The Dynamics of Regions and Networks in Industrial Ecosystems


The Dynamics of Regions and Networks in Industrial Ecosystems

9781847207425 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Matthias Ruth, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, University of York, UK and Brynhildur Davidsdottir, Associate Professor of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Iceland, Reykjavik and Director, Graduate Program in Environment and Natural Resources
Publication Date:2009 ISBN:978 1 84720 742 5 Extent:264 pp
Industrial ecology provides a rigorous and comprehensive description of human production and consumption processes in the larger context of environmental and socioeconomic change. This volume offers methodologies for such descriptions, with contributions covering both basic and advanced analytical concepts and tools to explore the dynamics of industrial ecosystems, concentrating specifically on regions and networks.

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Industrial ecology provides a rigorous and comprehensive description of human production and consumption processes in the larger context of environmental and socioeconomic change. This volume offers methodologies for such descriptions, with contributions covering both basic and advanced analytical concepts and tools to explore the dynamics of industrial ecosystems, concentrating specifically on regions and networks.

Each of the book’s three parts contains an introduction by a leader in the field, as well as chapters ranging from conceptual models to case study applications. The first part offers an introduction to the main themes and issues surrounding regional and networked industrial ecosystems. The subsequent two parts broaden and deepen the discussion with emphasis on the regional and network characters relevant for analysis and management. The scale of issues ranges from buildings to regions to entire nations, with methods that range from input–output analysis to computer-assisted simulation games.

Researchers in the fields of industrial ecology, ecological economics, environmental and energy policy, environmental engineering, and resource and environmental economics will find this comprehensive book of great interest.
贡献者:点艾伦,l . Basson Baynes t, P。Beavis, C. Bernier, J.A. Black, M.R. Chertow, G. Cicas, B. Cohen, B. Davidsdottir, G.P.J. Dijkema, J.R. Ehrenfeld, B. Gallego, C.T. Hendrickson, R. Kempener, J. Laitner, J. Lennox, M. Lenzen, S.M. Lloyd, H.S. Matthews, A. Meier, S.J. Moore, I. Nikolic, J. Petrie, R. Ries, D.L. Rigby, M. Ruth, G.M. Turner, K.H. van Dam, J. West

John R. Ehrenfeld

1. The Dynamics of Regional and Networks in Industrial Ecosystems: Background and Concepts
Matthias Ruth and Brynhildur Davidsdottir

2. Dynamics of Geographically Based Industrial Ecosystems
Marian R. Chertow

3. Regional Dynamics and Industrial Ecosystems: An Introduction
David L. Rigby

4. Spatial and Temporal Life Cycle Assessment: Ozone Formation Potential from Natural Gas Use in a Typical Residential Building in Pittsburgh, USA
Shannon M. Lloyd and Robert Ries

5. Estimating Generalized Regional Input–Output Systems: A Case Study of Australia
Blanca Gallego and Manfred Lenzen

6. The Economic and Environmental Consequences of Reduced Air Transport Services in Pennsylvania: A Regional Input–Output Life Cycle Assessment Case Study
Gyorgyi Cicas, Chris T. Hendrickson and H. Scott Matthews

7. Design Approach Frameworks, Regional Metabolism and Scenarios for Sustainability
Tim Baynes, Jim West and Graham M. Turner

8. Learning and Evolution in Industrial Ecosystems: An Introduction
Peter M. Allen

9. A Framework for Analysis of Industrial Networks
Ruud Kempener, Brett Cohen, Lauren Basson and Jim Petrie

10. Understanding and Shaping the Evolution of Sustainable Large-Scale Socio-Technical Systems
Igor Nikolic, Gerard P.J. Dijkema and Koen H. van Dam

11. Futures Scenarios of Industrial Ecosystems: A Research Design for Transportation Planning
Paul Beavis, John A. Black, James Lennox, Graham M. Turner and Stephen J. Moore

12. PowerPlay: Developing Strategies to Promote Energy Efficiency
Matthias Ruth, Clark Bernier, Alan Meier and John ‘Skip’ Laitner

13. The Dynamics of Regions and Networks in Industrial Ecosystems: Retrospect and Prospect
Brynhildur Davidsdottir and Matthias Ruth

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