Systems of Innovation


Systems of Innovation

Selected Essays in Evolutionary Economics

9781847203854 Edward Elgar Publishing
The late Christopher Freeman, former Emeritus Professor, SPRU, University of Sussex, UK
Publication Date:2008 ISBN:978 1 84720 385 4 Extent:288 pp
Books on innovation have proliferated in the last quarter of a century, during what the author describes as ‘the Schumpeterian Renaissance’. This volume provides an authoritative account of many of these new developments and represents the foundation of much ongoing research on innovation.

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Books on innovation have proliferated in the last quarter of a century, during what the author describes as ‘the Schumpeterian Renaissance’. This volume provides an authoritative account of many of these new developments and represents the foundation of much ongoing research on innovation.

这个最高级的文章由克里斯•弗里曼founder of SPRU and one of the pioneers of innovation studies, will be of interest to anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding of technical and social change. The wide-scope lens of the author covers topics ranging from business cycles, through National Systems of Innovation to the information technology paradigm. Having this valuable material in a single volume will be welcomed by all those involved in the economics of innovation, be it in theory, policy or practice.
Critical Acclaim
‘Being asked to write a foreword to Chris Freeman’s Selected Essays has been for me an honour and a privilege. . . As one of the most prominent founding fathers of the economics of innovation as a distinct sub-discipline of social science and as influential maître-à-penser within and outside evolutionary economics and economic history, he has deserved for quite a while the most prestigious recognition in economics. . .’
– From the foreword by Giovanni Dosi
Contents: Foreword by Giovanni Dosi 1. Introduction 2. Technological Infrastructure and International Competitiveness 3. Structural Crises of Adjustment, Business Cycles and Investment Behaviour with Carlota Perez 4. Innovation and Growth 5. Family Allowances, Technical Change, Inequality and Social Policy 6. Continental, National and Sub-national Innovation Systems – Complementarity and Economic Growth 7. Rise of East Asian Economies and the Computerisation of the World Economy 8. A Hard Landing for the ‘New Economy’? Information Technology and the United States National System of Innovation 9. ‘Catching Up’ and Innovation Systems: Implications for Eastern Europe 10. The ICT Paradigm 11. A Schumpeterian Renaissance? 12. Conclusions: A ‘Theory of Reasoned History’ Index
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