Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal (1987), ‘Managing across Borders: New Strategic Requirements’
27. Sumantra Ghoshal (1987), ‘Global Strategy: An Organizing Framework’
28. Julian Birkinshaw, Allen Morrison and John Hulland (1995), ‘Structural and Competitive Determinants of a Global Integration Strategy’
Name Index
Volume I
Introduction Julian Birkinshaw
1. R.E. Caves and M.E. Porter (1977), ‘From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers: Conjectural Decisions and Contrived Deterrence to New Competition’
2. Michael E. Porter (1981), ‘The Contributions of Industrial Organization To Strategic Management’
3. Michael E. Porter(1979),'如何竞争力态策略'
4. Michael E. Porter(1996),'什么是战略?'
5. Richard E. Caves和Pankaj Ghemawat(1992),“识别移动障碍”
6. Alan I. Murray (1988), ‘A Contingency View of Porter’s “Generic Strategies”’
7. Karel Cool和Ingemar Dierickx(1993),'竞争,战略团体和坚定的盈利能力'
8. John McGee and Howard Thomas (1986), ‘Strategic Groups: Theory, Research and Taxonomy’
9. Carl Shapiro (1989), ‘The Theory of Business Strategy’
10. Garth Saloner(1991),“建模,博弈论和战略管理”
11. Avinash Dixit (1980), ‘The Role of Investment in Entry-Deterrence’
12. Marvin B. Lieberman and David B. Montgomery (1988), ‘First-Mover Advantages’
13. Richard P. Rumelt (1991), ‘How Much Does Industry Matter?’
14. Birger Wernerfelt (1984), ‘A Resource-based View of the Firm’
15. S.A. Lippman and R.P. Rumelt (1982), ‘Uncertain Imitability: An Analysis of Interfirm Differences in Efficiency under Competition’
16. Ingemar Dierickx和Karel Cool(1989),'资产股票积累和竞争优势的可持续性'
17. Jay B. Barney (1986), ‘Strategic Factor Markets: Expectations, Luck, and Business Strategy’
18.Jay Barney (1991), ‘Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage’
20. Margaret A. Peteraf (1993), ‘The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-based View’
21. C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel (1990), ‘The Core Competence of the Corporation’
22. George Stalk, Philip Evans and Lawrence E. Shulman (1992), ‘Competing on Capabilities: The New Rules of Corporate Strategy’
23. David J. Teece, Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen (1997), ‘Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management’
24. Benjamin Klein,Robert G. Crawford和Armen A. Alchian(1978),'垂直整合,占用租金和竞争性的契约过程'
25. Kirk Monteverde and David J. Teece (1982), ‘Supplier Switching Costs and Vertical Integration in the Automobile Industry’
26. David J. Teece (1982), ‘Towards an Economic Theory of the Multiproduct Firm’
27. Richard P. Rumelt (1982), ‘Diversification Strategy and Profitability’
28. Cynthia A. Montgomery (1994), ‘Corporate Diversification’
29. Constantinos标志和彼得J. Williamson(1994),“相关多样化,核心竞争力和企业绩效”
30. Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. (1991), ‘The Functions of the HQ Unit in the Multibusiness Firm’
31. David J. Inclis和Cynthia A. Montgomery(1998),“创建公司优势”
32. Michael Goold and Andrew Campbell(1998),“拼命寻求协同作用”
33. Andrew Campbell, Michael Goold and Marcus Alexander (1995), ‘Corporate Strategy: The Quest for Parenting Advantage’
Name Index
An introduction by the editor to both volumes appears in Volume I
1. Robert A. Burgelman (1983), ‘A Model of the Interaction of Strategic Behavior, Corporate Context, and the Concept of Strategy’
3. Richard T. Pascale(1984年),“战略视角:本田成功的真实故事”
4. Henry Mintzberg and James A. Waters (1985), ‘Of Strategies, Deliberate and Emergent’
5. Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher A. Bartlett (1994), ‘Linking Organizational Context and Managerial Action: The Dimensions of Quality of Management’
6. William Ocasio (1997), ‘Towards an Attention-based View of the Firm’
7. W. Chan Kim和RenéeMauborgne(1997年),“重视创新:高增长的战略逻辑”
8. Constantinos Markides (1997), ‘Strategic Innovation’
9. Clayton M. Christensen and Joseph L. Bower (1996), ‘Customer Power, Strategic Investment, and the Failure of Leading Firms’
10. Gary Hamel (1999), ‘Bringing Silicon Valley Inside’
11. Wesley M. Cohen和Daniel A. Levinthal(1990),'吸收能力:关于学习和创新的新视角'
12. Dorothy Leonard-Barton(1992),'核心能力和核心刚性:管理新产品开发的悖论'
13. Michael L. Tushman and Phillip Anderson (1986), ‘Technological Discontinuities and Organizational Environments’
14. Rebecca M. Henderson and Kim B. Clark (1990), ‘Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms’
15. James G. March (1991), ‘Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning’
16. Elaine Romanelli and Michael L. Tushman (1994), ‘Organizational Transformation as Punctuated Equilibrium: An Empirical Test’
17. C.K.Prahalad和Richard A. Bettis(1986),'主导逻辑:多样性和性能之间的新联动'
18.拉rry E. Greiner (1972), ‘Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow’
19. Bruce Kogut and Udo Zander (1992), ‘Knowledge of the Firm, Combinative Capabilities, and the Replication of Technology’
20. Raymond Vernon(1966年),'产品周期的国际投资和国际贸易'
21. Raymond Vernon (1979), ‘The Product Cycle Hypothesis in a New International Environment’
22. John H. Dunning (1980), ‘Toward an Eclectic Theory of International Production: Some Empirical Tests’
23. David J. Teece (1981), ‘The Multinational Enterprise: Market Failure and Market Power Considerations’
24. Michael E. Porter (1986), ‘Changing Patterns of International Competition’
25.乔治S. YIP(1989),“全球战略......在一个国家的世界中?”
26. Christopher A. Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal (1987), ‘Managing across Borders: New Strategic Requirements’
27. Sumantra Ghoshal (1987), ‘Global Strategy: An Organizing Framework’
28. Julian Birkinshaw, Allen Morrison and John Hulland (1995), ‘Structural and Competitive Determinants of a Global Integration Strategy’
Name Index